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Everything posted by WaltWhite

  1. Info on Perb indicates this may be Stacy:http://winnipeg.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/im-sexxii-lexii/2371727 Cheers,
  2. If you mean this lady - http://winnipeg.backpage.com/FemaleEscorts/clean-classy-beautiful-french-woman-specials-120-180-204-292-3842/1427500 Do search on other erb - "bring Wine ?" Cheers,
  3. I had a post in this thread but I guess it was removed. Cheers,
  4. Low rates/frequent ads... Just sayin Cheers,
  5. There is legit ads on BP. Some of the traveling ladies and well reviewed local SPs (like Emily) post on BP. Follow E-C, Cerb, and prairie erb to sift through. Plugin like TinEye can be helpful as well. Cheers,
  6. Try this: http://escorts-canada.com/cgi-bin/frame2?city=Winnipeg&prov=MB Cheers,
  7. What he said! Take care Emily Cheers,
  8. That would likely be Savanna and Phoenix, but they are long gone. Cheers,
  9. Holland posts availability on ec; was available this past Jan 16th and 20th. Cheers,
  10. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=124597&highlight=Jennifer+Hunter Cheers,
  11. Positive review on other erb suggests YMMV. Cheers,
  12. Any info on "ITS FINALLY TIME FOR SUM FUN..." Krystal, 5" 11" spinner type. Thanks Cheers,
  13. There is only one Brittany Starr on bp so... Cheers,
  14. If your interested in Asian sp I would recommend vipotg or candyland. Ads are posted here on cerb. Cheers,
  15. Yes pic is important or probably won't book... Cheers,
  16. Is there an SP that is actually 18 years old? Cheers,
  17. Link to ad posted today by Candyland (in Ottawa): http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=154393 Suppose you could call them at that number. Cheers,
  18. Why don't you try to book an appointment, perhaps the sp of your choice will make themselves available. Cheers,
  19. Don't think they are the same, the MB number is Candyland (WAE) and their Toronto number is different. Cheers,
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