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About kingston8inch

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  1. I received a message from the bombshell that is Julia Mae, she is contemplating a visit tomorrow (Friday December 6) Number ends is 2247, your welcome! NO DEPOSIT Just an absolute stunner, incredible deepthroat, only offers CBJ, but it is better then any **** I have had… I promise she is well worth the visit, keep an eye out for her ad on leolist…
  2. Man lives in the sunlit world of what he believes to be reality. But, there is, unseen by most, an Underworld, a place that is just as real, but not as brightly lit, a Dark side. The Dark Side is always there, waiting for us to enter, waiting to enter us. Your hate has made you powerful. Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering Yes, give into the hate, ignore the people reaching out to help you on this post, it will make you stronger. Imagine the guy you put down for thanking my post even offered free transportation! No Kitty its 15 years of meeting SPs, and the conversations with them, I have met more SPs then you, you have met more clients then I have, we both have views from either sides of the table. I see a trend towards malfeasance (deposits/fakeads) and a noticeable increase in drug use/partying/etc these were not advertised (or made up a very small percentage) a decade ago. That is not to say it didn’t exist but it has become prevalent, this is also a good indicator that the clientele has shifted, for “partying” to be acceptable the clients must want it, the quality of both client and provider has shifted. I agree completely that the number of request you have to field is huge compared to the number that actually show up, and thats not completely fair to your profession. On the other hand the number of fake ads and unscrupulous providers (fly by night) has increased as well, exasperating the problem of increased no shows on your end, the trust is not strong, when we as clients have to pay for what you don’t see, just as we don’t see your no shows. I don’t have all the answers for you, but yes you can get people to call you, and yes you can request a picture of someones hand or some biometric that if they don’t show goes into the archives and you can use to compare against future requests, technology is very strong to check these for you, if you can get a job at a Touch of class might be the solution you need. Shyanne got her own post for my detailed review, see past your anger and you will be free! The struggle you communicated is not going to improve unless you change up your approach.
  3. Visit Shyanne, solidified my previous points on deposits, pricing and profitability, not to mention etiquette….
  4. You lack perspective, context and apparently logic. It was not directed at you but when the shoe fits… or in your case if the world revolves around you. Perspective is what you gain when you look back at the history of a topic, also found in poorer countries, where rape, pimps, and diseases are rampant, all of which you are insulated from and have the means to mitigate. Your hardships constitute make up, shower and “preparing”, your counterparts that are likely within a few blocks of your residence have been trafficked, smuggled and sometimes forced into the industry, they may or may not have the freedom to decline a client or service, a no show is goddam relief to them. Context is found when you meet good SPs, that have worked and toured successfully because they earned a stellar reputation for the services they provide and the manner they conduct themselves, not because they show up and expect Toronto rates from a prison/university/military town.🤪 then go on a public forum to absolutely shit on the people that pay them. They will have done the trip a few times before it becomes financially successful, and in business, which is what an SP is in, that is called an investment! They will also do “market research and analysis” to determine the client base they cater to exists and also the rate in which the market will accept. You can indeed use the abundant resources in our country and incredible advances in technology to better vet your precious single client that you draw your relied upon income from, and avoid the overwhelming disappointment of a no show, and subsequent fruitless attempts at a cancellation fee. I am sorry what university gave you a degree in sucking dick? Are you a lawyer now? Should I prepare my retainer oh sorry deposit before I show up? Doctors charge a cancellation fee, you get it in your head it’s something I deserve. I have zero problem phoning to confirm an appointment, better yet you could ask for a picture of the client with a proof of date, ie newspaper, I mean your so low volume, having the confirmation is worth the $280 hr your asking, I mean you have no trouble finding clients! Right? How about all those clients you turn away because you’re booked, something along the lines of, “if I have a cancellation would you like to make the appointment earlier?” Thats doctor like! Again you are in a BUSINESS you invest in the opportunity to service men for a fee, that requires you to know the market and adjust your rates or location accordingly. $1500 for a trip, 2-1/2 days, I won’t comment on your expenses, but you obviously did a poor job of marketing, research and confirmation, and a piss poor job of budgeting, or as it may be self control. Finally we reach logic. Logic tells us that, no matter how much you mitigate your risks, no matter how much you do to secure appointments with deposits, all the market research, and all the detailed budgeting is for not when we as clients decide it just is not worth jumping through those goddam hoops when a new girl shows up and sporadically they do, they absolutely decimate your demands with a friendly and concise attitude and response that commands respect and showing up is never in question. I cannot help you further, you are welcome for my two cents, make it a deposit for possible future appointments.
