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Everything posted by Tallguy007

  1. Just like Star Wars day was picked to be on May 4th ("May the fourth be with you"), maybe female orgasm day was put on 8/8 as this sounds out as "Ate it"???
  2. I dunno, the original menu sounded like a great combination!
  3. I'm pretty much aligned with olderguy on this one. I look at the web site for fees, limits, and pictures.
  4. And here I was worrying that I needed way too much time to get it up -- seems like I'm just average after all...
  5. Closest I've gone to this type of toy is the soft, vibrating one a bit like this guy: Now, I'm not sure if this is the type of toy you were looking for, but I can say that it's quite fun for both parties.
  6. I think a lot of it is learned behavior. My parents grew up in relative poverty (over half a dozen siblings each probably didn't help either). I'm actually not so sure if we had it better or not. Sure I wore hand-me downs from my uncles, and we recycled bikes and some toys, but why waste perfectly good stuff? Same stuff with food, we cleaned up our plates -- no waste. When I said I wasn't sure I had it better, is simply that while I was a child I had everything I needed, and a few things I wanted. My wants were kept reasonable, otherwise they'd just be fantasies. Now as a parent with decent income I feel very confused. I'll buy the generic brands at the grocery store to save a few dollars on that bill, and then go buy an electronic gizmo I don't really need for hundreds. I'll buy generic brands for groceries to save a buck or two, but order take-out two or three times a week. Sit on an office chair a buddy of yours picked up on a curb while playing on a high-end computer. Give the kids a hard time about wasting their allowance while secretely planning my next CERB encounter... (CERB isn't a waste of money, it's wellness therapy)
  7. Although I can see a lady being vague about her age (like any lady with any occupation), I'm not sure why one would lie, especially downward. Then again, I seem to prefer "women" (35 to fourtysomething) as opposed to "girls" (under 25). My being in the fourtysomething probably has a lot to do with that. Now, I'm not saying I haven't had great times with the younger ladies (assuming they were actually 25), but there's reassuring about booking with someone you KNOW won't be one of your daughter's friends :icon_eek: Oops, I just called myself a fourtysomething. The ladies may not be the only ones fudging their ages...
  8. I hate the talking about money part, so I wouldn't negotiate just on this basis. I just try to get that angle over with. Fortunately, a lot of SPs clearly list their rates on their websites, so I can often simply not even bring the subject up, just have the amount (or more) in the envelope. A bit of etiquette I'm not sure about is after inquiring about rates (over messaging) for a lady which does not publicly publish them and finding out she's a bit too... elite for your means. Cutting the conversation there seems rude (even if you're no longer wasting her time), but a "Sorry, but I don't believe I can afford this. Thank you for your time." response could be construed as negotiation, also rude. Maybe I worry too much...
  9. I had a great time at the last one, looking forward to being there again.
  10. Could look something like this, I suppose...
  11. My mid-life hair crisis was not as much about the gray appearing, but that the bald spot was now dominating (I started losing my hair at 25; I like to think it's because I have a lot of testosterone in my bloodstream). Instead of dying my hair, I just shaved it off. I've been shaving my head pretty much every morning since. The people around generally agree it works well for me. I've got a circle beard (a.k.a. goatee) which started as playoff beard, but never went away. I've got a lot of colors in there: black, copper, gray. I like to think it suggests maturity. It seems that as the years go by, men's hair get affected by gravity -- the hair on top has slid down into a beard and chest hair. Thinking of silverback gorillas, I sometimes jokingly look at myself and think "silverfront".
  12. I'm afraid I'm not very sophisticated in this area, pretty much anything from the pharmacy will do the trick (trusting that pharmacies are decent enough to avoid selling defective product). While I do carry my own (some Durex at this time), if a woman wants to use her own brand then I'm all for it. As long as it's a safe condom, I'm not about to turn down intercourse over condom brand.
  13. I had to go check whether it was the same account which recently started that thread in Ottawa Discussion about finding an SP who offered BBFS. Not the same account, but it's still an odd spike of inappropriate questions.
