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Everything posted by Tallguy007

  1. Every morning I grind my beans (not that columbian stuff, but some less acidic indonesian beans) and make a pot which I drink black. On the rare occasions I feel like having flavored coffee, I like to put in a shot of Tripple Sec.
  2. Is Riddick considered a villain? Can't wait for the next movie due out this year!
  3. I've always seen disclaimers as garlic against American lawyers. Since your website doesn't have the US as a primary marker, and the site is advertising/marketing for services not rendered over the web, my opinion is that you probably don't need one. Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer. ;-)
  4. @Brad: You're making short penis joke way too easy with a setup like this one...
  5. I'll just add more weight to what looks to me as an overwhelming consensus: - Neighborhood must feel safe (which you've already covered) - Should be easy to find; park (don't want to draw attention wandering around looking for the place) - Once inside and in front of you, we're no longer thinking about the building.
  6. Has anyone else checked out the new series "Defiance"? It looks promising. The tie-in with a video game is intriguing.
  7. Maybe BP's not bad as such, but just looks like it is compared to cerb. BP does have two good things which I found useful: - Shows up high in a Google search for "escorts Ottawa" - Many of the more thought-out posts (which suggest to me a more established lady) refer to this thing called "cerb" - Once on cerb, you can learn what you need to join this hobby/lifestyle in a proper, gentlemanly manner.
  8. I agree; reputable web site are those which work to ensure that they are providing what they are offering: to match up people looking for relationships. You get what you pay for. I did the dating sites a little while back and the "too good to be true" profiles would get deleted rather quickly. At the same time, I didn't know about cerb back then so I wouldn't have been averse to meeting an SP, knowing what she looked like (which you don't get from newspaper ads) and having an established line of communication (really nerve-racking for the hobbyist-wannabe to make that first contact). Looking for love sometimes takes time, and every now and then it's nice to release a little pressure. These are nowhere as bad as the outright scammers, though. These are outright after your money with no interest in ever even meeting you. My first contact on such a web site was a Greek woman living in Ghana. Turns out Ghana is Nigeria for romance scams. "Too good to be true" saved my ass here again.
  9. The only show I really look forward to the next episode is a Canadian police show called "Cracked" which deals with mental health issues. I also find the canadian politeness contrasting the american shows oh so amusing: "I'm terribly sorry, madam, but I have to put you under arrest. Could you please put your hands behind your back. Thank you."
  10. I did a little digging, trying to get you a complete answer but it's not looking that good. While the cable you found will let you take video out of your camera to put it on a TV, the port on a laptop is output-only, so you can't use it to take the video in. I found some HDMI capture cards for PC (as an add-in card). They're not that cheap (well over $100) and you did say you were using a laptop. USB video capture with HDMI is pretty rare (i.e.: I found one for US$200 requiring USB3.0). The Sony web site indicates that your camera doesn't support "webcam" mode over USB. I suspect you're probably better off just getting a hi-def webcam (for example, http://www.futureshop.ca/en-CA/product/logitech-logitech-hd-pro-webcam-c910-960-000624/10150359.aspx at $90).
  11. He he he When I first saw the title, I thought this was going to be a poll.
  12. I've used avidemux a lot for video editing (including extracting sections of video without re-encoding and losing quality). It's free and quite powerful. It's used by a lot of people, so it's not too hard to find instructions. Developer site: http://avidemux.sourceforge.net/
  13. Nothing special here: I just happen to be of above-average height. The 007 part is a bond reference, which I tacked on since the system wasn't accepting the base name.
  14. Why is it your car's intermittent problem suddenly goes away the moment the tow truck arrives to take it to the garage to be looked at?
  15. Indeed, Ottawa has long been associated with getting royally sc----wed. Some.ways are just more fun than others. (sorry, couldn't pass on the set up)
  16. There are a number of youtube videos to help with these hidden settings. The one at applies to a galaxy note II, but should apply to Android-based Samsung phones in general. Otherwise, searching for "Samsung Galaxy Note disable predictive" should get you some decent instructions.
  17. The 100 day cough. Sure, the 100 day of coughing is pretty bad, but the associated 100 days of abstinence so to not put lovely ladies at risk may be even worse! Oh well, I'm already two-thirds through it. Can't last much longer. I hope
  18. Men peaking in August? I wonder whether it's related to bikini weather...
  19. I got addicted to a game after getting invited. At first I'd play at home, before and after work. Then added lunchtimes. Then bypassed work's firewall when they blocked it. At the end I had open pretty much all the time, checking every fifteen minutes. Woke up one day and cut cold turkey. Even quite the "blitz" games.
  20. I like finding stuff on the Internet. I found their website, the main page does talk about the Montreal visit (with a March 2nd deadline to register :icon_frown: ) http://www.touchingbase.org/
  21. I've been using adblock plus for so long I don't remember the last time I saw a popup. Highly recommended. It can be turned off for those sites where you do want to see the adverts.
  22. I've been happy with my gmail account. I've also had an account on vfemail.net (virus-free e-mail) for even longer, and it's also been excellent at avoiding junk mail.
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