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Posts posted by oldblueeyez

  1. The details of this case will undoubtedly be gone through with a fine tooth comb and I have no doubt that if there was child neglect or negligence by the child's caregiver then appropriate legal proceeding will be taken....


    Whatever the outcome of that process I would suggest however that those who had the care of this child, if they loved him... then they are already paying in ways that will far exceed any legal repercussions they might experience.


    Just my Opinion


    Sent from my Passport using Tapatalk



    I'm not being trollish, but in my opinion there is no excuse for this. None.


    Additional Comments:

    Bought 4 floating shelves...no idea how to hang them. Ugh. Stud finder shopping tomorrow I suppose



    For some reason I don't think you'll have any problem finding studs. ;-)

  2. Poor little lamb. His family must be beside themselves.



    My heart sank a bit when I saw that he had died. I'm not going to mince words though; a 3-year old has to be watched all the time; they don't just "wander away"; a dog "wanders away". No excuses. Whoever was caring for him at the time has to pay.

  3. Yep, I'm changing my lifestyle to fix myself. Somehow I've let myself get 30 pounds overweight, I drink too much, and I smoke when I drink. So to hell with it, no more drinking and smoking and I'm gonna eat less. And no, I don't get much exercise, so that's another change I've gotta make!


    Screw meds!

  4. RCMP negligent in parental abduction, father claims



    Now if it were a man taking an infant out of the country, the RCMP would have charged him with child abduction, detained him until his court date, and returned the child to its mother. But NO, it was a WOMAN taking an infant out of the country, and even though she was detained by the RCMP and informed of the situation, they let her GO.


    No wonder men are MGTOW


    I used to support feminism, but now I support EQUALITY!

  5. RCMP negligent in parental abduction, father claims




    Woman gets postpartum blues, abducts infant and flies to Australia, zero fucks given for father. RCMP detained her but let her go anyway; if it had been a man abducting his child, he'd be sitting in jail now facing charges.


    You're struggling now; don't make it worse by bringing a baby into the scenario until things are oki-doki.


    I personally wouldn't bring any more children into the world because they'll be battling artificial intelligence within their lifetime, and the AI will likely win.

  6. When you're all done debating the value of the made-in-China label, throw a couple of eggrolls my way please, and don't forget the plum sauce.



    I make my own eggrolls using local free range pork. I always thought it was the MSG which gave Chinese resto food its extra zing, but maybe sewer sludge is the secret ingredient! To be fair, this applies only to food cooked by street vendors or tiny restos in China.

  7. I still have the pac-man mini arcade game to this day!!! Awesome!!!


    I can only play it for 5 minutes before that fcuking whining, droning noise drives me crazy! But yeah, back in 1983, it was the bomb! I sound like my grandparents, but geez, I have the same one as you and it works as perfectly as it did 30+ years ago; they built shit better back then!


    Four C batteries, if I recall correctly.

    • Like 1

  8. Look, the majority of reputable providers are just as concerned about their health as you are of yours. I'd posit that hobbying is safer than picking up at bars, dating sites, grocery stores, whatever. Getting HIV from oarl sex, whether giving or receiving, is minimal; trust me, I've been doing this for 25 years and every time I go to the STD clinic I come up clean, even for minor bacterial things. I've been eating professional pssuy from the very beginning.

    • Like 4

  9. I confess that valentine's day often not my best day... I am lucky enough to have people I love in my life but when you lose someone you love it makes any of life's celebrations just not seem as bright.


    Sorry to hear that. My heart is very fragile and as such I learned a long time ago to let very few enter it; for better or for worse, that's my coping mechanism. I couldn't imagine life without the few I love, it would crush me.

    • Like 3

  10. I'm kind of guessing that you're attached and you don't want to transmit anything to your partner, which is respectable (been there done that). Being attached prevented me from doing things I love to do and it's liberating to be single. Wrap it up and learn to love it that way: no BB fellatio and no cunnilingus and even no kissing.


    If you're single, then hey, forget the numbers. What are your chances of eating pacific seafood containing Fukushima radiation? Eating meat with PCBs? Living in an older house with asbestos? Etc., etc. Wrap it up for the main event and learn to live with the odds.

  11. I have to admit I love Costco, but yeah, waiting in those huge queues makes me feel like cattle being led to slaughter.


    If you're of a certain generation, this pic will make you drool. Ah, to be 10 and innocent again:



  12. Geez, I remember when the Maritimes was a quiet, quaint, folksy place to live and, believe it or not, I would walk around Halifax many nights, weekends included, until the sun rose and never, ever felt threatened. Now we're just as friggin' whacko as any other place in North America.


    That's it, I'm buying an island. Who's in?


    That being said, guns really can't be any more controlled than they are now.

    I mean, they could have achieved the same result by stealing a dump truck

    and crashing it into a crowded bus stop filled with bleary eyed commuters, too tired to react, at 6:00am.

  13. This is the second time you've mentioned children and PPD, is there a reason why you keep referring to potential consequences to children?


    (Second time I've mentioned children; I mentioned PPD once.)


    Well, if you want frank then here's frank. They don't have the financial nor emotional capacity at the moment to have a kid, so whatever he does, don't get her pregnant until she either gets better or he abandons ship.


    Depressed or not, that princess attitude will wear pretty damn thin as time goes by, so make sure she learns to suck it up and fly economy class without throwing a shitfit. Tiptoeing around her feelings for the rest of your life out of fear of sending her into a depression is no way to live. That gives her the upper hand, control, and you'd better believe she'll use it. I know a married couple wherein the woman uses her depression to manipulate her husband; not pretty.


    If she hasn't tried meds yet, pursuade her. There are lots of them out there; have her try them until she finds one that works. It's not just her sanity at stake but yours too. If she refuses to try meds then it's ultimatum time. If a lack of luxury saddens her, tell her that once she meds up and gets better then she can get back to work and you two can enjoy some extravagances together.


    You're a much better man than I and I hope it works out for you. But don't bring a child into the scenario until you're sure it's what you really want for the rest of your life. It's too late once you're chained down. 50% of marriages end in divorce and an unstable ex-wife has the potential to make fatherhood very miserable for you.


    I've been taking an AD for quite some time now (as they say, depression is the common cold of mental illnesses, so tell her to med up or shut up), I've pulled the plug on more than one major relationship because of bullshit drama, and I have kids, so take my advice for what you think it's worth. If I were talking with a buddy over beers in his shed, I'd say the same thing to him.

  14. This is way out in left field, but there's been chatter about magic mushrooms

    successfully treating depression and anxiety. As for their safety, this chart pretty well sums it up:




    I've never tried them, but I'm seriously considering it.


    Also consider that postpartum depression could drive her to further, unprecedented lows should you one day decide to have kids; the consequences could be tragic beyond belief.

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