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Posts posted by oldblueeyez

  1. In a previous business, I got haggled to death almost every day. Depending on my mood, I either dickered or I raised my voice and said, "The price is low enough as it is.... F you and get the F out!" I feel your pain.


    There are things in life which you can negotiate, typically the purchase of significant tangible assets, but when it comes to services (mechanic, plumber, etc.), I don't negotiate because I figure they'll get the price they want one way or the other (if one were to dicker for a lower hourly rate, they'd just bill more hours). When it comes to services I go for reputation, not price.


    This industry is unique of course, but if you lower your asking rate once, you'll get caught in a downward spiral (the discounted clients won't see you again unless it's at the discounted rate, and even worse, they could spread the lowered rate they received to other potential clients, thus snowballing into a bunch of drama: "he got that lower rate, so why can't I?!).


    I'm just an average Joe, but when I play I prefer a quality experience, so I have no problem paying the posted rate. I go for quality over quantity. If I have to set aside spare cash for weeks on end, I'll do so. If I don't have the full required amount, that's my problem not hers, so I'll be patient and wait until the piggy bank's full again.


    Only you can decide your own policies.


    Anybody who haggles with me now gets a polite "I'm sorry, I can't do that" the first couple of times; if they keep pushing and they push the right combination of buttons, once in a blue moon I'll still explode (I'm getting mellower as I age though).


    And you want to F-ing know something!? It's the fckers with the BMWs and the Acuras who are the worst! The richer they are the more they think they deserve a special rate!

    • Like 7

  2. Some Bond Villians

    Xenia Onatopp Goldeneye

    Guys watching the movie (this scene) thinking, "I'd like to, but I'm too scared too" LOL

    Need I say more


    I never watched any of the Pierce Brosnan 007s because I think he's pretty cheesy (even moreso than Roger Moore), but wow, Famke Janssen rocked! I know her only from Taken and I thought, "Meh." Nice to see her in a new light!

    • Like 1

  3. Does anybody have (or had) low testosterone? My horniness has nosedived and I have no idea why; I'm almost to the point where I couldn't give a fcuk if I ever got laid again. If I were 60-something I'd chaulk it up to age, but geez I'm 40-something. My doc put me on blood pressure meds and I'm wondering if that's the culprit. I'm feeling kind of depressed and I've read that's a sign of low T.


    Has anybody ever had their testosterone level checked, and are docs open to doing the bloodwork?

  4. Sorry to hear about that, Joseph. It's not much fun at all. I guess if she's refusing mediation, then she too refuses to talk/email one-on-one to settle things before lawyering up?


    Get professionally informed and get an idea of how it's going to go down, then try to work out a reasonable settlement with her. Divorce lawyers, or any lawyers for that matter, are not happy when you come to them and say,

    "Look, we've worked it all out and we need you to do this for us." (Ask me how I know, lol). I had to fire a lawyer who tried to get me all antagonistic and hire one who would just do what I damn well told her to. Remember, you're THE BOSS and the lawyer is the HIRED HELP who WORKS FOR YOU!


    If you have school-age kids and she doesn't have a job but is accustomed to living well at home and you have a very nice salary, I'm afraid to say, prepare to be deballed.

  5. For me, about February-time is when winter starts losing its charm, so looking at Eva's latest pics made me very happy! I don't know which is more enticing, the subject or the location!


    Ultimately, what makes me happy is freedom, as much freedom as I can squeeze from this increasingly clutching world.


    • Like 2

  6. It's made me happy in that I don't have to put up with the bullshit drama of relationships anymore just to get the prize. And when I look back at all of my encounters, both civilian and professional, the professional ones are always the most vivid and satisfying. So thank you for the memories!


    A long time ago I used to think that hobbyists were losers, but hey, we're winners! We're living life on nobody's terms but our own and you can't do any better than that! To me some of the biggest losers are the so-called Alpha males who marry a trophy wife who soon makes them miserable, but due to kids and finances they're locked into that marriage unless they attempt a very costly escape.

    • Like 1

  7. Aren't pics of her at 17 child pornography? Whoever took or distributed those pics could be in trouble.


    I'm thinking that sex-ed in schools these days should include "NO NUDE PICS!" Really, isn't it common sense in this day and age that you can't trust any digitized information, no matter how private you think it may be?


    But after the fact, this seems like a good way to handle it. You can cower or you can fight back.

  8. When I was a kid, when it was time for the dog to die, my father got out the shotgun and the shovel. Once an animal starts suffering terribly it's time to put it out of its misery. Blowing its head off is a hard thing to do, as I remember my father coming back with tears in his eyes, but you have to do what you have to do.


    I suppose city dwellers have no choice but to call the vet, but buckshot is just as humane and much quicker and cheaper. Bury him and if there are any questions afterward, he "ran away to die".

    • Like 1

  9. Bonus points for identifying the two Star Trek (original) characters in this song.





    How can you not like a song which starts out with:

    "I am angry I am ill and I'm as ugly as sin

    My irritability keeps me alive and kicking"


    I used to be a huge Leonard Cohen fan, then

    I graduated to Magazine.


    Posers think Joy Division is post punk.




    OMG, I forgot about this song......how times have changed.....

    it has the lyrics:

    "I will drug you and fcuk you"

    I have no excuse for this song, it is what it is




    A post-punk keyboard masterpiece:


  10. Many ladies Photoshop (or Gimp) identifying things like tattoos out of their pics. Gimp is free and it's easy to use. If anybody doesn't like a small scar which they weren't expecting to see, they can go to hell. And yes, bravo for being a donor! If I were asked, I'd do it of course for somebody I cared about, but the question would be, are my abused old organs worth anything to anybody! lol

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