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Everything posted by Goombata72

  1. small booty Short lady (5.0 to 5.6) or Tall lady(5.7 to over 6.1)?
  2. Rogers only because I find them the lesser of the two evils. Catherine Bach as Daisy Duke OR Jessica Simpson as Daisy Duke
  3. I never thought about this in my entire life until I had a first hand experience with watching someone you love suffer so much. I watched as this happen over time. Going from being able to talk and do thing on their own to being awake but like a coma type person. They could not talk eat move they could not do anything for themselves for 4.5 years. I had to watch them 24-7 and hope that the pain and suffering they where going thorough would end and they would be in peace. I have seen this with my grandma (2003-2004) and my brother(2006-2008) but the one where I wish I could have traded place was watching my son(2006-2010) go through this and not being able to do anything. I want to say that Dyeing with dignity should be a right not a choice.
  4. I am no Miracle Man. I feel more like this Skillet - Monster (Video)
  5. I like dogs Which car The General Lee K.I.T.T
  6. How about a little road tripping music The Ramones - Blitzkrieg Bop
  7. Ozzy Osbourne - "Road to nowhere" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=849e8WraKCk
  8. Marg Helgenberger I found has a very nice bum
  9. More cow bell. You can never have enough cow bell. Cheese Cake or Pie
  10. T is for Tuba Just in case you needed to see in action lol
  11. I don't know what those things are so I pick Ragnar What is your choice>> getting Anal Probed by E.T or getting Castrated by Lorena Bobbitt
  12. What I have learned I have learned that: -No matter how hard you try to help somebody. Somebody alway think you want something in return -Racing a regular white car almost always becomes a police car -Using the excuse I have to go to the bathroom really badly is not good enough to get me out of a speeding ticket. -Walking away may be your only choice
  13. Outdoors Invisible or Super Speed
  14. N is for Nibbling on Nipples
  15. old school, do you remember this Toronto: Your Daddy Don't Know http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ny-p7AnBL8
  16. w - wet wild wonderful women
  17. cannister type Truth or Dare?
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