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Everything posted by oldblueeyez

  1. I'm up for snowballing! (just don't brush/floss soon before accepting another's fluid in your mouth, or if you have canker sores or healing oral wounds...rinse soon after with alcohol based mouthwash)
  2. What fight? By the time we're 40, all men have cancer cells in their prostates. I`m sure I do. Should they someday feel a lump, will I allow the docs to shoot their needles into my prostate, microscopically spreading the cancer cells which may have stayed contained within the gland for decades.....NOPE! Most prostate cancers are so slow growing that something else, say winoism, would have killed the man long before. Additional Comments: What fight? By the time we're 40, all men have cancer cells in their prostates. I`m sure I do. Should they someday feel a lump, will I allow the docs to shoot their needles into my prostate, microscopically spreading the cancer cells which may have stayed contained within the gland for decades.....NOPE! Most prostate cancers are so slow growing that something else, say winoism, would have killed the man long before.
  3. I know I am not an Alpha; I hate the frikkers. I knew I was not a Beta. There had to be more. I discovered that I am a Sigma, from a line of Sigmas it seems. Sigmas don't play your Alpha/Beta games. Sigma is the only male which threatens the Alpha. Sigma is a batshit crazy motherfrikker who follows his own rules. The Alpha male looks at the Sigma and all that he has and thinks, "You frikker, you didn't play by the rules, I hate you!" Well, the Sigma hates you back, motherfrikker. The Sigma doesn't give a frik for your games, whether sport or occupation. The Alpha's measurements of success mean nothing to the Sigma. By hook or by crook, the Sigma gets what the Alpha gets. The Sigma will stand up to the motherfrikkin Alpha and the Alpha will stand down.
  4. I am not ashamed to say it, I love Bruno Mars! He's channeling early 80s Police so well, but all the G-D notes are his. He should be an honorary member of The Police after this song. Anyway, if I could, I'd hug and kiss the little frikker!
  5. Once we hit our age, we can check out anytime, so enjoy a little bit of every day, whether it be a bottle of wine, a joint, a chocolate bar, or a lovely lady! WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO WITH YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME ON, BLAST THOSE BLUES AWAY! SAY IT AGAIN!!!!!!!!! I WANNA ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. My fave band ever is Magazine. This autoqualifies me into the permafucked category. I hope you give a fuck, cause I don't.
  7. As I see it, the problems in the middle east can be summarized as so: too little alcohol, too much oil. Simple.
  8. Packing it in at 50???!!!! WTF??!!! What's got ya down? Fifty is just the beginning in some countries, my man! Anytime you wanna fly 24 hours and feel half your age, let's go!
  9. Well, I'll leave sexy up to the ladies, but this clip features two guys who I think are pretty damn cool, Liam Neeson and Patrick Stewart. I aspire to be a blend of the two, and so far I think I'm on track.
  10. The trick for maximum shock value is to look totally normal and straight-laced. If you're dressed like a crust-punk, people will have an idea of what to expect. But dress yourself like an accountant and when it's time to get your weird on, the shock value is worth it, especially when you've drunkenly challenged a hulking mass of muscle and while he's standing there stunned at this psycho beancounter, those extra seconds of flee time count! It also helps if you can yell like Tarzan. Alcohol. Ha ha! On the weekend I was at Shoppers Drug Mart and the rather plump family in front of me had a cart full of Pepsi (it was on sale, gather). I said, 'Hmmmm, I see cancer....errrrr...Pepsi is on sale today!" I received rather perplexed looks, not just from the Plumpers, but from the cashier and the folks behind me. I felt so alone and isolated from this carcinogenic crowd.
  11. Just thought I'd chime in here with something not terribly related, but kind of. Instead of coffee, make a daily hot morning drink from water, 2 tablespoons Navitas raw cocoa and two tablespoons Navitas gelatinized Maca root powder. Let it boil for a few minutes, it gets nice and thick due to the starch in the Maca. I'll bet you'll throw away the Vitamin V ;)
  12. Indeedio! And Tool! Visual works of art
  13. The 90s weren't so so bad. Fucking Rammstein (dudes in ties and suspenders can be evil
  14. Via nefarious 007-esque means, I would trick the two major world superpowers (which is debatable these days....USA/Russia? USA/China? Does USA even matter anymore?) into engaging in thermonuclear war, inducing a dark, sunless nuclear winter. Then I would recite ancient evil scripts, summoning a bottomless firehole to hell. The zombies would be attracted by the bright flames and as they approached, mystified by the flickering lights, would fall down into crispy hot oblivion. Like bacon. Bacon well done. Or maybe I'd just call XL Foods and have them butcher up the zombies and send them off to Costco for their slightly higher income earning members to fill their bellies with, unwittingly infecting themselves and their numbingly boring middle class families, thus mutating into zombies, leaving Costco stores empty and free to be pillaged by us cardless peasants. And hey, ever notice how so many Costco employees are hot!!!!!!??????
