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Everything posted by bowtie

  1. Have not...seen Sur yeasterday and had a good massage and left Happy :icon_mrgreen:
  2. Has any one seen the new "staff" at South Point. I need some kinks worked out :icon_mrgreen:
  3. Well said and I would hope that is the way most "gentlemen" would refer other intersted clients. But as they say there is always some that spoil it for the rest I think everyones privacy is important.
  4. I think there has been enough info on this thread about this matter. If you seem to be still in doubt......go try it out for yourself and form your own opinion!
  5. I believe Shannon has her info posted here on CERB and I think she is still around:icon_wink:
  6. I agree with Horndog......I seen her later yeasterday. I did have a harder time getting a hold of her I think she is going to school or something and her hours of availabilty might have changed. Keep trying lol
  7. Shannon is but you will have to check with her if she is sporting a "patch" lol as she is usaly bald
  8. I think you should have got the idea by now the board does not permit bad things being said. Enough people that have seen her have comented that way. Hence no "positive in-depth review":icon_confused:
  9. Not sure have seen some adds like that on CL not sure what the success rate would be there but you might try there.
  10. I think you will find lots of info on the different threads. I guess it is a case of doing your homework and now what you are looking for. Everyone here is helpfull. Good Luck let us know how you make out. Kayla (She Devil) is very good and would you make to feel comfortable
  11. Yha it does suck not even sure why any would even do that what is the point? But I guess like others have said corespond that via pm then they know it is you when you arrive. From my experience most don't even ask or care about handles, I know some do but.
  12. You will find lots of info on the threads and it will depend on your likes and dislikes and if you are interested in Massage parlours or Independents......good luck
  13. Sorry to hear you are having some issues. One realy wonders why there has to be people like that. I agree having a balcony makes apartment living just that much better. Good luck and keep us posted.
  14. I am happy for you...he is a lucky guy. Well that is great news you are still available for some fun:biggrin:
  15. Yes I just read her profile and sadly it is true. Shannon you were one of a kind and made a lot of people smile and will sadly be missed. Good luck and all the best in your new adventures where ever the take you.:bigclap:
  16. Yes that red chair could be fun and the options are endless. What did you have in mind:icon_mrgreen:
  17. Downtown would work better for the day time visits. But no matter where you are located it would be worth the trip. Yes I know it has been a while:icon_wink:
  18. Not sure how KIJI checks that, I know there is at least one advertising there now that offers both and it is strictly cash no receipts.
  19. Kayla/Shedevil she is amazing.....she just posted some new pics here on CERB check them out.
  20. Good luck if you see her. And yes there is lots of watermellons left for the game this weekend:icon_mrgreen:. I am glad Hockey season is starting....Go Jets Go
  21. Have not seen here around lately she had an add on BP but don't see it there any more. She seems to bo one that comes and goes.
  22. Good advice ...maybe we have to book a instruction sesion and see how much of a mess we can make:boobies:
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