Again, I am torn to write. How do I balance keeping what I wish was a wonderful secret to myself and still be fair to a woman who is, simply put, amazing??!!
I have known Zoe for four months now and every time I see her it's like the first time. I had seen other escorts in the past and they pale in comparison to the enthusiastic and warm level of service that Zoe extends to those who have the sense to respond to her invitation to visit. Perhaps it is a sign of REAL professionalism when the warmth is as genuine after four months as it was on the first meeting. Her talents really do know no bounds. Strikingly beautiful, (I sometimes still find it hard to breathe when she opens the door to greet me with that smile and mind-numbing kiss, warm, affectionate, daring, charming and a wicked (dare I say naughty) sense of humor. Her ability to carry on a conversation on just about any subject with poise still takes my breath away.
See other providers? Why on earth would I? When you find a gem like this, why continue to prospect? If you see this Zoe, let's do an exact repeat of our last time together. I thought I would have to call 911 :-)