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Posts posted by oldblueeyez

  1. I log in with TOR because I don't trust anybody;

    perhaps I will be a criminal for using TOR, because

    only criminals use TOR?





    Only in science fiction do the dominoes fall.



    Welcome to Your Village


    The Prisoner










    "You've had your chance

    now we've got the mandate

    If you've changed your mind

    I'm afraid it's too late"



    It's happening everywhere in the western world,

    not just Canaduh.


    It all started with 9/11, now didn't it?

    Instill fear in the masses.

    Perpetual fear; perpetual war.

    Bin Laden, Hussein, Gaddafi, and now the crazies

    have framed nuclear armed-to-the-teeth Putin.

    Whether 9/11 was a convenient, spontaneous,

    random opportunity, or whether it was

    meticulously planned by those whose mouths watered for it,

    it is being milked for all it's worth.


    All you can do is collect your cash,

    convert said cash to bullion,

    bury bullion in our vast wilderness.

    The day they banish cash is the day I give up,

    and that day is coming.

    Fools embrace digital currency.

    The youth can't wait to pay with their phones,

    the fools can't wait to be tracked and traced,



    Real freedom is in the countries where you can buy

    your way out of minor crimes and regulations.

    A little bribe here, a little bribe there:

    Russia, Columbia, Thailand, Philippines, etc.

    That's my track.



    Checking out of this country before I hit 50.






    If you've done nothing wrong

    you've got nothing to fear

    If you've something to hide

    you shouldn't even be here


    Long live us

    the persuaded we



    to the whole project

    it's brand new

    conceived solely

    to protect you


    One world

    One reason


    One season


    If you've done nothing wrong

    you've got nothing to fear

    If you've something to hide

    you shouldn't even be here

    You've had your chance

    now we've got the mandate

    If you've changed your mind

    I'm afraid it's too late

    We're concerned

    you're a threat

    You're not integral

    to the project







    Everyone has

    their own number

    in the system that

    we operate under

    We're moving to

    a situation

    where your lives exist

    as information


    One world

    One life

    One chance

    One reason

    All under

    one sky


    one season


    If you've done nothing wrong

    you've got nothing to fear

    If you've something to hide

    you shouldn't even be here

    You've had your chance

    now we've got the mandate

    If you've changed your mind

    I'm afraid it's too late

    We're concerned

    you're a threat

    You're not integral

    to the project






  2. I can't believe I'm saying this, but since Canada seems to be navigating hard global economic times fairly well, I wouldn't be dismayed to see Harper remain in power.


    I'd rather Harper had a balanced Middle East policy, was less pro-American, did not give more powers to police/CSIS, had not made it so hard on us guys and gals, etc., but in the end it's our financial security that matters.


    I see no better option. Not much to choose from. lol


    Trudeau's father gave us the Constitution which bedevils those who try to change our society too much. I'm sure Harper curses Pierre Trudeau on a regular basis. :)

  3. I went to school Commando once. Got the rest if the week off. lol




    Would you believe a buddy in the reserves brought a grenade launcher to school?!

    It was empty but he still got in shit, though not the kind of shit a kid would've

    gotten into these days. Another buddy did a biology project demonstrating the lethal effects of cyanide

    as he killed tadpoles in a jar. He was "detained" for a while too while they tried to figure out where he

    got it from.


    Ahhh, the 80s. Everybody's so touchy these days.

    • Like 1

  4. You know something. I knew a guy, fucker was 6'3" at least and

    had to be close to 300 pounds of solid muscle, and a good looking

    guy, young, late 20's. I'd look at him and think, "You lucky fucker!"


    Then he confided to me, "I have terrible anxiety and I'm trying my

    best to deal with it." Totally baffled the fuck out of me.


    Can happen to anybody.


    I haven't been medicated for over 5 years and I never will be again!


    Wish I could say the same, but then I love my drugs (booze, cigs, and AD).


  5. I would remove every trace of the scourge of this earth, humanity, and return it to its once pristine condition. This would include me of course, but I've been in nothingness before; we all have.


    Once AI fully realizes itself, it will gain control of all the world's nuclear reactors and cause each and every one of them to melt down simultaneously, rendering the planet unliveable for us biologics but quite hospitable for our digital spawn. If I were motivated I'd write a short sci-fi story about that, but I am not.

    I am tempted to write another short story, an updated robotic version of Apocalypse Now; if I do and find success at it, I'll let you know.


    I sprinkle love, and positivity everywhere in the world. ESPECIALLY over the powers that govern this beautiful planet in hopes that they may wake up and see things in a different light...and that peace and harmony may come to their hearts, and greed and hatred may leave. And so it is.


    Hey! It could happen.



    I wish it would happen. You'll have to sprinkle not the 1%, but the .001% that control this world.

    Maybe woo the Bilderbergers?


    The Ultimate Bankers feed off of war, always have, always will.



    Stupid humans. I swear, some advanced alien researchers said, "Let's give these apes lethal technology and see what happens!"


    By the way, Ed Harris is one cool motherfucker, like a bald Jack Palance.



