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Posts posted by oldblueeyez

  1. Just my opinion: almost any black dude can look cool in dreads, some but not all black women can look good in dreads, very few white dudes can pull off dreads, and NO white women ever look good in dreads. When I was young I was a bit of a styist, and though I've given up fashion a long time ago, I still know what looks good.


    Sometimes it's just No, just No:



    Ugh! Just Ugh!

  2. Fresh scallops which were flipping their way around the ocean floor mere days ago, dusted in flour/salt/pepper/garlic powder and deep fried in lard for 2 or 3 minutes. ROAR! (deep frying seals in their flavorful juices, while every other cooking method results in the loss of juices.....fine if you like a sauce, but I don't).

    Juices. Hmmmmm!

  3. What do you get when you mashup 80s powerhouses Pet Shop Boys, New Order, and The Smiths?

    of course


    Story of our lives.



    Yello, getting Bondish.




    To hell with Adele,







    Additional Comments:

    Everybody's addicted to their smartphones. As soon as they find a way to implant them and direct connect to our brains, we'll all jump at the the chance. Most of us.



  4. I'm kind of thinking that LE wouldn't go through the bother of a sting unless your communications with them were of an explicit nature. It's easier for them just to nab you for showing up at the location and use your communications as proof rather than to trying to entrap you after very vague communications and hoping that you'll say the wrong thing or make the wrong move once you're there. And as was said before, since the ladies have nothing to lose, why not let them make the first move?

  5. I love to cook, but I try to give it all away so I won't be tempted to eat so much. Tonight I gave away General Tao Chicken, calzones, and brownies. I like making other people fat! >:grin: But of course the reason I give it away is because I'm 20 pounds overweight. :sad: I'm eating canned herring with mustard tonight because I'm trying to slim down for an imminent appointment. lol But I'm also roasting a whole chicken as I type and it's going to be hard as hell not to eat the golden brown, crispy, spiced skin. Grrrrrrr!!!!!!!


    6-pack abs? I'll leave it for the next life.

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  6. just move along its not the end of the world.


    I agree, just write it off as a lesson learned. I would not confront; you don't know who's just around the corner. Desperate people do desperate things, and you don't want to become another statistic.


    As for booze, I'm usually guilty of having a glass or two beforehand, and if the lady likes to have a drink or too as well, I've always found that it enhances the experience. :)

  7. and you could order a refillable Jug of Root Beer....


    Geez I forgot about that. Thanks for jogging some fine childhood memories.

    And I just barely remember my old man letting me push the "order" button.

    And we was drivin' in style!



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