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Everything posted by royalflush131313

  1. Finally another gorgeous sunny spring day to be outside and get some yard work done!
  2. I've tried several times to add photos to posts without success. I've clicked the attachment icon and I've also tried using the 'manage attachment' button and nothing happens. I'm not the most tech savvy person so I figured it was just me.
  3. David Lee Roth in van Halen, Sammy Hagar solo European or Carribean vacation?
  4. Bacon burger!! Early morning or late night?
  5. Dairy Queen skor blizzard Treadmill or elliptical?
  6. Yes....yes....yes...yesyesyesyesssss!!!!
  7. Rambo Peanut butter and...jam or honey?
  8. Twitter. I've never used Facebook. Carpet or hardwood? (Floors!!)
  9. Monopoly Strawberries or blueberries?
  10. W is for whips and whipped cream
  11. Ummmm....... both please!!!!! downhill skiing or water skiing?
  12. In honour of her return to this country, I would like to nominate Malika Fantasy as CERB Goddess of the Day! I've missed her very blunt and witty posts over the past few weeks! Welcome back Malika!!
  13. Not to sound arrogant, but anyone who has seen me after an encounter would have to say I have the best smile!! It lasts for days.
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