Well, to be fair they are two very different things. internet porn is in the comfort of your house and mostly free or cheap if you pay for it. Also easily accessible without traveling anywhere, just a tool to get off really. You can do it more discreetly and hide it from your family and friends.
On the other hand, strip clubs get you out of the house and interacting with beauties. The girls just care about what is in your wallet $ but you get past that sometimes especially if she is charming enough to make you forget. Minimum, $60-100 a night depending on the appetite of the person. Can easily be more expensive too.
Then you drive home horny because you got no finish (i guess you can get a finish in some SC's but this is controversial) and you go release yourself with Internet porn anyways. :)
$180 to spend an hour with a sexy MA in private or $180 for expensive beer and a few lap dances. You may be right, SC may be facing lower volumes of patrons.
They should make dances 10$ you will see it fill up again.
At this rate they will get by on bachelor parities and kids coming for the first few times untill they realize its too expensive.