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Jade-S (Retired)

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Everything posted by Jade-S (Retired)

  1. Do you believe you are what you think you are, and that you ultimately have the power to shape your own life based on your beliefs? Do you beleive that when you have an outlook of LACK, lack of happiness, prosperity, abundance of any kind that, that is how you will experience the world? Will you only see a life that is lacking. Does the opposite also apply? What do you think makes some more successful than others? Is it drive? Ambition? Luck? or an unfailing belief that they are going to make it no matter what? If I asked you what your passion is, could you tell me your living it everyday? Does it make a difference to success? Whether your living your dream? Whether you absolutely love what you do? As opposed to going to work at a job you need rather than want. Because its something you have to do. To survive. If you could give it all up today and follow your dream would you? I guess ultimately my question is. Are you living YOUR best life. Are you doing the things that make YOU happy? Musings from me... Jade x
  2. Thunder storms. As absurd as that sounds though I really like using at as a reason If I dont already have one to get happily distracted! ;)
  3. Being sick sucks and not in a good way! nuff said
  4. I would love to go to Ireland. but mostly I want to stand in the center of Stonehenge... Is that weird? lol
  5. Is a fireplace and blanket and a good book when you're under the weather
  6. To me our gentlemen are coming to see us to fill much more than a physical need. Quite often it seems to me that it is also an emotional or mental one. There are many reasons at least to me that men go outside of the home or search out an SP. And its a desire to have that need filled. I think? and I could be wrong is their needs for MUTUAL attraction, satisfaction, pleasure are a huge part of what they feel is missing? Or at the least its part and parcel. I sincerely hope that while Im with a gentleman I fill much more than a basic physical need. I think allowing my own pleasure is a part of that :)
  7. I think the best part of my day was reading Lexy's post in this thread. It was uplifting and a great reminder! Thanks Lexy!
  8. I had an amazing fun dinner with my family yesterday, I've not seen them much lately and I missed them like crazy! It was an absolutely perfect day all the way around....:) And today well its too early to tell, but Im betting something great is going to happen. :)
  9. Right this moment I'm incredibly grateful for a little invention called Motrin, as last night I was seduced by a crisp cold white wine... The best part of my day will be when it kicks in and cures my headache! LOL
  10. So often we focus on the negative of our daily lives. Yes which truly sucks sometimes! lol That being said, Of all the crappy things that could happen today, or did. What was the best part of your day? Mine today, was a couple of things. Amidst the grumbling and groaning (yes from me) with a room stacked with boxes and mess. But...the sun is shining that makes me happy. (we've had a helluva lot of rain lately!) And an email, it put a very nice smile on my face. :)
  11. Can someone please tell me to get off CERB and go pack a box...HAHA! I'm moving in a week. And what am I doing? Reading threads, nodding my head in appreciation, smiling, laughing all in a room that looks quite frankly like a tonrnado hit it. UGH! And still...here I am.... Somebody help!! Or better yet, somebody pack for me and I will keep reading then have a nap! :icon_lol:
  12. You can see the (for lack of a better term) the lips.... How did anyone mistake this for a mushroom!? I think I'm going to die from laughter...OMG!
  13. I suppose what I meant by this and I should have clarified. :) Was, I think and know on a personal level (for example) Im not a 15 minute girl. (Though as the other ladies stated I have no issue with a quicky occasionally! :icon_biggrin:) But thats different. Or one who could see numerous clients a day Dont misunderstand there is no judgement whatsoever for the professional ladies that do, do this. I think its great, I just know I couldnt. (perhaps they couldnt see themselves offering tantric sex for example ;) ) At the core of me, It, I think would weigh on me eventually,therefor, losing myself. It just deviates too far from who I am. I'm much happier in myself and what I provide in longer time and fewer clients and I enoy it far more. In staying with my natural personality as Peachy said. That being said, it also has the potential to bring out the best parts of your personality as well, As per April Dawn and Peachy, who gained their self confidence not just in their professional lives but also their personal lives, to me that is a huge acheivement. They didnt change who they are, because backrubman you're right, ultimately you cant change who you are. But they enhanced and brought out what was already there. Which is a positive. The negative aspect of that would be providing a service that wouldnt sit right on a personal level. Which in the end would backfire because what you're providing you arent enjoying, neither would the client...which defeats the entire purpose. It brings us back time and time to indiviuality and personality, if it wasnt a factor, there wouldnt be so many varying types of services provided or being sought. And it takes all sorts of personalities to be able to provide and excel at these different types of services. Each as important, as the other. Which was ultimately what the original thread was about (before I hijacked it! LOL) Was how much of what you provide/search for is based on your own personality traits for SP's and clients alike :) I talk too much....lol :icon_eek: Jade Additional Comments: Cat...:icon_biggrin: Exactly! Very well said. And far better than I could have. Thank you
