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Everything posted by Brad

  1. Proud Nova Scotian here. The generosity and politeness of most people. I don't feel right if I can't drive to the ocean on a whim. Appreciate the hills of Cape Breton to the waves of the Bay of Fundy. I like that no one thinks hearing random bagpipes is odd. And I love the east-coast ladies! (yes I'm biased; can you blame me?)
  2. I'm probably too young to think this curmudgeonly, but the idea that a person should always be available for an immediate response saddens me. I don't tend to text that much in part because I don't want the expectation that as soon as I get an alert I'll have to stop whatever (or whoever) I'm doing to answer it. It seems addictive. Have you ever seen how quickly a movie theatre lights up from phones once the credits roll; as if a couple hours unconnected to the rest of the world has put people into withdrawal! If the Breakfast Club came out today, it would be a movie about a group of people sitting in a room looking at their phones. Anyway, to get back to the original questions, this is all to say I don't think anyone should mine if it's a day or two getting back to general pm's. And while I agree it's considerate of an SP to answer all notes, I would hope most people would appreciate how many messages she gets and how busy people are. So even if the response to such general messages is just a quick "thanks!" or "you too" as an acknowledgement, perhaps with a smily or "xoxo" thrown in for good measure, that should really be sufficient.
  3. Of course, now I'm picturing it if the woman was strong enough...
  4. OK, how about this for a blast from the past: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ekqsHP9Sck If you grew up hearing that on tv just try to tell me it doesn't get stuck in your head?! :)
  5. I like the classics (The Good , The Bad, and the Ugly especially) but I'd have to agree with the mention of Deadwood for the top of the list. Nothing else like it. Mostly because of Val Kilmer's performance as Doc Holliday, I'd also give a nod to Tombstone.
  6. Another vote for lady on top. No better feeling in the world than relaxing back and feeling the weight of her thighs on either side of my face, while enjoying the various tastes and sensations all over. Great position whether you're feeling sensual or wild.
  7. Cecilia by Simon and Garfunkel will get me every time.
  8. Ohh...having to pick just one from that list is difficult, I'd have to think about it (not an unpleasant prospect). Problem is my answer could so easily be different hour to hour. Hell, even a single encounter is usually best when a few of those combine. I suppose "all of the above" is too easy an out?
  9. I've been posting to the other picture threads so seems fair to add more here. Plus it gives me a chance to ask the ladies: Tighty-whiteys? Boxer-briefs? Or...um...er...formal wear???
  10. For the love of god, just don't press "ctrl alt delete"!
  11. That one of Snow White reminds of of this series of illustrated fairy tale princesses: http://www.icanbecreative.com/30-sexy-disney-princesses-comic-book-style-for-adults.html Speaking of fairy tales princesses, I like that sexy outfits doesn't mean you can't still have a sense of humour: (see other shots from this set here)
  12. Great post Michaella. I had a long, philosophical reply written on societal standards, emotional manipulation, the joys of variety, self-esteem, and a few links to articles for good measure. Instead, let me just say if I'm seeing a vagina I'm too busy thinking about how awesome my day is clearly going to waste time making silly judgements.
  13. With Canada Day around the corner, I thought I'd throw out a simple question: What aspect of Canada do you appreciate the most? Perhaps a law or piece of culture? Something about the geography or history? Our country may not be perfect but overall I'd say we do fairly well. One of the things I like about Canadians is we tend to be relatively humble, but let's put it aside for now and give a . (You know, other than the fact that we clearly have the best beaver! :icon_razz:)
  14. Unless a law is unjust and we're breaking it as some sort of moral protest, I'm not sure we can be that upset if we pay the price when we break it. As far as most parking laws go, from what I can see they are usually there for a reason. I've been dinged with a couple tickets myself, generally because I wasn't paying enough attention to signs, but sure enough each time I didn't have any real grounds to protest. I can understand arguing against a given law if you don't think it's one that makes sense (and certainly there are some of those!) or you think the penalty doesn't fit the crime, but the general concept that laws should be enforced for the most part keeps society running.
  15. I'll second (or is it third by now?) the idea of rope. A couple strands of lace and a simple knot can do the trick, and for such little fuss there's such potential for fun! I only have yet to decide if I prefer being the one tied up or the one doing the tying, but I'm sure if I experiment enough I'll figure it out. :-P I think being the one restrained is actually more fun, as you get to (have to!) lay back and enjoy the sensations. But I enjoy a turn being in control too, especially if you throw a blindfold into the mix...then it can be fun to step away a moment leaving your partner in anticipation guessing whether you've gone to grab a vibrator, an ice cube or some other toy to surprise with... ...or that you got distracted posting to CERB. Gotta go! :wink:
  16. Huh, now that's something I'd never though about. I suppose I'm a mix. I tend to dry off a foot at a time to step out of the tub to avoid getting the floor/mat too wet, but then dry the rest off outside the tub. Of course, sometime I forget to grab a towel and have to resort to:
  17. Variety is the spice of life as they say, so I'm another that most appreciates a mix. Not just nude or non-nude, but even if it's different outfits or styles of photos. And I wouldn't say that semi or even fully nude photos ever ruin the surprise or lessen the anticipation. I find that photos, no matter how professionally done, can rarely capture the in-person experience. I mean, you can look at hundreds of photos, even videos, of the grand canyon but it won't prepare you or diminish the experience of seeing the real thing. So to me photos of any kind can only raise the anticipation and wonder of getting to admire someone in the flesh (so to speak).
  18. Internet for me as well. Most of my friends these days are not local and it's what lets me stay in touch and create/maintain those friendships. Plus, it drives me crazy when I can't think of an actor's name, so I'd miss IMDB. And porn. But yeah, mostly it's about staying connected with friends.
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