  14. I would like to refer you to this section of the CERB rules: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/faq.php?faq=vb_faq#faq_discussillegal Which basically says don't discuss illegal activities here, and doing drugs definitely falls under this category. From what I've learned of the ladies here, I suspect most would reject a gentleman wanting to do drugs in their presence, or even under the influence of drugs when they arrive. Heck, I wouldn't even attempt a post-coital cigarette.
  15. Best to you in your future endeavors. I've only met you briefly at the last CERB social, and I mostly remember a confident woman who knew how to have fun. To this day, I still wonder what happened to those panties...
  16. Thinking of some memorable time spent with certain ladies, this song keeps popping into my head as some sort of theme music: "Glad You Came", by The Wanted (obviously for the double-entendre)
  17. I've only recently joined, so that part is fresh in memory. Signup fees were indeed $200, and renewals after that are much cheaper (could be $10 per year, but I didn't make an effort to memorize). The session which comes with the signup does indeed make the membership fee a lot more symbolic. I've been to both East and West end locations. The locations are discrete and clean. The ladies, however, are what makes CMJ stick out. They are lovely and great company. I've had some great times there, and intend to keep doing so.
  18. Worse: A '95 Geo Metro -- we needed a cheap car, we got a cheap car. Had no humph and way too many visits to the garage, but it did serve its purpose as a starter vehicle. Favorite: Pontiac Grand Prix '04. My first V6, and the car with which I got most of my speeding tickets. The ride was smooth and quiet; very easy to go over the speed limit without noticing. Especially nice after replacing the audio system with something a bit more capable. Used to go out driving in winding mountain roads with some serious tunes, like you see in commercials (except I'd rarely have the road to myself). I miss that car...
  19. I'm not that surprised by the lowish score (I do know I'm fairly conservative), but taking the test did point out some areas I should be exploring... ============= Snapshot Report Spiciness 47 Your results indicate that you are comfortable experimenting sexually, but haven't explored a wide variety of options from the great palette of sex. You do have a creative nature, which keeps your sexual liaisons satisfactorily spicy, but you aren't the most adventurous love bug on the planet. You seem to have discovered what pleases you, and plan to stick with it! As long as you are sexually fulfilled, keep it up!
  20. I'll squeegee the bulk of the water off using my hands while still in the shower, and then step out to dry the rest off. Being bald, I don't have all that stuff to dry off on the top of my head.
  21. I remember being on a topless beach in Portugal back in my mid-20's. I remember this woman with a very nice breasts. Twenty minutes later it was "meh" -- the novelty quickly wore off and then it was just a beach. There was nothing sexual about that exposure, and the normalcy around me just won over. I think it would be easy for someone entering a majority to adapt to that majority, but changing the majority is another story altogether.
  22. I agree that membership to a web site will skew the results towards people who have access and are comfortable with computers. Now, if you'll permit me to put my nerd cap on... The job and age group suggests that these are successful men (higher-level jobs, seniority) whose spouse are reaching menopause (being of similar age), and offspring who no longer need constant supervision/protection. Put a "great ape" brain in that male, and there's a drive to to find another fertile female (his social status suggesting he could woo another one) and start another family unit while he still can. I haven't looked at the women's stats as closely, but it could look like looking for a second batch of offspring while she still can, while being in a safe social situation (with the spouse providing for the existing kids). I don't see humans as naturally monogamous, but that is probably getting even more off-topic...
  23. I'm only using 32 of 1000, and I was doing fine with the old 100-message limit. I don't think the space the senior/elite users aren't using actually takes any space on the server, though. Has anyone just asked MOD nicely? It might not be a big deal to grow mailboxes.
  24. My limit is still at 1000 messages (the increase seems to have coincided with my reaching 100 posts). 1000 seems plenty for me, especially since it auto-deletes sent messages after a while.
  25. Looks like an evolutionary step after self-checkout. Heck, some republican (Rubio?) was pushing for self-deportation of illegals, so why not crowd-sourcing violation tickets. Next up, self-serve prostate exams? Oh, wait...
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