  14. Once again the Gentleman of CERB outdid themselves. Thank you for being so open and forthcoming. This question intrigued me. For me its very personality based. Who I am, what I'm about had to factor into the service provided. I knew what felt right for me, and what didnt. Peachy thank you for your input.:) While I was reading yours, I was thinking atta girl! I think youre probably a pretty remarkable woman. I wonder if (I wonder if I'm going to hijack my own thread saying this..haha) but I wonder if as an SP if you go too far out of who you are, if there is a higher possibility of losing yourself in the process? Another thought to ponder..LOL Jade xoxo
  15. I just had a very interesting conversation which led me to wonder, how as an SP did you decide which kind of service you wished to provide. And if you started one way, and refined it to something altogether different..what was the factor? Or did you start, the way you meant to carry on? As has been said before, we all have personal reasons for entering this profession. How did you fine tune it to meet your own desires/needs as well? And how much does your personality reflect with the individual services provided? Also as a Gentleman, how do you truly decide on an SP? And once again how much does personality (yours) factor in? As it varies from person to person, that each individual has personal needs to be met. Is it based on desires/needs from an emotional or physical level? or both? Is one more important and the other secondary? And why? What draws you to a particular SP? your personality and what desires/needs you would like fulfilled? or their personality and what they provide to fulfill that desire/need? Or is it both? To find an SP that matches you more in personality than anything else? Curiosity.... Jade
  16. After reading Northerntantras reply it made me think if in fact these are the reasons I actually do this.... By this, I mean weighing options, trying to make a decision. It brought me to a moment that I know I did this and it was commented on. It was an I really want to kiss you moment. Hadnt thought about it until just now but it was definitely a should I or shouldnt I moment. Upon further reflection I would guess you're right :) Though as for doing this during a neck or ear nibble I couldnt tell you. At that point Im usually already lost and not having any awareness of whether or not I'm biting my lip as I'm already concentrating on the other task at hand...;) Thankyou for your insight. I learned something new about myself today. Jade xo
  17. I have to say...I do this. A lot! haah I cant tell you why other woman do, only why I do. Instinctually I think I always have, or certainly I dont remember a time when I didnt. Different scenarios, different reasons. Sometimes its shyness. Usually in reponse to somebody saying something nice. A compliment or such.. Sometimes its because I really want to kiss you.. Or when I'm having very naughty thoughts! In general...it's things that make me go hmmmmmmmm ;) A peek into the female mind Jade xoxo
  18. Thank you :) Each of your responses are truly appreciated and valued. The definitions provided by Pete and Hank are right, (thank you xo) this takes time and patience and as said before connection, trust, communication and a level of intimacy with your SP to begin with. And yes...time with your SP would have to be longer. (Really such a bad thing?) hahah But think of all the fun you could have learning! It is eroticism, intimacy and sensuality at its finest :) Thank you gentleman :) Out of curiousity...what else could an SP provide? Kama Sutra perhaps? Jade xoxo
  19. Welcome to CERB :) I am also relatively new and I have to say Im constantly amazed by the people here... They are supportive caring, intelligent and manage to provide profound insight. I hope you find yourself as comfortable as I have :) Again, welcome
  20. I was reading the responses from the incredible CERB gentleman on the Mind/Body Connection thread, and it brought me to something else I had been thinking about trying... As a client would any of you consider bringing intimacy/sensuality with your SP to the next level by engaging in Tantric Sex during an encounter? Provided you have an honest connection and a level of trust with her? Looking forward to hearing your thoughts... Jade xoxo
  21. It is heartening to see you gentleman in agreement. :) And Peachy! ;)Thank you for that. I suppose on many levels, this is ultimately the kind of service I wish to always provide. Intimacy. Of not just the body, but of the mind as well. While I understand by choice we provide a service. One that for the most part is very very enjoyable! Though,that said, I am still human. I dont ever wish to be faceless or nameless. or Anonymous (Porthos, xo) or as Backrubman stated a doll. My wish is when you leave, is that you are content, enchanted happlily seduced! But also that you felt cared for, you felt the fulfilment that only true intimacy can bring, not just physical gratification. I hope that you all find that in your encounters... Jade xoxo
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