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Posts posted by oldblueeyez

  1. Not weird, not embarrassing, but Sophie Ellis-Bextor. ROAR........................!!

    Long legs to kiss and I bet she's a squirter! :P

    Cool voice and a great song writer.

    She's Brit but looks Eastern European to me.

    Eastern European..........ROAR........................................................!



    Looking Bond Girlish here:





    As for weird and embarrassing, I'm in (bro)love with Mad Max:


    • Like 1

  2. it's NOT illegal to make porn videos, or engage in the profession thereof.


    Then perhaps we can be producers and film vids with assorted starlets? As producer, I hire myself as the leading man. Geez, I don't want to see myself on the screen though: UGH, just UGH! lol

  3. PSA test should be abandoned as screen for prostate cancer, task force says


    Men with more sexual partners have lower risk of prostate cancer: Study


    "Parent said the study's authors can only formulate a "highly speculative" hypothesis that the higher risk in men who have sex with other men may "come from greater exposure to STIs (sexually transmitted infections), or it could be that anal intercourse produces physical trauma to the prostate."



    Interesting. Jack Layton was a big bicycler all his life, which meant lots of harsh pounding to his ass.


    How Lycopene Helps Protect Against Cancer

  4. For reasons I won't go into, I see both sides of the coin here. I've read about the infamy of a Nova Scotia organization and how it recruits even in local high schools, which scares the fuck out of me. I say if the provider is 25 or over and operating of her own free will, just license it and tax it. On the other hand, people like those mentioned above piss me off, and if I ever have to save someone I love from them,



  5. we talked all the time, she always told me how much she loved me, missed me, we were having unprotected sex, making plans for the future etc..


    Given your intimacy, I don't think it would be out of place for you to call her parents out of concern for her safety. For all you know something serious may have happened to her; but I guess her parents would have notified you (if they like you, that is).


    If she's fine, then drop it. Maybe she's still in love with a former flame, maybe you were her rebound, maybe she found somebody else, maybe she had a hot one night stand and feels guilty about it, maybe she wants to be alone, maybe she changed her mind about being in a serious relationship; whatever happened, I guess it's really none of your business anymore and it's time close this chapter. We've all been there.


    If you do hear from her again, let her wait it out for a while. Desperation's a turnoff; too eager a beaver means no beaver. :P

  6. She says she loves you after being together for only two months or even less?! I'm no expert, but every time a woman told me she loved me way too soon into the relationship, it ended up being a total train wreck in the end! Ha ha, I made it sound like I'm some Don Juan or something, which isn't the case, but it's happened to me a couple of times. And as for her loving you, she's got a damn strange way of showing it.


    Some antidepressants can make people emotionally numb and aloof, which may be the case here.

    • Like 2

  7. Ummm, St-Jean-sur-Richelieu was just an idiot in a car.

    What's the kill count up to for these two attacks? 2, 3?

    Really, it's a lot of hysterics.


    If somebody really wanted to mass kill, he'd just hijack a dumptruck and smash into a densely populated space.


    Bullshit hysterics. I wish CBC would just shut the fuck up.


    I'm not afraid at all. Went through it with the Moncton shooter. Just a lone gunman. Track him down and kill him and carry on. lol


    What rights are you willing to exchange for your fears?

  8. It was just an idiot with a gun. One innocent person died.

    If anything, it just goes to show that security around Parliament Hill sucks and that's just about all.

    Really, put things into perspective.


    This guy killed 5 people with a kitchen knife:



    This isn't terrorism, it's an idiot with a crappy rifle.

    Much ado about little. An amateur, an idiot.


    Yet the government is keen to take away our rights.


    Fear, fear, fear,

    is all we hear.

    We will all pay,

    pay dear, dear, dear.





    • Like 1

  9. You answered you own question. Women, if they want quick sex, can get quick sex very easily and certainly don't have to pay for it. But I don't think the majority of women want quick sex; men's and women's minds work differently.


    If a male wants to make money in this business, my guess is to work the gay market. But on the other hand, it seems sex for gays is even easier than for women. I guess he'd have to market to elderly gays.

  10. Somewhat relevant to "our" subject matter: the "Chicken Ranch" brothel got its name due to customers bringing in one full-grown chicken in exchange for a session with one of the girls who worked there. No credit cards, no checks, no fiat money. The customer got what he wanted, and the girls had food to eat as a result of this deal.



    Whoah! The chicken has been subject to some major deflation! :P My spring rolls just might be worth an hour though. :D

  11. Abolishment...ha ha! They'll have to learn how to abolish the male sex drive first! Yeah, these are dark times for the horny, heterosexual male, but what can a guy do but carry on and take his chances? Maybe we should just not give a fuck like the Bill Murray character in 'St. Vincent', and if we get caught just smile and shrug our shoulders like Benny Hill.


    I enjoy living alone, I don't need a fucking relationship ever again in my life,

    and I don't have the time or motivation (or looks, lol!) to play the pickup game at bars, but I still want my wham-bam-thank-you-ma'am!


    Fuck the haters! I'm a man and I'm horny, God-damn it! What the fuck did they invent Viagra for, so we could screw our old wives?! I don't think so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D


    I could just see myself showing up drunk at John School! lol

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