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Everything posted by royalflush131313

  1. Klute (1971) starring Jane Fonda and Donald Sutherland
  2. darker merlot or cabernet sauvignon?
  3. Dragnet Starsky & Hutch or Charlie's Angels?
  4. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
  5. All in the Family M--A--S--H or Dallas?
  6. I would be less concerned about the look of the building than the look of the neighborhood. As long as I feel safe in the neighborhood and comfortable in the apartment, that's all that matters to me. Good luck with your search!
  7. Oooohh bad girls please!! Clean shaven or a little scruff?
  8. Body glitter...I haven't found lip gloss that looks good with my eyes! Backgammon or monopoly?
  9. Breakfast with friends followed by finally getting the winter tires off my car!
  10. vodka hot air balloon or helicopter ride?
  11. 3 movies I liked in the last few months that are out or coming out soon on Blu-ray/DVD Django Unchained Lincoln Silver Linings Playbook
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