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Everything posted by Midnite-Energies

  1. Daisy - http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/search.php?searchid=5206774 Bobbi - http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=205337&highlight=bobbi%27s
  2. When I started reducing my sugar intake, I found Tim's to be really bitter so only drink it if I can add sugar (which isn't often if given the choice). I love my Caramel Macchiato (both hot and iced) at Starbucks or a Caramel Wafflecone Frappachino both are special treats and even better when shared as an extra special treat! Most coffee I make at home in a simple way. Would love to have a Keurig one day but for now...
  3. I think the line is in the attitude and personality in which you approach. Be up front about being new and unsure and ask if questions are okay and decide prior what you want to ask. Be respectful and not rude or crude. Manners go a long way. Treat her as if she is someone you met at a friend's party or had someone introduce you. Put effort into a good impression. The worst first impressions come when you start out with "hey, hey baby, rates/menu, you avail., how much for "insert rude choice here". Prior to all this, there are numerous threads on here about what can upset and turn off and what approaches work. Read websites and posts and gather some knowledge about what the lady of your choice likes or requests. One of the other big things you can do to ensure you don't upset anyone is to be honest about your readiness. There are many stories about those new to all this spending time contacting, asking questions, setting things up and then backing out due to fear, concern etc. Good luck with your first experience. I'm sure it will be great!
  4. If there is someone you have in mind use this site to see if there is any info available on her or ask for input from other members. Don't let this site scare you away from your first meeting but do your research to make sure you're making the right decision for you. Good luck!
  5. You deserve to be rubbed, touched, kissed, pampered or worshiped. Available this week to stimulate, relax and/or rejuvenate you. Come, enjoy some time just for you. Let real life fade away for a bit. See my website for more!
  6. Touch is an exchange of energy and what you put in, you also get out. This is true whether it's massage, cuddling, hugging, comfort etc. As long as touch is involved there is an exchange going on. If you approach it with positivity, healing, caring etc. you will give that energy to whoever you are with and their energy will adjust and give it back to you so it's beneficial for both (or more) people. Touch is something that every being craves on an energetic level. The only difference is in the shape that need takes. Touch can heal, arouse, energize, connect and calm us yet also has the power to sadden, harm, anger etc. It is truly a powerful thing. You don't just feel with your appendages, you feel with skin, nerves, energy and emotion. Mind you some people are more in tune with all this yet we all have the power to connect. I love touch.
  7. Happy Birthday to you! Wishing you a day filled with everything that makes you smile and maybe a surprise or two! Enjoy your day!
  8. I find when people attach their name to things, they take responsibility for what they say as compared to an alias or as an anon. The internet has given a lot of opinion power to anyone with a device and I know I personally have seen my fair share of lies disguised as fact, stigma, hate, stupidity etc. under the anonymous voice. Unfortunately it's one of those situations where it's black or white, allowed or not but at least people can make the decision on what to pay attention to. I like the option where you can post as anon as long as you have an account with whatever source where you provide real details. This way, even though you are posting anon, if you abuse it, you can be blocked, banned etc. I don't agree with anonymous free for all's but there are times and places for it especially with the new "right" people feel they have to offer an opinion. I think it's a good thing for legitimate business, publications etc. as they have the ability to maintain some control over both the flavor and the attitude towards their product. Even with a disclaimer that "not all opinions expressed are supported by this source" they are judged by what they allow to be said and published. If they are anon, there is no way to track or ban without a lot of legalese. Sure, the comments can be deleted but that's a lot of manpower and attention to keep up with for major sources. I think a lot of places changed their policies because they got burnt in some way. I see and understand both sides.
  9. Honestly I think the answer to that question lies with the people involved. many see it as a "trying on" situation to see if a longer term relationship would be a good fit. Then there are those who are very transient and it has no real commitment at all. I have known those who view any relationship as something committed and serious whether there is a legally binding document or not and others who believe it's not serious without the document. It all boils down to the decision to give a relationship/person the time, attention and dedication it deserves to make it work. Long term relationships aren't easy and require constant attention to make them work whether there is a piece of paper or not. Divorces have become much easier to obtain so many view it as living together may have been viewed before. I don't believe a certificate determines commitment, I believe people do.
  10. Adding more birthday wishes because you can never have too many!!
  11. It's Midnite, your sweet, inviting, delightfully dirty and bodacious sensualist looking to brighten your day, lighten your load and make you feel "real good". I'm available this week to pamper and arouse and to ease you into (or out of) your work week. Just a reminder there is still time to meet to take advantage of my summer availability. I will be available daily 11am - 11pm WITH notice or pre-booking for those I know. I am only meeting new people in the evenings after 9pm. Take a walk in the Midnite Sun and feel my energy against your body. See my website for more details or check out my blog for "other" enticements
  12. Congratulations to you and all you do to add to this community. Have to love a fun and playful nature *muah*
  13. There are many recommendations here for both Jocelyn and Nikki, you can't go wrong with either. Safe travels and enjoy your stay!
