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Everything posted by intended

  1. Just wanted to thank you all for responding. I definitely feel better about this now. And RoamingGuy, your answer to my question about relaxing really got me thinking. I feel now that it might be more about embarrassing the anxiety rather then stifling or pushing it away as I have been. Well, that sounded cheesy. "Hai! Thank you sensei for placing me on the path to enlightenment."
  2. Well, to start this off I should probably state that I'm a fairly anxious person by nature and meeting new people tends to weigh on my nerves a bit. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy it, its just something that doesn't comes easy to me. Now, I'm sure this is a fairly common thing(at least I hope it is, lol), but sadly, being common does not make it pleasant. So I figured I would attempt to remedy some of my anxiety by creating this thread. And who knows, maybe we can help someone else along the way(again, I hope I'm not the only one here with this problem). Oh, and I am posting here in the hopes of getting a local perspective, since I would assume that a meetings "general procedure" would be set by an escorts respective agency or passed along through networking sites like this, as well as the laws of a given area. Leading to a somewhat regionalized "general procedure". You'll have to forgive me if I have over thought this, lol. Simply put, I am kind of new to this hobby and I'm looking for a little advice. I believe I have the basics down; clean, timely and such, but I feel like I might be missing some of the finer points. Hiring an escort isn't exactly taught in school, so I'm not really sure whats expected here. Of course I could just be needlessly worrying, but, like I said earlier, I'm nerves by nature and would prefer clarity over ignorance. Now, this next question might just stem from a lack of "general" practice and is most likely going to come off as if I have none(my childish ego compels me to state otherwise!... sorry), but again clarity over ignorance and such. Basically my next question is: does and don'ts once we have gotten down to business? Obviously, there is a certain level of entitlement, having paid for a service and all, but I don't want to feel too demanding or that I'm the only one having fun(from what I've been told there's an easier and cheaper way to have fun by myself). Should I just play every encounter by ear? Is everything okay until I get a verbal no? Again, I'm probably over thinking this, but it never hurts to have some ground rules. Lastly and getting a little personnel with this one, tips for relaxing during an encounter? I don't know if I have said this before, but I tend to be a little bit nervous at times. Now, it has never prevented me from rising to the occasion, but it can lead to a certain lack of satisfaction. I actually took up this hobby in the hopes of "self medicating", if you will, since this has led to some embarrassment and would appreciate the advice of anyone who might have gone through the same thing. Thanks. PS: One of my other hobbies is writing about things I enjoy. Can you tell?
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