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Posts posted by oldblueeyez

  1. I get what you're saying, but both of my parents grew up when they had to pay for their healthcare, and they did. And who cares about pensions and retirement? Many people who retire experience a decline in mental and physical health. On the other hand, my grandfather died of a heart attack at 55, ha ha! Okay, so I'm not talking about no government, but hey, do we really need so much freakin' bureaucracy? I know it's a touchy subject on the board right now, but my grandmother died many years later of cancer, and our "free" healthcare made her suffer long and horribly; I don't have to wonder, I know that to have died naturally would have been much better for her.

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  2. Yeah you are probably right our government is to bloated, from db pensions, wages all indexed and and adjusted for higher prices. Either way I like the ships start here thing.


    Why do the Conservatives even call themselves conservatives!? I remember back in the late 90s when Stephen Harper was a yung critic and promoted minimal government (believe it or not, and only my father can tell you this, but back then I said to him, "Harper's going to be PM someday."). Where the frig fcuk is our minimal government?! It's just freakin' growing like a zebra mussel infestation!

  3. Finally, a real winter storm! Gather yer firewood, fill yer gas cans, gather yer provisions and more importantly yer booze and tobacco, prep all yer preps! Hopefully the power goes out for days! I live for this! Bring the grid crashing down! Back to yer basics I say, back to when gold and lead ruled the day! (sorry, born in the wrong century I guess)

    • Like 5

  4. I believe that outing anybody on either side of this hobby is unethical and against the spirit of our activities. Outing government officials, while a titillating notion to entertain as they really do deserve it, could land the outer in "suicided" territory; they have the money, they have the power, unless you can guarantee yourself 150% anonymity, I would not tempt fate.

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  5. I'm a fan of organic spices and berries (both have huge ORAC ratings, if that's of any use to you). Ginger sure as hell keeps my poor, over-worked joints from seizing up. Fish/cod liver oil as mentioned before. A teaspoon of freshly grated as-local-as-possible (I won't eat a damn thing from China if I can help it) garlic twice a day (morning and night); keeps the pests away, both microbial and human. Organic red wine of course (heh heh, I love me my resveratrol...that's my excuse anyway). A bit of dark Peruvian chocolate every day keeps me from getting too grumpy.


    Hopefully this counteracts the effects of a few cigs a day lol (yes, I'm a man of contradiction, but I'm trying to quit...fightin' the urge, fightin' the urge!....but on the other hand, if I lived in a smoggy city like Bejing or Mexico City I'd be breathing in lots of toxic shit anyway...hmmmm). People around me are dropping off like flies, but I'm still standing (I know I've been exposed, as I get bit of chill or body ache, but so far no flu to speak of!), so something seems to be working. Whenever I get a scratchy throat, local unpasteurized honey cures it!


    Bread is bad; bad, bad, bad. I didn't have my damn 'wheat-belly' until I went off my gluten-free diet. Grrrr.


    Oh, and Vitamin V when the need arises! :P


    I haven't found anything yet which works for being fcuked-in-the-head though. :D


    we are what we eat and all those darn chemicals and crap in processed foods are shortening are life spans and causing lots of problems


    Agreed. But I'm not trying to live to 100; I'm just trying to preserve my quality of life until the big day comes.


    You do not want to end up like this man who tried the colloidal silver detox. This is real, I can run you through the chemistry of it if you want, he will be purple/blue the rest of his life.


    There's no doubt that silver has antiseptic qualities and I'd have no reservations about using it topically,

    but yeah, ingesting it is a different thing altogether.


    Although I am sure some do have their benefit, please be cautious and do your research..



    Just be smart, and think about what you are consuming and how it works.



    PubMed is a great resource. For instance, do a search on "curcumin".




    Papa Smurf! Papa Smurf!!!!!!! I'd like to take him to the "I buy gold and silver" pawn shop!

    • Like 3

  6. millions of men stating you are not a true man unless you have a full beard, etc. I am not interested in that aspect at all; i think it's silly.


    You are not a true man unless you're doing whatever the frig fcuk you truly want to do, whether that be beary hairy or whole-body waxed. As for me, I'm a lazy son of a bitch and I shave my face as infrequently as I can get away with (once a week; if I let it grow longer it irritates the hell out of my skin), so I'm either clean shaven, 7-day scruff, or somewhere in between. My ccok and ballz now get shaven a couple of days pre-game, as that's what the ladies like. I may even start shaving my ass, as then I wouldn't need to rip off a dozen asshairs at a time to rid myself of the dreaded clingons; I haven't figured out the logistics of doing so yet though.


    This country is still bloated with entitlement and the govt getting deeper in debt really is no solution.


