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Posts posted by oldblueeyez

  1. A&W fries and their, no longer available, coney sauce. That SHIT was magic.



    Damn, I just barely remember when A&W was strictly drive in and you'd order from their radio consoles and they'd bring the food to you on a window-mounted tray. Ha ha! Where is fun and unique shit like that anymore?!

    • Like 1

  2. If the new law dramatically reduces business for the ladies, wouldn't it be something if they all got together and sued for lost income? Ha ha, wishful thinking I know.


    And now I'm wondering, why isn't sex addiction treated as other addictions, and us addicts provided the equivalent of "safe injection sites"?! :P

    • Like 1

  3. An even trickier issue is ethics. Feminists want to see women achieve success and prominence in business and politics. However, the ways men achieved so much power in these fields are frequently seen as unethical. So there's a conflict of values. As a feminist, it might make you happy to see a woman as a wealthy CEO of giant company. However, it might offend you that to reach that level of success she had to resort to unethical tactics such as exploiting third world child labour to produce cheaper goods, using environmentally destructive materials and production methods, dishonest adverstising, union busting, bribing politicians, not paying her share of taxes etc.


    They say the top ranks of politics and business are filled with psychopaths, and since men are 10-20 times as likely to be psychopaths as women, that probably partially explains the gender imbalance at the top rungs of society. So what's the solution here, encourage more women to be psychopaths? These folks don't play by the rules, and more rules just create more of a challenge for them.

    • Like 2

  4. "It's a woman's body to do with it as she chooses!" So why does this apply to abortion and not SPing? I've always found that quite hypocritical.


    Anyway, there's a movement called Men Going Their Own Way, in which men simply give up on relationships with women and do their own thing, and when manly needs arise they pursue this hobby, or travel abroad to well known "affection destinations", or whatever. Some men, after getting gutted by Divorce and Family courts and false abuse claims, feel the pendulum has swung too far in the opposite direction and have removed themselves from all the drama. It seems to be a covert rebellion.



    "if the word feminist has been hijacked by extremists?"


    You don't say! :P




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  5. I am not able to work in my field with a criminal record :(.


    That's the kicker. It sucks that a person can be deprived of their means of earning a living because of a criminal record. I don't mean to be mean, but it's like a system of enforcement, isn't it? Never rock the boat? It's like go to school and get your degree and then be governed for the rest of your life by a professional society?


    Screw that!

    • Like 1


    Uh oh, I'm on an 80s tear! :)


    I could listen to 2:30-2:50 forever, it entrances the hell out of me, and I'm going to do that freaky hand movement the next time this old man hits the bars..ha ha...Calvin Harris should license those 20 seconds from TFF :



    Frig I love that song! (and believe it or not, it was before my time, but not by much)

    • Like 1

  7. Just so there's no hard feelings or misunderstanding, I read it as meaning that she was headed in a different career path, and if so, I wanted to reinforce the fact that her current career is also a great one. ;)


    Perhaps I am wrong OBE but I don't believe a second career is what is sought here. I believe the lovely lady that wrote this letter is confident just as she ought to be . We will live and thrive within the confines of Bill C-36 and its inconveniences.

    No problem to me and I really hope to no one else.

    • Like 2

  8. Countertop deep fryer. ($50 Walmart)

    French fry cutter (Starfrit, $15 Walmart)

    6 packs of Tenderflake lard

    Russett potatoes

    Slice potatoes into fries

    Soak in sugared water

    Empty all 6 Tenderflakes into fryer and set at 275

    When fryer comes up to temp, blanche fry the fries for 5 minutes, then remove to paper towels and let cool

    When you're hungry and you just can't take it anymore, crank up that deep fryer to 350 and toss then fries in and cook until they reach your desired level of golden brownness


    You're welcome :)


    As somebody said previously, beef tallow is best, lard comes a strong second. Vegetable oils are for wusses, except for peanut, but then everybody and their goat has a peanut allergy these days.


    After you've finished, when you look at the empty dish and see the hardened white lard from the fry drippings, open the nearest and most available bottle of alcohol and consume in quick order so as to thin your lard-thickened blood.

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