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Everything posted by Tallguy007

  1. I happen to hang out with a pharmacist (incidental -- I don't even shop there); they just received some of the generic blue pills. I think they were about 30% cheaper.
  2. I'm giving up on that convoluted one. I was going for "Having heart set on something" (via Halving heart sit on some things). Here's a saner one to get things moving again:
  3. Out-of-sequence rebus -- I reworked my attempt in thread post #20 with a bit more visual and to make a more complete sentence, although it might still be a bit too ambitious...
  4. "She told us to behave, but didn't specify." So we went for "Neanderthal" True story
  5. I'm affraid I might have killed this thread trying to be too clever. Here's another one to try to restart it. I didn't try to invent it this time... ;-) HERRING
  6. Looks like "row your boat down the stream" I'm having a lot of fun solving them; having a harder time supplying the following on. Going to trying making one up one more time: | H | EAR |thing T |thing |thing
  7. Tennis or backgammon? Will try to invent another one: lit/tle ==== top
  8. String theory? Trying to one make up: geMANment geMANment <---- geMANment
  9. Sounds like an inside job GIVE GIVE GIVE GIVE GET GET GET GET
  10. Sony bundles some of their MP3 players with a little speaker dock. Sample link, happens to be on sale: http://www.thesource.ca/estore/product.aspx?product=1417400&language=en-CA The speakers are fine for background music in a room. They're very light and easy to transport.
  11. A question which might be related: In the case of an hotel in-call, is it considered indiscreet to ask the front desk for help in finding a specific room, or would it be preferable to call the lady for instructions? Further comment: It would appear I am navigationaly impaired, and ended up walking the full length of the floor until I realized the rooms were further down, after a dozen non-room doors in that direction. Still, I'm glad I asked the question so that I know what to do if I'm ever in a similar situation again.
  12. I've actually read "The Zombie Survival Guide" for a weird intellectual chuckle. Link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Zombie_Survival_Guide It's a weird read, being very serious and having an appendix of documented pseudo-outbreaks. Considering the overhead of surviving in a full-blow apocalypse (years of planning and isolation in hostile but zombie-lite environments), I'll probably end up being in the 99% group making up brain-seekers. In this case, having "the man" call up trained soldiers to practice headshots before things get too way out of hand doesn't sound like such a bad idea.
  13. My workplace has a vaccine day every year, and we just go and get it. I'm guessing they figured they recoup the investment in saved sick days. Considering how few sick days I take in a year, I'm guessing out does do some good.
  14. I don't remember being away from the Internet ever since I had it installed, so the longest might be in '98, during the ice storm.
  15. I was also a lurker for a few weeks before piping up. I had originally signed up just to get access to the ladies' recommendations and pictures. I suspect this may be the case for many members. I then decided I wanted my cerb handle to have a person behind it, so that when I decided to contact a lady, there would be more than just the handle. I don't actually know if an active cerb handle actually if has value in this manner, though.
  16. Just got a work email asking me about my DP hardness. My first thought was "they want to know how hard I get during...???" Good thing my higher brain kicked in before I replied.
  17. Staying in Video games or board games?
  18. There seems to be a consensus that the bald look is in. I went full-bald a few years back (from the "crown" look) and I've received nothing but compliments. I'm never going back.
  19. Another 6'2 guy here with an awkwardness around petite women. My few relationships have been with slightly above-average height women ( about 5'8 ). I'm guessing that just made them "proportional". Maybe very short women just register as "girl" in my brain. Then again curvyness will override this. ;-) Additional Comments: All this talk about height and the 6'+ guys made me wonder just what was considered average nowadays. Apparently the average Canadian guy is 5'9, and the average gal is 5'4. (source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_height#Average_height_around_the_world)
  20. Continuum New show, only has one season under its belt, but it's very nice (and canadian!)
  21. Bandits (with Bruce Willis, 2001)
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