  14. I read a great piece awhile back about the cost of hanging onto "stuff". Everything has an energy, even stuff we collect and accumulate . What this means is everything we keep carries something with it. Sometimes it's not profound when the energy is positive but when the energy or situation surrounding the item was negative, it can be very bad for us without us even knowing it. Examples are those people who like antiques but may purchase a piece and then wherever that piece is, when they walk into the room they feel upset or angry or fearful. This has definitely made me think about what I keep and what I don't. I try to only keep things that are highly meaningful and not multiples of the same thing. My mother keeps a scrapbook for signatures and little notes and such and that keeps clutter refined but still retains mementos. The biggest challenge is being honest with ourselves about what we "REALLY" need, what is "REALLY" important and what isn't. This of course will change as we grow and evolve. I have been amazed and how much better I feel after purging and cleaning. This also reminds me I have some cleaning of my own to do.
  15. It's been awhile since I posted my links in this thread so thought today was a good day. For those who enjoy a little visual titillation, check out: http://midnite-energies.tumblr.com For those who like a little more thought, check out: http://midnite-muse.tumblr.com Either way, Enjoy!
  16. Time flies when you're having fun doesn't it? I love how much positive you've taken from six years here and how much you've shared. You've always been one to try and start conversations to get the community talking. Congratulations on this great milestone!
  17. I never feel guilty for the desires I feel, desires should be embraced and enjoyed fully. Available Wednesday this week to help you embrace yours, in my oasis from reality.
  18. According to the Justice Minister, this is on their radar and will be looked at and I think that may begin soonish. She has mentioned on numerous occasions when asked that it will be addressed and those it impacts included in the conversation. Up until this point, the Liberals had bigger fish to fry with only two examples being the assisted suicide bill that was on a time limit and the missing indigenous women. With the budget announcement last week, plans are in place for both so now would be a good time for a push on the Minster. This legislation may be exceedingly important to us but when you're a new government with a list of things to correct, it may not be a top priority on the priority list.
  19. First I think a misconception needs to be cleared up. From your post, this person was on LYLA. Not everyone on LYLA is either a reputable provider or Gent BUT it is a good place for research, communication and getting to know those who participate. Those ladies who are serious about what they do and spend time and effort to build their profile and establish themselves do work within a code of etiquette. This does not mean everyone does or that there is an industry standard (at this point). Plus there are many transient providers who get in and/or out quickly with no real knowledge. This is where research is important and also risk assessment. In this case, not only did you have someone misrepresenting themself you also had someone not open to good etiquette about it. It is up to you whether you post a name or not but this is not just a case of a bad time due to no connection. I'm sorry this happened to you. Sent from my SM-N900W8 using Tapatalk
  20. I think this would classify as a scam and a dangerous situation so can be reported in that section including a name. This goes beyond just not having a good time. It could be a B&S scam where there is a lure into comfort and then the theft happens. I'm sorry this happened to you and I hope you won't let one incident taint the rest of your life.
  21. Here are a couple threads with names: http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=184640&highlight=�������� I also believe Kandie, Sophia V, Emma A, Jocelyn A have been mentioned as well. I would say there are a number of places to start communication. Enjoy!
  22. I think it would be an amazing opportunity to help shape someone's views or perspectives especially in regards to sex and sensuality. I was blessed enough to be able to shape my own views when I was younger without anyone forcing their views or biases on me. To be able to not only share experiences and thoughts but explorations and to do so in an open, honest and fun way, is amazing to me. No matter who you are, we have all been inexperienced in something and learning is half the fun. Practice is the other half. As for funny moments, there have been a few and I've been blessed to have them with those who also have a sense of fun and humor and treat it as a funny happening and not a reason to become upset or freak out. We're only human after all, and having things happen is part of that experience. There always has to be an element of fun to sex and sensuality!
  23. To take this thread in a bit of a different direction, you may want to ask your provider what products they use (brand and specific type) so that you can research the ingredients. Many ingredients cross over into many products and this would be something good for you to know, not only in a massage situation, but life in general. If you determine what is causing the issue, you can then talk to providers about the products they use and ensure that whatever they are using either does not contain that material or is a very natural products (IE: coconut oil, hemp, Sliquid products) I know a number of people with sensitivities both to ingredients and scents so it's very important you speak to your providers about this. If it is a business as opposed to an Indy, you may want to mention the potential reactions their products might cause. Many would want to know this. Most Indy ladies that offer massage use quality oils and lotions of either a natural or close to natural basis. Good Luck with finding the source and stopping your reactions.
  24. Have an absolutely amazing birthday beautiful lady. You do so much for others I hope some do for you today. Big hugs winging across Canada!
  25. Imagine yourself sinking deep into my bed, stress free, relaxed, drained and smiling. Maybe even more than once. Don't just imagine it, Experience it! Available this week.
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