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Everything posted by cinelli

  1. I don't see how either you or waterrat figure it is pure marketing. There are lots of ads but the articles are worth reading. Many of them are written by real scientists and include links to peer reviewed papers. Aragon is a very well known writer and has published many articles in science journals. The IIFYM system is how many athletes eat and it works, from both my experience and what I have seen in many sports disciplines. It takes some effort to figure it out but all the information is there, for free. No need to buy anything. Just read it and set up your plan.
  2. Knowingly renting rooms for that purpose would be equivalent to operating a bawdy house. The hotel owner would be liable for prosecution and forfeiture of the hotel. Posters who give out names of places could cause a lot of trouble.
  3. Dolly Castro, her pictures are used by so many escorts!!
  4. Twitter. Look at one lady's page, and usually she will have links to other ladies' sites. A lady's page tells a lot about her. You can see if you and her will be compatible.
  5. You are eating the wrong stuff, if you eat better you will not need a suppressant. Constantly prescribing drugs for those reasons is not helping. Additional Comments: Cutting carbs will be like quitting meth, it is very hard. Try different carbs, potatoes are garbage, try stuffing yourself with salads. Try adding fats to your diet as well, fats will make you feel fuller. See the IIFYM website. They are a much better source than the CDA. The low calorie argument is a red herring. The problem is with the glycemic index of the foods you eat. A high glycemic index food is quickly digested and produces a sudden spike in blood sugar. This causes a large amout of insulin to be released, and high insulin levels are the cause of insulin resistance and leads to diabetes. You also go through a cycle of "sugar highs" followed by an insulin induced crash where you feel exhausted. Low glycemic index foods are digested more slowly, there is less insulin in the blood, and less stress on the system. 500 calories of high glycemic index foods: bad. 500 calories of low glycemic index foods: not bad.
  6. Lipitor is way over prescribed. It has lots of negative side effects. It makes you so drowsy some of my friends call it "Sleepitor". Three drugs may seem like a lot. One of my friends was on ten (!) different drugs. He finally changed doctors and got rid of a few of the drugs. Diabetes sucks and good luck dealing with it. Be extremely careful with your diet! I feel most diabetes is caused by excess sugar in our diets. Constant overloading with sugar causes excess insulin, and constant insulin causes insulin resistance. We need to read labels on foods and avoid anything with starch, corn starch, HFCS, or sugar as the first ingredient.
  7. Choosing the lesser of two evils: more people passionately HATE Shillary than Trump. People will choose Trump because she is even worse. People who hate Trump will vote for him because they hate her more. Nobody personifies everything that is wrong with American politics than Hillary. Habitual unrepentant liar. Won't release her speeches to Wall Street businesses, why not? Obviously sold out to her Wall Street backers. Claims she will "go after" banks but takes millions from them. As if!! Flip flops according to polls. Guilt by association to her husband. Seen as elitist, priviliged and remote. Does not appeal to blue collar folk worried about their next meal. These are all perceptions I get from REAL Americans I know and deal with regularly. Not the media, not tv, not the internet blogs, but real people's opinions, right or wrong. And those are the voters that will decide. Bernie would be great but he is scary for a lot of Americans. Remember, they would rather die of cancer than get commie health care. Go figure.
  8. That would pretty much end all undercover work if it was true wouldn't it? Cannot believe this question gets asked over and over. LOL ECCIE is a reputable board in my experience, but you won't get far without references. Most people are very cautious there, on both sides.
  9. Why would she use a picture taken from a lingerie catalogue? Surely being legit requires using your own picture in an ad. Maybe it is a prank, but I am not spending three hundred to find out.
  10. I am out of pre workout powder, stopping at Popeye's in a minute.
  11. Odd that this was not found during the vetting process. Everyone needs to remember that anything you put on the net can come back to bite you in the ass! Most employers go through any job candidate's online postings.
  12. I bought exactly that for a lady, she wore it and used it in an ad!
  13. I haven't had any ladies leave their towel on my front door. So nobody considers me their turf.
  14. cinelli

    Apple vs FBI

    Under current intelligence sharing treaties the Americans would likely honour the request. Little known fact: you have privacy from your government spying on you. So your government asks another government to spy on you. You are probably not an American citizen so you have no constitutional rights that would stop an American agency. You can get apps that wipe your phone remotely.
  15. It may have practical applications in a hundred years or so. It will take years of debate to figure this out. Quantum theory has plenty of uses all around us in things we take for granted, GPS for example. But quantum theory itself was debated for years before becoming accepted. Einstein was quite opposed to it. It's where his (oft abused) quote about God playing dice with the universe comes from. In his later years at the Princeton academy he was sadly marginalised by actual scientists, although very popular with the public.
  16. University now is very very different from university in the seventies. They are run in a more business-oriented manner. Hence the useless but revenue generating degree courses in liberal arts. Anything to attract students and tuition. Tuition is more expensive than ever and textbooks, well, the textbook situation is highway robbery. Can't use last semester's text so you have to buy this new edition at $300, because it has a different picture on page 143. Yes stuff like that happens, just look at imgur to see universities ripping off students. For employment? Depends on your program. Warm and fuzzy courses may not help much. Even STMP is no guarantee. I have two neices who are teachers, they do well but it is a lot of work. And both have continued their schooling and have Master's. Nuclear medicine is where I would go. Probably extremely difficult, and impossible unless you have STMP skills par excellence. Good job prospects though and worth the effort.
  17. The fake pics are from a lingerie catalogue. It was mentioned months ago. Always check pictures on backpage because so many are fake.
  18. I prepay with ladies that I know. Someone I have never met and know nothing about? Nope. I can PM hotel suggestions if you want.
  19. Super horny+sketchy ad+impatience=negative outcome
  20. How come nobody reads all the instructions about Google and tineye image searches? It is less work to do a search than come here and write a post! And to be honest, backpage pictures should always be double checked.
  21. Well you were wasting her time weren't you? You didn't consider her rate before you contacted her. That is just common sense. And common courtesy.
  22. Virgin Mobile is owned by Bell and piggybacks on their system. Looking at a Bell map might provide better information.
  23. Harryspurs: the pics are taken from an instagram account "therealbankrollbarbie"
  24. Why don't you guys check the pics? Really it is not that difficult. Just check them before you post!
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