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Everything posted by Tsukiyo_Chevalier

  1. my high lite of yesterday was meeting everyone at the social so i could fanally put names to people here.
  2. we i have a lot of little quirks but the one that comes to mind right now is that i check my alarm clock twice to make sure it is on even thou i know it is set. this is really true on days when i cannot sleep in and need to get up for something important.
  3. way to go as i think i missed most of the first 500 i will just have to enjoy reading the next 1000 or so to make up for it. Have a great day
  4. I just wanted to say it was nice to meet everyone at the social and look forward to the next one. i hope to meet lots of new people then. I hope that the angel that organized the event is ok and with her all the best. also to old dog and to everyone else that i did not get a chance to say good buy to, it was nice meeting you and talk to you all on cerb. I also hope that everyone made it home safe and sound. have a great day all
  5. I love stuff like this both east and west, the only thing more often then not my horoscope says i will be lucky in love and money but i never am :( well i can only hope one day it will come true. great post as i have a hole self of horoscope stuff :)
  6. To me it is unacceptable to not at least give a call to say you cannot make it and it better be a good reason. as i said before i never make and then confirm and app. unless i am sure i will be able to make it short of something extreme happening. if i need to see if someone is available i email well in advance and see but if they are available but do not book until i know for sure i will make it. and if i cannot i always tell the lady at least a few days in adv. so they have time to rebook or at least they know for sure why i could not make an app.
  7. I think you should stick to what you feel is right and not let others dictate your life. I know that i do not have a lot of money and some sp are really expensive, but i want to have a loving relationship with any sp that i see, at least on a friendship level as it makes the time together that much more enjoyable. to that end i will never try and bargain a price down and if i did not have the money i would not contact the sp at that point as that are a person to trying to make a living. again what ever you choose to do as long as it is your choice it will be the right one, so do not let the few people who are ******** make you feel down.
  8. From my point of view i have a hard time looking at it from others, as everyone has a different personalty. I have never missed an app. and i never intend to because i always book well enough ahead of time to make sure that when the day comes i an free. I do know that things like a car brake down or something can happen that were not plained for, and if this was to happen i would let the lady know and rebook the appointment if needed. i would always make sure that the lady was compensated someway. The reason i think this is because i like to try and be friends with however i am with and i know all the trouble and time they go thou in getting ready. controversy if the lady canceled at the last min. and did not have a reason or treated the situation unfairly. I would just never go back to her and find someone else.
  9. as with most people looks are very subjective i can look at the top 10 list of the most "beautiful" woman in the world and say why are half of them on the list. That being said a lot of the people i hang around with and a lot of the woman i have loved have always been a lot better looking then me and i can feel the difference when i am in a group with them around over people. I my self still like a woman to look pretty in the looks department but i look more at if they are healthy and that they have good hygiene. I have always looked for woman who have wonderful personalty's as i hate dishonest fakes who you cannot even have a good talk about a good book or what is going on in the world. In summery looks make up about 25% of what i look at in a woman. and no if a lovely lady wants to dress up, i will know and make them aware of there efforts. ;)
  10. when ever i think of commercials i alway think of this one after a very fun conversation i had with 2 people in a related job about the difference's in working conditions between Canadian LE and U.S. LE.
  11. wile i do now drink coffee sometimes i am a tea drinker all the way it could be the British in me but i remember drinking tea when i was very young. any kind of tea does not matter if it has milk and sugar or not. i do most often take it with ether very little or no milk or sugar and sometimes put a little honey depending on the kind of tea.
