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Everything posted by Midnite-Energies

  1. Posted my first narrative yesterday reading my story oral Adoration and NOW.... My first erotic submission from Loki318 http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=15046 :makeout: Check it out on my Erotic Submissions page!! http://midnitemassage.tumblr.com/
  2. Just recorded an audio version of my story Oral Adoration!! Thanks to "Brad" for giving me the idea in his "Accent" thread! Have a listen and enjoy! :twisted: Also, plenty of sexy pics to enjoy as well! http://midnitemassage.tumblr.com/
  3. From what I can tell all new members start with 5000 rep points. This change seemed to have started the same time as the "new member" flag appeared stating that until you made 5 posts you would continue to see the pop up. My assumption was that to encourage more involvement, more thanks and more comments on threads, after 5 posts, general members had some ability to impact through their participation. Unfortunately for those who had to earn the first 5000 points it doesn't seem fair that's just the way life works sometimes. It's even worse when this happens with employee wages. I'm not sure the impact it has on encouraging people to post and comment but there have been a lot of new names on threads lately so maybe it is.
  4. You are an amazing guy and I've enjoyed getting to know you and reading your posts. Can't wait for the next round and all that you have to offer!! *rawr*
  5. Maybe you could have an email set up before you have a lady in mind that explains you're shy and what you're looking for. Then you don't have to worry about stumbling over words or forgetting something as it's all right there. That alleviates your worries and concerns and gets the information you're looking for so that rejections are eliminated and you get the best session you can. We completely understand the terms shy, new, nervous and will take care of you. You're in good hands you just need to talk to us! *muah*
  6. The reason you may get that is because like there are different kinds of SP's, there are different kinds of MA's. Some are strictly into the massage and the sensations and don't want any of the intimacy. Some enjoy the intimacy as part of the experience. This is why it's so important to research the ladies you want to spend some time with, start a conversation and ASK them if they are comfortable with what you want. The onus is on you to take control of your outcome by finding those who can provide it.
  7. Scottish ALL the way followed closely by Irish or English. Robert Carlyle is someone who I could listen to all day at least when he's in his normal voice. Not only does it provide aural orgasms....it's a huge turn on. If I ever get to Scotland...people will not be safe!
  8. May your day be filled with treats and things that make you smile. Enjoy your day and the fabulous year ahead!
  9. Sexy new story, Giving Over, located under my stories tab. Also lots of sexy new pics. My ASK is always open if you have comments or suggestions, you don't need an account or to be identified! Spend some sexy time with me... http://midnitemassage.tumblr.com/ Also new, SUBMISSIONS! If you have something sexy to share either privately or publicly, submit to me now!
  10. Just as an inserted FYI here, Calvin Klein uses something their scented products that triggers many allergies and severely. This has been known for years yet nothing has been done about it. Definitely products to avoid for sensitivities.
  11. I was lucky enough to have quite a few gentlemen take a chance on me when I was new before I even knew CERB existed. Once I found it I realized that many of these lovely gentlemen were members here but their comfort lies in using the resources, supporting the ladies through visits and in remaining quiet. Reco's are wonderful as it helps those who want a better idea of who they might be seeing or in determining if someone might be a match for their personality and desires. For those who do not indulge in them, their feedback directly to me, their willingness to re-book and the smile/hug when they leave are just as valuable to me as the other. It is hard when you're first starting out but if you maintain professional standards, be yourself and open and provide the best you can, you will grow strong in this business.
  12. I'm old school when it comes to mens' scent. I absolutely adore a nice smelling man and it turns me on no end. I like a little bit of understatement but the big thing is it must meld with the gentlemen himself. Some wear a scent that doesn't blend right so any scent should be tested. Halston Z16 Jazz Old Spice I have one client that smells like Goat's Milk Soap and it's absolutely delicious on him. Whatever it is, make it your own!