    Canada's not a bad place to earn an income and to reside part-time in, but it's fast becoming a very unfun place to actually live (I can see the politically correct factions eliminating strip joints down the road.....HOW DARE HETEROSEXUAL MEN OBJECTIFY WOMEN AND ENJOY THEMSELVES!??!). From a man's perspective, marriage/cohabitation/kids is just a huge trap in this country. Men can't seem to have any fun here anymore. Everybody seems to get offended and up-in-arms abut basically diddly squat. Canadians need a reality check and should consider themselves lucky they don't live in a 3rd world country, but no we obsess ourselves with our first world "problems".


    Anyway, I see the MGTOW movement as something quite significant, and part of that movement is giving up on relationships, and even sex, in the west, and focusing abroad to places like Pattaya and Medellin for fun and eventual retirement. There's going to be a huge wave of frustrated men going abroad, and again, I can't see investing in sex destinations as a bad idea. I don't do numbers, but I do do hands-on like rentals and small business. I think I'll be divesting myself a bit of Canada and investing a bit

    in someplace like Pattaya or Medellin. Can't hurt to broaden one's horizons.


    Oh, and the lower Canadian dollar would be great for Montreal, as its ladies are world class and the rates very reasonable, but thanks to the new laws, what American in his right mind is going to risk coming to Canada when he could end up with criminal charges just for having consensual fun?


    Time for a smoke.

  8. Ha ha, maybe I have too much spare time on my hands and read too much bullshit, but coincidence or not low oil prices are sure as hell hurting Russia, which couldn't be better timing considering the economic war being waged against it.


    Speaking of hard-hit Russians, while they had once overrun Pattaya, they're now fleeing because they can't afford to party hardy (and party hardy they did....no nationality has as nasty a reputation in Thailand now as Russians) anymore given the shitty currency exchange, which means it may soon be a good time to buy some condos in the most infamous sex destination in the world. As far as I'm concerned, you can't lose betting on sex! :D


    As for Canadians hit hard, I don't feel sorry for anybody who wasted their riches. I saw monster, pimped $100,000 pickup trucks (compensating, were we boys?) with Alberta license plates occasionally visiting Nova Scotia and just shook my head. The smart folks were banking (or investing) their earnings, not flaunting it. Also, there are lots of guys paying huge child/spouse support based on their Alberta incomes; if they lose these high-paying jobs, these support payments are going to bankrupt them (family courts are pretty slow and hesitant to reduce CS/SS payments).


    Ha ha, and there are going to be some folks who come back from out West to spouses/cohabs who were playing while the cat was away, to find out that they're not welcome at home anymore and get dumped to the curb. That's gonna hurt: here they were sending money back home to support the spouse and maintain the house, only to be hit with a divorce order when the party's over.


    The economy has a way of balancing itself out, so no real fears for those who are prepared; the wisest live the cheapest and well under their means. A person making $50,000 can have a better balance sheet than somebody making $150,000, as the higher your income, the more you tend to get caught up in all the trappings of "success". I admire my doctor; he drives a decade-old Corolla. A very wise man.

  9. The White House told the Saudis to pump into oblivion,

    damaging primarily Russia, but Iran and Venezuela too.


    Russia has retaliated by cutting gas supplies to Europe

    and is prepared to sell tens of billions of US treasuries.


    I'm rooting for Russia because Russian men are real men

    and Russian women are real women!


    It's a cold war until somebody makes it hot. It's quite


  10. It's not the last thing I purchased, but it's the last hobby-related thing I purchased. I was bloated and constipated the night before a meeting, so I gulped a few mouthfuls of Milk of Magnesia. While I was quite almost thoroughly flushed before my meeting, I couldn't be sure that I wouldn't have a wet fart during the act. So I dropped into a sex shop and bought a (small) butt plug to shove up there if perhaps I was feeling "iffy".

    Ha ha, I even explained to the lady why I was buying it.


    In the end (ha ha), I didn't need it, but it's a slightly humorous story.

    • Like 1

  11. It pisses me off that we can declare economic war on Russia and crash oil prices. So what does it mean, just an order from the top to bring oil prices down? Everybody knows that oil prices came crashing down in order to crush Russia.


    So why were oil prices so high during the recession? Because somebody up top ordered them to be?


    We are slaves to oil, and to those who dictate its price.

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  12. Now that I'm not drunk and not (as) angry, I'd like to say that the common sensical approch would be to suspend these guys for the rest of the year and allow them to return the following year if they successfully complete a womens' sensitivity course.


    Some of these guys are apparently suicidal, and some of them likely have huge student debtloads accumulated. The feminists want to completely ruin these guys' lives and want nothing less than blood, but they may get more blood than they wished for should they push somebody to rampage.


    This requires a balanced approach, and I won't post again on this topic unless to say, "I told you so."

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