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Everything posted by WaltWhite

  1. Already discussed here on cerb: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=132646 Cheers,
  2. TinEye search indicates photos were all posted on a site in 2010. Cheers,
  3. Looks like she has changed her name to Kendall and blocked her face but using the same pictures. Cheers
  4. If I am right it would seem a/the review has been posted. Cheers,
  5. Could be wrong but looks like Madison/Maddy. http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=129596&highlight=maddy Cheers,
  6. Seems like a lot more sps are using fake photos on bp. Cheers,
  7. New pics on ec look great! Cheers,
  8. If your referring to "New Latina Sinsation" I would say the pics are fake. Lots of hits on tineye. Cheers,
  9. "Legendary East Indian Kareena" was here end of March. From Toronto I believe. Has a website. Disobedient Cousins Cheers,
  10. Got a few hits on TinEye for face pic, escort from Las Vegas. Cheers,
  11. Before you decide you might want to discuss location with SP. Cheers,
  12. Check out pics on TinEye. Cheers,
  13. Not sure what other SPs reasons might be? There is however no shortage of men who treat women badly regardless of ethnicity. Cheers,
  14. Well apparently the Red Army will be around for a few days, Cheers,
  15. Yes seems harsh considering review on other board indicates this young lady seems inexperienced. But,what about the agency guy and ad posted on bp today (at 03:54). Don't know could be automatic posting... Cheers,
  16. Yes, review indicates this young lady seems to be inexperienced. You mention an agency in your warnings post; curious what agency that might be? Cheers,
  17. Current review on other board. You may want to check that out. Cheers,
  18. If it were my birthday I'd be getting Emily to help me slip into my birthday suit. Cheers,
  19. A few photos get a number of hits on TinEye. Cheers,
  20. Tweeted yesterday: follow Sexy Adryanna - tw..../sexxyciroc Cheers,
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