I have booked an rendezvous with a particular SP. It's in a couple of days, typically I'm not one for future bookings, but she seemed worth the wait. She was going to firm up with a time, and reach out to me in a couple day from the initial communication. I know some SPs like to book in advance, and some only prefer to book within the hour or two. She was the on who indicated she wouldn't be available until later this weekend, not me, but it fit my schedule perfectly.
I've tried to reach out a couple of times, just to keep in touch, and to reaffirm I am still interested in meeting on our arranged day, but I have not received any return comms. It has me worried, I'm not sure what to do because I want to see her, she fits all of my desired boxes and more, and I haven't found anyone else local that ticks all the right boxes (there are plenty of wonderful available women I would be interested in seeing, but I have my heart set...)
What should I do friends?