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Everything posted by oldblueeyez

  1. Exceptional yes, but when I first heard it I thought it was Chromeo. The guy's a chameleon....he fooled me into thinking that The Police were back together when I first heard Locked Out of Heaven.
  2. More Calvin Harris of course. Did somebody say Twisted Sister!? I don't know how many times I gouged "TS" into the wooden topped desks of my local social indoctrination scheme they called school!
  3. I have had much success with pork with one simple recipe: oyster sauce, freshly grated garlic, freshly ground pepper, marinated for a couple of hours in the fridge.
  4. It's not the last thing I purchased, but it's the last hobby-related thing I purchased. I was bloated and constipated the night before a meeting, so I gulped a few mouthfuls of Milk of Magnesia. While I was quite almost thoroughly flushed before my meeting, I couldn't be sure that I wouldn't have a wet fart during the act. So I dropped into a sex shop and bought a (small) butt plug to shove up there if perhaps I was feeling "iffy". Ha ha, I even explained to the lady why I was buying it. In the end (ha ha), I didn't need it, but it's a slightly humorous story.
  5. It pisses me off that we can declare economic war on Russia and crash oil prices. So what does it mean, just an order from the top to bring oil prices down? Everybody knows that oil prices came crashing down in order to crush Russia. So why were oil prices so high during the recession? Because somebody up top ordered them to be? We are slaves to oil, and to those who dictate its price.
  6. Free speech is under attack from all (AHEM) angles.
  7. Now that I'm not drunk and not (as) angry, I'd like to say that the common sensical approch would be to suspend these guys for the rest of the year and allow them to return the following year if they successfully complete a womens' sensitivity course. Some of these guys are apparently suicidal, and some of them likely have huge student debtloads accumulated. The feminists want to completely ruin these guys' lives and want nothing less than blood, but they may get more blood than they wished for should they push somebody to rampage. This requires a balanced approach, and I won't post again on this topic unless to say, "I told you so."
  8. In an average day I'll see half a dozen hotties in leggings whom I'd like to rip those leggings off and screw doggy, and when I'm with buddies we'll laugh and say "yeah!", but do we ever do it? In like 50 years?!? Give me a fucking break.
  9. Like I said, just shoot me. You want Canadian men to be neutered and emasculated, then good luck fighting Russia/China, because that's just around the fucking corner. And then exactly where will these 1st world problems fit? I fully expect to be totally overrun during WW3 because of western emasculation.
  10. I don't give a shit what happens to them. Serves them right for choosing a life path forever dependent on the rules of others, just like doctors, lawyers, accountants, whatever. You guys can't do shit without fear of having a "criminal record" because you'll be stripped of your earning power.
  11. I won't defend them because they were idiots to think FB is private, but otherwise I will defend their right to talk shit about women, because you can't police thought. And anybody who thinks they would actually drug and rape is an idiot.
  12. "Genuine Connection" WTF?!!? Nut up or shut up. I carry a baseball bat in my truck, just in case of zombies. I also have a baseball and glove just to make the bat "legal". The bat is less of a weapon legally if you can prove it was for its original use.
  13. Oh give it up, you are not happily married if you are hobbying.
  14. These "men" are 95% of men. And how about women laughing about a man having his penis cut off? Double fucking standards. So women can laugh their asses off about that on international TV and men can't talk shit about women "in private"? Just fucking shoot me.
  15. 1. You are not "happily married". 2. When your hour is up, your hour is up.
  16. Histrionics. Men talk shit about women; women talk shit about men. They were just idiots to do it online. Of course social media is crucifying them.
  17. Glad somebody mentioned Chris Brown....didn't want to be ostracized. Turn up the music! Depeche Mode
  18. As they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Also, this is beautiful, though it has less to do with dreadlocks and more to do with her being photogenic as hell and perfectly facially proportioned.
  19. Merry whatever to you too! Loner her, always ways, always will be.
  20. Just my opinion: almost any black dude can look cool in dreads, some but not all black women can look good in dreads, very few white dudes can pull off dreads, and NO white women ever look good in dreads. When I was young I was a bit of a styist, and though I've given up fashion a long time ago, I still know what looks good. Sometimes it's just No, just No: Ugh! Just Ugh!
  21. This is a site I read once in a while for kicks and to reinforce my choice of the bachelor lifestyle, but it might help some of you whom are married: http://marriedmansexlife.vanillaforums.com/
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