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Everything posted by needfun

  1. I just started a private group called Flexible and contortion. PM me if you would like an invitation. Lets have fun!
  2. needfun

    :) oooh yummy!

    All I can say is WOW!
  3. Check out http://www.cowboysdiary.info for some to avoid. Also has some ads.
  4. Thanks for the reply. The group would be about flexible/contortion. I'm new at this so I never thought beyond pictures. But people could do both, right?
  5. I'm trying to figure out weather I should have a moderated group where anyone can join or a private group. I would like anyone to be able to join, but also don't want the rules of a public group. Does the moderated group have the same rules as to picture content as a public group? If so I will go with a private group. Thanks for any input.
  6. Thanks, got it figued out. So easy when you know.
  7. I am trying to put picture in a group from my flickr account, uploaded from my computer, and every time I copy and paste the link all I get is a red x. The flickr settings are confusing. Can anyone help? Thanks
  8. I want to post pictures to a group, and am trying to avoid typeing in the whole url., instead using copy and paste. I tried image shack, but I don't think they liked my pics as after a while they were forbidden. Would love just to use pics on my computer, but that is impossible it seems. Is there an easy way to do this? I must be missing something? Thanks any input would be great.
  9. If I wanted to post a picture to a group is there a way to do it from a pic. on my computer rather than having to go to a web page and typeing in the url, which can be very long. I searched posting pictures on the rules and facts, but can anyone give me a simplified explanation. I'm new at this. Also are albums just for SP's? I seem to have read different rules on this in my travels. Thanks.
  10. needfun


    Ooooo, more of these please. : )
  11. needfun

    :) -- wanna play?

    The answer is YES, YES, YES!!!!!!
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