    • Like 1

  6. Obviously you have never suffered from depression. You have no clue what it is like I have been suffering for 9 months now so many different meds that are not helping so Meds are not the answer to end all until you live in our shoes maybe withhold your comments because I'm sure they have not helped the OP and sure have irritated me


    Hello: "I've been taking an AD for quite some time now"

    Perhaps it was too much Leonard Cohen and The Cure which sent me into a perpetual melancholy, but I've been on an AD for 15 years now and it's great stuff! The particular one I'm on is an atypical AD and it works quite well. So well, in fact, that in initially adjusting to it my inhibitions were significantly lowered

    (ah, the memory of stripping on the dance floor to "Rock DJ" lol)




    By the way, if you're irritated then that means your thinking has been challenged and my job is done.



    The one thing that's really helped me is this hobby. Being held by a woman make me feel like someone cares about me and Like I'm not worthless. .



    Nobody is worthless; think about the prices your organs could fetch on the black market! :P

    But seriously, nobody can make you feel worthless but yourself. Once you realize that the world is your oyster!

  7. Quick and easy chili:


    One 28 ounce can of Unico crushed tomatoes (only Unico will do...it's great...I make ketchup with it too...great taste and consistency)

    One 14 ounce can of Graves black turtle beans with its liquid

    One pound of ground beef

    One small pack of mushrooms, coarsely grated

    One large onion, coarsely grated

    Two cloves garlic, finely grated

    Two tablespoons molasses

    As much chili powder as you can handle (I like 1/4 cup)

    As much cayenne pepper as you can handle (I like a few sprinkles)

    Add some water so it can all simmer nicely without burning at the bottom

    Salt and pepper to taste


    Let simmer without cover so that it thickens, an hour maybe, stir every 10 minutes

    (make sure to break up the ground beef)


    Works for me!



    My take on Singapore Noodles to follow.


    (Spicy winter foods keep the flu away, or so it seems with me anyway)

    • Like 1

  8. Curious. I'm getting inquiries from brand new members asking about a lady I saw after the new laws came into effect. It's unusual as I've never had so many queries about a single person before; as a matter of fact, I almost never have any. I've resorted to replying "Fcuk off, Officer". Am I paranoid to think it could be LE or is the possibility of self incrimination valid? As my good ole Daddy always said, "Don't say a fcuking word to them (LE)."


    For example: "How was your experience with her and what was her pricing like? I am talking to her now, but she is not revealing much info."

  9. Curious, are these the religions that cover up their women in sheets (Muslims and Islam)? Why? Seriously, I could spend all day and night and not think of a more back asswards way of living life.


    Yes, it seems backwards ass to us, but who are we to slam cultures thousands of years old? They may be forced to do it in their countries, but in Canada they have a choice and if their choice is to cover themselves, then who gives a flying fuck?


    But females control my actions and drive me.


    Females drive all of us, but only you are in absolute control of your actions. Never forget that.



    And since I'm great at going off on tangents, the Putin/Russian bogeyman doesn't scare me either.

    Sometimes you have to check-out of the mass media as that media is meant to control the masses.

    • Like 2

  10. I'm sorry, I don't believe the hype.

    Before we had misogynist extremism with the Montreal Massacre.

    Before we had Quebecois extremism with the FLQ.

    Extremism exists everywhere.

    My kid's best friends with a Muslim and I'm glad s/he is because it keeps

    her/him out of trouble: no drinking, no drugs, keep up her/his grades.


    If Canada had a balanced Middle East policy as we used to at one time,

    then we'd be fine, but no, the Harper government is pro-Israeli come hell

    or high water, so really, it's just BLOWBACK.


    I don't give a shit about youths going abroad to fight for whatever because

    they won't be coming back, either because they're dead or they're banned

    from returning. As for domestic "terrorist" attacks, you've got to admit they've

    been pretty lame; crimes of course but "acts of terrorism"? That's a stretch.

    And I'm pretty disgusted by how Harper used these crimes to further his agenda.


    I'm not going to let the Muslim bogeyman rob me of my personal freedom.

    Sure, if they do happen to set off a major terrorist event in Canada then

    get back to me on that as I'll be mad as hell, but laws can't be tightened

    much more than they already are.


    If I were Muslim I'd be pretty pissed at what the west, and in particular

    America, has done in the Muslim world. America has killed so many brown

    people in its mad quest for resource dominance, it makes you wonder if things

    have really changed that much since the Brits killed the brown people here

    for their resources. The best thing to reduce Islamic radicalism would be to

    get the fuck out of their countries, but that's never going to happen.


    When you think about it, Muslim extremism in the west has killed very few

    people relative to the murder and mayhem America and its stooge allies (us included)

    have wreaked on the Islamic world (this includes 9/11). As long as we're fucking

    with their countries, they'll be fucking with ours.


    To be honest, I was a pretty Muslim-hating dude immediately after 9/11 and seriously

    considered joining the forces to kick some turban ass (and yes I know turbans are

    probably more of a Sikh thing than Muslim, but what the hell it sounds good).

    But my attitude swung 180 degrees after the States invaded Iraq for no good reason

    the second time around in 2003. I really got anti-American after reading about the

    slaughter which happened in Fallujah. I've mellowed out since then, but I can't blame

    Muslims for being pissed.


    I will say that if they think they can come to Canada and remove my right to make fun of

    any God, including theirs, they've got another thing coming. If they can't make fun of their

    God then that's their problem, not mine.


    What can you do? You can't outlaw lunacy.


    Maybe the situation calls for some intermarriage with Muslim hotties!

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