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Everything posted by FootFetishTess

  1. I am so happy to hear this! :-D Pedicures are the *best* and wish more guys would try them out. :-D As for me... I have a very broad definition of what constitutes "feminine" so building a deck or taking the lead on the dance floor don't really qualify as me doing something "masculine"... But I'll throw them up here, anyway. ;-)
  2. Home. Unless it's live-streaming Opera. Then in the theatre. :-) Lake or hot tub?
  3. Okay, that's just creepy. I like mint-chocolate-chip and coffee and... yeah. They're both weirdly accurate. o.O
  4. Q is for queers, quickies, and "questionable content". :-D
  5. Re: Stills easier than video: Yes, they definitely are! No sound on and no acting/script to worry about.
  6. I've encountered plenty of men with that fantasy (okay, it's "ass", not "pussy", but you get the idea); and I've certainly enjoyed frotage against a partner's sole, if not having her toes in my pussy. It's not the most run-of-the-mill thing, but it's not unusual. :-) Cheers, . Tess.
  7. I've done a little bit of fetish video work, and a fair bit of still work (photography). In my case, I'm usually shooting with private clients (rather than for a ppd website, for example), whether it's for someone's personal "inspiration file" or something that will be more publically available, so I find that the work is a lot like being a fetish provider in terms of the emotional labour and activities involved. The difference frequently boils down to questions like: Is the person who's licking my heel (a) another model, or (b) the person who's paying me? :-)
  8. Consider my calendar marked! :-D And on a night with a beautiful full moon, too! :-D
  9. I like Webothscore for his skills with alliteration. ;-D
  10. I get Liv Tyler a lot. Sometimes Drew Barrymore or Amber Benson, but mostly it's Liv. :-)
  11. I believe in lasting love. Even after my first marriage was a bit of a nightmare and (thankfully) ended in divorce, I was still quite sure that True Love was out there. :-) (It was! :-D) That said, I also believe that we are all generally taught a model of romantic relationships that's... pretty messed up. A mixture of Courtly Love (where the focus is on longing rather than fulfillment) and Property Rights (see: history of marriage) that don't really go very well together. It leads to some very bizarre expectations - like all those romantic comedies wherein the protagonists hate each other on sight, but wind up In Love by the end of the movie; or the belief (thanks, Jane Austin) that someone who broods and has lousy communication skills is clearly a smouldering romantic who just needs the Right Person to bring them out of their shell... Hoy. It took me a long time to understand that "relationships are hard work" really meant "you must do the routine maintenance, even when you're tired or distracted; you must be willing to be vulnerable with each other, even when you're scared"... For so long, I'd thought what it meant was "relationships are an exercise in frustration once the hormones quiet down". ... But now that I understand that, and implement it, and have a sweetheart who is just as dedicated to those necessities as I am... Love is working out just fine. :-D
  12. No pictures, but an anecdote: Was at a party and a divinely lovely lady sucked chocolate pudding off my toes. I wound up sliding my sticky feet under her negligee to play, too. She was a sticky mess by the end of it. ;-)
  13. P is for Peccadillo - meaning a minor sin, often sexual in nature. :-D
  14. It's true. You need at least five for it to officially be an orgy. ;-) As for a name... Under different circumstances, I believe that's called a six-hand massage, although that doesn't necessarily have to stop at the "massage" part. Good luck, Tess. :-)
  15. Wow! :-D I wasn't expecting to get all this! You all are wonderful, and thank you for making my day that much more special. :-) (And now... back to sipping Somersby with me... ;-) <3 <3 <3 Tess.
  16. For the zucchini and cucumbers, wait until later in May to plant them out (another two weeks or so, probably). Everything else can go in the ground now (peas, lettuce, and onions are all "cold weather" crops). As for the hanging basket of tomatoes... You could probably put them outside now, but you will want to watch the weather and bring the basket in over-night if it starts getting below 5 degrees celcius. As for other container plants... Herbs work well in small containers (of course). You can potentially grow radishes in a container (about 3" deep, maybe?) and I hear that carrots do well when grown in lengths ABS pipe (group the pips tightly together in a bin of sandy soil, and put one seed into the top of each pipe - it will keep them from growing into weird shapes and make them easier to harvest). You can definitely do bell peppers in a container, although you may not get many in your harvest. Hot peppers do well in containers, too. You can also grow leafy greens (chard, kale, cut-and-come-again lettuce mixes) and strawberries (in hanging baskets, like your tomatoes) in containers. :-) Are you going to do any companion planting? (Nasturtiums with cucumbers, basil & merigolds with tomatoes, peas and beans with heavy feeders like squash and cukes). I'm excited about my garden - spread across the yards of many friends, as I don't have a space of my own. Can't wait to start planting my winter squashes! :-D -Tess
  17. Waka Waka. Puccini or Verdi? :-D
  18. That depends a lot on the context, I think, and a lot on what is meant by "looks". People find each other beautiful for so many reasons, and find so many people beatiful outside of the narrow margins of what's marketed as attractive or sexy and, more to the point, what/who it's okay to be attracted to, or feel sexy about. As far as thingsA friend of mine once said of... a real character, let's put it that way; she said "It would be nice to take his body to bed". Yeah. It doesn't quite work that way for me. I can find someone stunningly physically attractive, sure, but I find that I *enjoy* flirting and playing with them so much more if there's a connection beyond the physical/visual to get me interested.
  19. Well. According to this website, I'd be going by "Sydnee Sproing". Really? "Sproing"??? ... You've got to be kidding me. Hmm... If I put in "Tess N", I get "Tonya Muffmuncher"... which I could (not would, but could) actually use, given the names people come up with when they're performing on Crash Pad. ;-) But "Sproing"? No. Just no.
  20. My "double life" concerns my family of origin. My mother and siblings Don't Know (and I'm not entirely sure how I'd handle it if any of them came right out and asked, so here's hoping that they don't). I'm just glad I'd been modeling, and doing sex workers' rights activism, for years before I got into this particular business. Both are good cover, so to speak. Similarely, I'm careful - potentially more careful than I need to be - around what I disclose in queer-professional environments (they tend to be SP-friendly, these days, but you never know). That said, when it comes to my nearest and dearest, I'm quite open. It's been years since I dated anyone who wasn't in the industry, which makes things a little easier, I have no doubt. :-) - Tess.
  21. I love this idea! I adore burlesque, and would love to see a club dedicated to stage shows! :-D As for a name, might I suggest: The Velvet Box Cabaret and Lounge
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