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Everything posted by royalflush131313

  1. Congrats RG. That's an impressive effort. I've only been around here for about 6 months, but IMHO you are one of the reasons this is such a great, welcoming, supportive community for ladies and gentleman alike! A late night rambling RF:icon_smile:
  2. It's obviously important to practice good hygiene when you are going to be intimate with someone, and it's unfortunate that this has to be a topic of discussion. It also makes me wonder what these people are like in their day to day lives. I don't ever recall my parents telling me hygiene wasn't important...unless of course you're going to have sex! I was raised to practice good hygiene EVERYDAY. Is it really too much to ask?
  3. I have to say goodbye to my dogs on the stairs near the front door and nowhere else. I always shave the top of my head first, then the right side and then the left side using the mirror above the bathroom sink. The back of my head I shave in the shower, also from right to left. The volume on my tv, car radio, etc. is always set to an even number. I have to pay for coffee at the drive thru with exact change if I have it. Sorry if I've kept you waiting while I count $1.77 but I just can't give them a toonie instead!
  4. Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers! Hope you have a wonderful day!!
  5. Dog food, dog treats, heartworm and tick preventative meds, yearly shots...
  6. The after play is important to me as well. A little touching and teasing goes a long way toward the anticipation of a future visit. It could be laying next to each other in bed, a shower together, a little teasing as you're getting dressed, etc. You don't want to feel like 'o.k. you're done, here's your hat...' I know for me, I'm doing this for some passion and intimacy that I don't get enough of in my private life and to think the lady enjoyed your company, appreciated your visit and would like to see you again enhances the overall experience!
  7. My twitter handle is @royalflush1313
  8. Well I think these fit me perfectly! LOL!! real name----Dirk Slamm cerb name---Slick Assploder
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