  13. I can only speak personally for myself when I say that there is never a "performance". As was discussed in the thread I believe you're talking about both PSE and GFE are a style of service. Both these aspects make up my personality and I am able to shift back and forth seamlessly because they ARE me and who I am. I may have a client wanting a more erotic lustful session and he gets that part of me. Someone wanting a more intimate sensual session also gets me, just that different side of me. From what I've seen of many SP's here, they play to their strengths and to their personality. If someone is more wild sexually and less of a sensualist, their approach would be one of looking for and attracting that kind of gentleman. Some ladies are more of the GFE/sensual/connection personality and they to play to this. There are those who enjoy each for what it offers and can be fully present in either. I don't believe in performances because that takes a lot of effort and energy. If this business was not enjoyed and part of ones personality and who they are, they would burn out very quickly because of the energy required to maintain the performance. The real ladies of the industry grow in beauty, confidence and happiness because it is part of who they are and it is more effortless to be ones self. Hopefully that makes sense....
  14. Let's get lively on Thigh Thursday ONE TON - Supersexworld
  15. I am 100% with you on that one Cristy. I'm sorry if anything I said came out differently than that. Each session is its' own "moment" and every moment is to be embraced and enjoyed in whatever way the people involved wish. Yes, we are in an industry that has many boundaries and rules and many agreed upon standards however as an independent SP, it's our business to do with what we wish and that is between us and the client. If everyone is happy, not much else matters.
  16. I love discovering older threads that still have life left in them... I am a very honest and open person and am the same with my clients as with anyone. That means that if I give a compliment it's genuine. Everyone is beautiful, everyone has wonderful qualities and everyone has something sexy about them if you're willing to see it. I've said things that go against what my clients think about themselves and have had it pish poshed and that's okay. I can't change their mind about their own perceptions, only they can. I can definitely point out what I see in them though. I've heard the line "I bet you say that to all your clients" and my normal retort is "only if it's true". I won't lie to make someone feel better especially when I can be honest and get the same reaction. Every client deserves my respect and my honesty and that's what I'm giving them. If I love the feel of their skin or the look in their eyes or the way their cock feels in my mouth, I hope they know it's true. If I had to put on an act in this job, I wouldn't be in it. I love it and I can be myself.
  17. The two main problems I see are expectations and chatter. Expectations are those things everyone has that can either cause great disappointment or great enjoyment. The more we limit expectations as people, the better off we will be because then whatever we get is wonderful. Every encounter with every person will be different. Even if it's with the same person, every session will be different. The only expectations that should be in place are ones of cleanliness, great service, on time appointment, safety, discretion and a monetary exchange. The rest is icing. It's when there is an expectation either based on someone/something else or even a "last time" that the trouble starts. As an SP you give a little bit extra based on whatever is happening at the moment. The client believes this is a wonderful thing and everyone is happy. If there is then an expectation next time around, both parties end up unhappy. The provider gets burned for the extra given because they wanted to and the client gets burned from thinking there should be more. It is a slippery slope because can impacts both parties equally. As an SP do you really want to NOT be able to make these decisions in your business? Do you want your ability taken away? Gentlemen, do you want to miss out on the extra gifts or attention you might receive? Do you want there to be this thread of holding back existing because of expectations? I think the answer to all these are no. Unfortunately there is no right or wrong answer because it falls on each individual to govern themselves to make each session the best it can possibly be. I believe an SP should run their business as they see fit and make decisions on their interactions based on their own factors as long as they are up front, honest and discreet about it. I also believe clients should only expect whatever was agreed upon in conversations and consider anything extra as the gift it is. If this becomes a negative, it is on the people involved to correct the situation by parting ways. I believe most of the gentlemen who are seriously involved in this industry understand what's happening and have limited expectations. Others can either learn or find ladies who better suit them. Like everything else, YMMV. This is one of those things that doesn't really have a definitive answer.