  15. Organic honeycrisp apples, organic pears, non-organic kiwi fruit, non-organic butternut squash...........and a bottle of wine!!!!!!!!
  16. Life is undeniably better when you interact sexually and sensuously with another human being. It's hard enough for good looking guys to get lucky, let alone those of us with less appealing genes. We have the right to enjoy all aspects of this life, including sexual. As long as both SP and Hobbyist are voluntarily entering into a mutually beneficial arrangement, who the else's fucking business is it? I think eventually, if one brave hobbyist takes it all the way to the Supreme Court, who knows what may happen. This hobby is simply too harmless to be on the bad side of legal!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Maybe us veterans should volunteer to adopt the new brethren, becoming their old and wise educators, teaching them the ways of the Hobbyist, and lubricating their entry into our world. First and foremost, it shall be our obligation to warn them that once they enter, never shall they leave. And that in the end, there can only be one! Ummmm, or not.
  18. Having spent a respectable amount of money on Twilight books, movies, and paraphenalia, only to have it all sold for a pittance at a yard sale, I'd be delighted to personally drive a stake in the heart of this franchise and watch its cold undead blood gurgle from its mouth. Having said that, I've never seen nor read them. ;-) The Hunger will always be my favorite vampire film due to the goth Bauhaus intro and Susan Sarandan's nipples. ;-) Now I'm thinking Goth and it's time to watch me some Cure.
  19. I'm strange (surprise surprise), I'm either a polite puckerer or a wickedly passionate kisser. I love those deep, lost-in-passion kissing sessions, where you're grabbing the back of your partner's neck and head and pressing lips into lips, tongues forcibly dueling each other, teeth bumping teeth! Where you're grabbing hair and driving faces into each other! Rubbing and grabbing and squeezing each other! Either I or my partner has drawn blood more than once. ;-) I love kissing after I come in my partner! I suck up our liquid residue in my mouth and she pulls my full mouth to hers and we feast on the taste of our sex! It will surprise nobody that wine is usually involved. ;-) YEAH!
  20. Well here's some science for y'all. Apparently getting the flu jab increases the odds of you getting the swine flu, and of it being worse. The results were replicated in ferrets, which behave pretty well the same as humans in relation to the flu apparently. So why get the flu jab just to avoid some inconvenience (unless your immune system is compromised) if it's going to increase your risk of succumbing to the next swine/bat/ape/bird/alien flu? Vancouver researcher finds flu shot is linked to H1N1 illness And, man, is Dr. Danuta Skowronski hot or what?! ;-) Additional Comments: I wouldn't be too quick to dismiss natural medicine. Natural medicine has sometimes thousands of years of wisdom behind it and has its place, and that's a quote from a young Emerg doctor. When it was thought I might have been having prostate ills (thankfully I wasn't), I asked the walk-in doc what he thought of Saw Palmetto and he said, "Of all the herbal treatments out there, this is one which I have some faith in." My crazy family doc wanted to put me on an ACE inhibitor for supposedly pre-hypertension; ACE inhibitors were synthesized from viper venom. Statins were isolated and synthesized from red rice yeast. Hell, aspirin was isolated and synthesized from willow bark/meadowsweet. Natural remedies are the basis for many modern medicines. I think we're flooded with more carcinogens now that at any other time in human history, so I believe that rates are up and will only continue to go up. But yes, you're right, when people live longer and technology gets better, diagnosis gets much more frequent, which many experts argue is not a good thing, as many cancers are getting overtreated, reducing the quality of life of many who would otherwise have died of something else. I think most oncologists just roll the dice and hope their patients roll with them. Who the hell knows, I sure don't. I guess nobody knows for sure. Just do what you feel comfortable with. We all have virii to worry about in this hobby (HIV, Hep C, HPV, etc.) and if there were vaccines to prevent them all 100%, I'd take them. God, I googled cunnilingus a while ago and your chances of getting HPV-induced neck/throat cancer go way up when you've licked a lot of pussy. What can you do?
  21. Don't quote me on this, but I think she has retired. I always wanted to see her, as I love a beautiful mature spinner, but alas, I never did and likely never will sadly.
  22. 20 sheets of pressure treated plywood which were twice as GD heavy as they should have been because Kent stores them outside and they get GD waterlogged. Curse you Irvings, curse you! Keeps me in (kinda) shape though. Oh, and a bottle of wine!
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