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Everything posted by royalflush131313

  1. Jessica Lawrence was great in Silver Linings Playbook http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2225369/?ref_=sr_1 Kate Winslet http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000701/?ref_=sr_4
  2. Before and after! Cabernet Sauvignon or Sauvignon Blanc?
  3. Concrete block (can I hit her with it?) bottle or draft beer?
  4. Esso coffee from Tim Horton's or McDonald's?
  5. Baked with all the fixings Exercise at home or the gym?
  6. I had a cortisone shot in the knuckle of my thumb. By far the worst needle I have ever had. Not a good time.
  7. Please speak for yourself and not all men. I don't 'bang bang and get out'. Nor do I 'go in for the kill'. I prefer to be a gentleman and treat my companion like a lady and with respect!
  8. Cold cereal Chicken or steak fajitas?
  9. I should probably just leave it alone but...wow..umm...just wow! Pretty sure I've never 'killed' a partner before. I'd be curious to know if the SP you 'banged the best' feels the same way about the encounter! A little class goes a long way.
  10. sprite Alaskan cruise or African safari?
  11. Wow! That's a great video. Very powerful. They should play that in schools. I have nieces in school that suffer from body image and self esteem issues. They're physically attractive and nice kids but still pay more attention to what they perceive as their flaws. Even as adults, too many people derive their self worth from what others think of them, yet don't fully take to heart the compliments they receive. I have a cousin who weighed almost 200 pounds. She lost 65 pounds and gets lots of compliments but says when she looks in the mirror, she still sees herself at 200 pounds. She thinks the compliments are just people trying to be nice and not necessarily sincere. I'm much more comfortable in my own skin now than I was a few years ago, yet I'm still somewhat uncomfortable receiving compliments. It doesn't matter what people say, you have to feel it yourself. Hopefully videos like this will help people feel better about themselves.
  12. It wouldn't bother me. I'm just going to visit a friend. As long as I'm not acting nervous and looking suspicious I'm not going to draw attention to myself. Not a big deal in my mind.
  13. Tonight is Italian night. Tagliatelle with a Bolognese sauce, garlic bread, Caesar salad and a bottle of Due Torri Amarone.
  14. A la mode side bacon or back bacon?
  15. Anaconda 1997 starring Jon Voight and Jennifer Lopez
  16. Butts!!! stilettos or thigh high boots?
  17. Favourites: bacon, onion and garlic frying toast movie theater popcorn cinnamon puppies cigars least favourites: fish liver frying farms cigarette smoke
  18. Hard Colour or black & white photos?
  19. Metric Mexican food or Indian food?
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