  18. Reading everyone's posts in this thread and knowing the smile and joy they feel....makes me smile.
  19. I have to comment on this as I find I have a different perspective. I believe in many different varieties and depths of love. I also believe that many of our problems concerning love is the way we were brought up, the way society views it and how as a whole it's pushed as this very strict thing. By that I mean we're taught that you can only love one person (intimately and romantically) and that if you stray from this recipe you are inviting disaster and it's wrong. If we were simply to follow our hearts and feel and do it in a way that is respectful of everyone (not hurting others, pushing our love on others etc) the world would be a much different place. We have this expectation that one person needs to fulfill all our needs and that is JUST NOT POSSIBLE and more importantly, it puts unnecessary stresses on our relationships. Most people have friends to fill the gaps that a SO relationship doesn't meet but in many of these cases, you LOVE your friends. It's different than your SO sure, every relationship is but that doesn't diminish the emotions felt. Just like some of the relationships people talk about with an SP. The emotions are no less real and they are meeting a need not filled somewhere else. We should all have a commitment to ourselves to live life more fully, in the moment and happily which means having our needs met. Sometimes it's a case of can't or won't with an SO, sometimes it's just not there. Doesn't mean there still isn't love in the relationship but it's changed or is different. It's when we start putting rules on relationships that we get in trouble. For example, if you believe that if you're in intimate love with someone it should be a 24/7 you may be imposing a very negative boundary on the relationship. Why can't you be in love with someone you see occasionally? The only boundaries relationships should have are the ones agreed on by the people involved. Monogamous, poly, married, SP, it doesn't matter, they are all relationships involving people which means the basics should be the same. Communication, respect, consensual, do no harm, support etc. Sometimes it's not what we feel that's the problem, it's how we think!
  20. For only having been with us for a short while you have made your presence known and have been supporting everyone here. You share yourself with open friendly posts and give of yourself in friendship to others. You make me smile. Looking forward to more posts!!
  21. Seriously, what good thing cannot be said about this wonderful man? When I first joined his was one of the first names I saw. I have followed many posts, enjoyed many comments and loved the support and interactions he has with everyone. He has made me laugh, smile and nod in agreement. Truly a stellar member of this community and without him, we would be lacking. Thanks for being brilliant RG!!!!!! PS. Yes, I know that at this exact moment you are only at 7999 but you won't make a liar out of me!! *kisses*
  22. What a fantastic experience for you!! What you're describing can be part of tantric sex but to me this is more about connection and energy. There are people in this world that we naturally connect with on many different levels. When we connect with someone sexually or romantically the energy levels in both parties and indeed the energy they create is amped up. When you take this energy and meld it together, then add in the sexual and sensual acts, it is further ramped up. We are always exchanging energy with people, positive and negative which is why you sometimes feel different ways depending on the people you're around. I'm sure in this instance you were exchanging the most amazing energy and that stayed with you after the fact. When you were quietly recalling it, that energy reacted the same way it did when you were together. It's not just energy, it's also the mind: the greatest sex organ ever. If you engage it, you can do amazing things. I've known people who can 'think" an orgasm! The same concept can be felt to a lesser degree when you think about a certain touch you like and get shivers or remember a kiss and feel lips on yours. This happens to everyone...men and women. Embrace it, love it and enjoy the hell out of it!!
  23. In general I think you're an amazing guy and to see what you've dealt with and are dealing with yet manage to be fun and flirty and positive and playful...you are what true mettle looks like. You have also learned the secret and that is worry and stress does nothing but wear you down but a positive attitude and focus on the good things (like the ladies of CERB, erections, golf etc) reinforce your strength and do good things within you. I am versed in energy work and distance healing. I'll send some good energies your way and lace them with some naughty!!! I'm here for you....
  24. Another wonderful east coaster taking care of our lovely ladies and letting everyone else in on the experience. Thank you so much for all the communication and reco's you post and for the support you show. Looking forward to the next 100 and I'm sure you'll enjoy every one!
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