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Everything posted by Tallguy007

  1. Yes Man (with Jim Carrey)
  2. Funny thing looking at AmeliaMA's post -- now can't stop reading it as Amel-IamA.
  3. Valiant Had to go to a cartoon; my other ideas for V had already come up.
  4. I've always had this idea about planting a 4x4 or telephone pole out front, shred it to hell about six feet off the ground, and put a "beware of cat" sign on it.
  5. I didn't even know there was talk of a lockout. I guess that shows how much it'll affect me.
  6. Healthy woman pretty much sums it up. A few months ago before joining cerb I would have said busty/voluptuous, but the ladies here are so beautiful that I can't see myself limiting myself like that.
  7. Krull (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0085811/)
  8. eXistenZ (with a whole bunch of actors I didn't know the first time I saw it)
  9. Candyman (he's not that sweet in the movie)
  10. Fictional? Then Mystique from the X-Men could be fun. Very nice in or natural form, but with the shape-shifting you could be a swinger and monogamous at the same time! :-)
  11. I know a bunch of people where cold turkey worked after trying the gum and patches and such for a while. I was a smoker for a while, but just stopped as I got busy with something else. I wonder if it was because I smoked pipe & cigars as opposed to cigarettes which made it easier. Anyone else with non-cigarette experience to back up my theory?
  12. X Some pretty hard-to-follow anime about dragon guardians and such. Got this during an Anime phase way back when. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0184041/
  13. I don't have any acronyms popping in mind, but it does put a new spin on "going out for greek" at lunch time.
  14. The end of the world gets scheduled every couple of years -- remember Harold Camping's predictions for May 21st, then for October 21st of last year. There always seems to be someone saying the end is night (a bit like those cartoons of the guy with the long beard and tunic walking with a sign). December 21st is just a "year 99" date, there's three more "digits" to the calendar, the biggest one representing 63 million years each, and it goes up to 20 (i.e.: the long count calendar won't flip over for another 1.3 billion years or so). Reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maya_calendar I like to put the end of the world about 5 billion years away, when the sun will expand and burn out the earth. In the meanwhile, it's business as usual and that means making the most out of our short time on this planet.
  15. That street seems easy enough to find. I have to admit to a certain bias though, as I live on the Gatineau side and have been thinking about booking an appointment with you.
  16. A bit tongue-in-cheek: for somethhing's that's "just a number", a lot of the ladies seem awfully guarded about divulging said number. Age might not be very important in relationships between people, but this society does have a stigma against couples of very differing age. Remember the "rule" about being to date (your age / 2)+7? That's the societal norms at work. These probably started to keep dirty old men away from impressionable little girls, but are they still necessary?
  17. My professional days of fixing computers is way behind me. back then there was no question about keeping quiet about it (I did't know child porn even existed), but whether we should make a copy. ;-) We never did make a copy. Didn't feel right. f4f: What's your opinion on the antivirus software out there? Too late to install if already infected?
  18. To add to the virus prevention thing, I'd like to also make people aware of a number of scams out there where you visit a web site and get a popup yelping you your computer is infected. Some of these look very genuine. Never click on these links. If you want to be safe, shut down your browser and run a virus scan. Also be aware of some fake anti-virus companies out there. I recommend sticking with the old and trusted players: Microsoft, Panda Security, Symantec, McAfee. Panda also has some free tools for those who have trust issues with Microsoft.
  19. First thing I would recommend to someone suspecting they have a virus is to get a scanner. Using a bootable CD would be safer, but as that's not necessarily easy to find and do for a beginner, I would recommend installing Microsoft Security Essentials (google it, you shouldn't be trusting links to anti-viral software from a forum). MSE is free to dowload, keeps itself updated, and compares well with the paid options.
  20. I'm lucky to have the technical skills to remove a virus (and to generally avoid them)? I do, however, like the suggestion to use an external hard drive. This makes for the most reliable way to avoid other members of the household from accidentally stumbling on my own stash...
  21. I'm at the "doesn't-do-a-thing-for-me" end of the spectrum. Thinking about it, I kinda envy the guys who do have this additional erogenous point.
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