  5. Deposits are not required nor should they be acceptable. Its pretty straightforward you are an SP, I am a client, you provide a service I pay upfront for the service, it used to be a thing to only give half upfront! If an SP takes a booking and its a no show that happens once, they block the number. I refuse to see the financial damage a no show inflicts upon an SP, did you turn a load of bookings away from it? Doesn’t sound like that is the case… Now if I requested an out of town SP to travel here and don’t show thats a completely different story. I can see if your a part time SP and your two days of working is suddenly filled with no shows, but still shouldn’t be a ongoing problem, once you weed the no shows out…you will be left with paying clients. phone calls and short notice bookings could solve most of the arguments and issues as this is historically how the business operates. I feel for some of the SP’s out there, those who stick to acceptable prices and bookings, provide excellent service, go the extra mile and do it full time. They have to watch the Trolls, drug addicts, and part time drama queens charge unbelievable rates, for abysmal service, disgusting hygiene and bold face lies, with some having the audacity to demand deposits, which btw completely leaves the clients identity exposed, thats a massive red flag for 90%. sorry kitty, it aint our fault, set the time if they don’t show take the next appointment, if there isn’t another appointment, it isn’t the client’s fault… I am not going to say you have an enviable job, but it is lucrative and the oldest profession known to man, you could try exchanging places with a SP from a poorer country and see what they go through! bottom line, prices are way too high, thats why you can’t book or have no shows, full stop
  6. Queen st. Was a good experience first go, great building for sure, but they switched the girl out I echo the above, the old lady that works there the majority of the time is just not good, I walked out three times, they just don’t tell you who is working. maybe if she was a $60 hh $120hr pricing, but shes got a sizeable gut and is quite robotic.
  7. The discussion I frequently have with white or Canadian born SPs is the changing client base that Kingston has now. I generally like to welcome new faces, and wish them a pleasant stay, even if I cannot meet them, a short and polite hello can help. I have had a few longer discussions with independent SPs regarding positive and negative aspects of the trade. We have experienced a sharp influx of people from India/Pakistan/Punjabi etc. I have heard a chorus of discontent regarding this client base and the disconnect they may have from a typical client from this area/country. In addition to that we pale in comparison to the numbers a SP or parlour can accommodate in a bigger city. I think those two factors are predominantly at play in Kingston. I echo your sentiments with the seemingly gang like control Asians have garnered here, but threats have never been even hinted. I do firmly believe the Asians have been able to circumnavigate border controls and are actively human trafficking which, puts that in a whole other league of shame. It will only be a matter of time before Asian SPs and the hosting locations are all together passed on by the clients who have experienced the short comings they have to offer.
  8. JuliaMae is only around sporadically, but my first visit was the best interaction with a working girl I have experienced since jewel in Kingston ~10-15 years ago. Karamel is not far off, and she visits more often, highly recommend her too, in terms of anal she is the undisputed champion of the world, and a very close second on everything else. Julia Mae is early 20’s, white with an awesome body and spirit. Service was just stupendous. Deepthroat. Actual throat. Gagging. What a champion. I went to a so called ‘sukka deepthroat’ that complained about the size of my dick. Julia was a star, talkative, absolutely put me at ease. So on top of the deepthroat it was delightfully sloppy, and she does insist on covered, I should recommend you start accepting that as standard, take a look at the std rates in our area if you want further confirmation. She has unbelievably soft skin. Tight tight tight pussy. The kicker was I stayed and hung out for ages past what I paid for, great conversation and I actually got to pick her brain. Downside is, she doesn’t work alot in this area, you see an ad for a barbie named Julia Mae, take the hour and thank me after your dick tickles with happiness. otherwise see Karamel, she is as her ad mentions, a smart cookie, and equally intelligent and engaging, and by far the best ass out there, and her prices are unbelievable!
  9. Had a good few asain experiences, but not as of recent, switched gears to a tall blonde “sukka deepthroat” not a repeatable endeavour, nor recommended had Mia the spinner cancel 3 minutes before the booking made a few hours in advance. Any suggestions on good service that is reliably consistent?
  10. Thanks very much, was curious. Sigh….. I miss 10 years ago with the likes of Jewel. She was a Gem.
  11. Curious if anyone has enjoyed a visit?
  12. Anais has a killer butt, Everything else was just excellent. Shame its her 2nd visit, such an awesome ass. Have fun with her when she is around. Again killer butt.
  13. Definitely worth it, Body is better then pictures perky Bs In the top 3 asses my hands have touched, kitty cat is a beauty. Service was on point, surprisingly good massage. $$$ bit much for ktown but was reflected in good service. Reminded me of jewel from 10 years ago.
  14. Will be adding to the reviews after my appointment tomorrow morning. Looking forward to it.
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