  12. after playing both i have to got with the NHL as i love hockey more Greek or Roman mythology
  13. i think i like pale eyes but it depends on the color. Cartoons or soap operas
  14. I will only speak for myself and what ever anyone else wants to do is there right. I would never go of a 15 min. session, to me i think that an hour is the lowest i would go and that is still not a lot of time. I always try to make sure that the lady i am with at least knows that i respect and at least see her as a wonderful person and that the time we spend together is a friendship as well as a date. even if for whatever reason we never meet again we were close for that moment in time. and without that the hole thing is meaningless and i would rather spend my money on anything else. This is just me thou and i respect the rights of every person so as long as no one is hurt. Later safe day to all
  15. This is for the person who replied to my last post, i am sorry if i did not make what i was saying clear i will try and fix it Hi just to clarify what I was talking about with out doing into to much detail in my work. one of the main things is that under the current legal stand point a doctor helping someone in an suicide is looked at in the same way as manslaughter or in some cases i have looked into 2 degree murder as a worst case. But when it comes to trying to get it legalize one of the main argument's is about MD's. and the issues that can come from it and as this thread is for what i think on assisted suicide i wanted to give a more facts like replay as this is something i have been thou with a close family member and is something i deal with alot in my daily life. also assisted suicide and active euthanasia are much the same thing. i say this only for info sake as i did not know what you meant by that part of you comment. Again as i deal a lot with this i am very hopeful that the laws on this will change in the future.
  16. I think that everyone has at least a couple of regret in there life, no matter what people say they do not. and it is not a bad thing i could write a book on all the things i regret but even thou everyone would like to go back and change the things they made mistakes on, or things they do not do whould it be for the best. In our life it is our mistakes that made us who we are today and so might say great if i could change things in the past i would be even greater or beater then i am now, but on that same logic you could all so be a shadow of what you are now. with all the things i wish i could change i still think about some of them even to this day but i know there is nothing i can do but i can take the following attitude and i hope every one else will find it nice as well: " There is nothing your persent self can do to change your past self or the events that happened, but you can live in this moment and if there is something you do not like about who you are, strive to make it better. because your present self can change your future self. so it is never to late to be the person you want to be." Have a great and safe day
  17. In my job this is something that does come up a lot along with suicide in general, so i will be as objective as i can. I think that people should have the right to do as they wish with there own life as long as it is there own choice. I have seen first hand many different pov on why it should be illegal from A legal point being this would give an a person like a doctor to much power to just say try and get a person to end there life without helping them. (yes i was at a conference and this came up) to a moral point being that all life it special and assisted suicide is just like murder. to a religious point being that all forms of suicide are a sin. This is just a few but you get the point, the main thing that i have noticed with dealing on this subject is that i see people say argument based on them selfs as the main person in question and not on what is best. The worst and most self centered thing i hear from a lot is people who are completely healthy see it should be illegal because they would not want to have someone just end there life. how do they know that when they are not in that spot of have had someone in that situation. I have gone thou watching someone in the same predicament and it is not nice to know there is not really anything you can do accept as in the case of going to another county and that is just wrong. This is only my pov and i have left out a lot in order to keep this from getting into an argument but i do think that assisted suicide should be legal but i do know there issues if it is so i can understand other peoples views. As always have a great and safe day to all knight
  18. Hi all this is outdoorslover under my new name. This is a thread i wanted to post for a wile as it is important to me. I have always been someone who stands out form the crowd and will not let people change the person i am on the inside. but because of this i have had a lot of people judge my without knowing who i really am, i have always been a bit over wait but have always tried to help anyone i can. people always jump to what they want to think with out seeing who the person is or what the situation is. i have had this happen to me even just this month, and i have even seen it here on cerb with a couple of people not understanding the situation some sp are in. I know this is just from my pov but i know lots of people who are great and wonderful but have been judged ether by there looks, opinions, or even for no reason at all and it is a sad thing indeed. I know that even people reading this will judge me as i there a nice person or a sap but this is who i am and what i think. and i want every one who reads this to not let others change who you are inside and to always see the true person in others. Again i think that cerb is a great place and most of the people here know this but i just wanted to give everyone a little pick me up just incase they needed it. I will leave everyone with a couple of quotes as i love them. "Never judge a mans actions until you know his motives" -Paulo Coelho "It is easy to see the faults of others but difficult to see one's own. A man winnows his neighbor's faults like chaff but conceals his own as a cunning gambler conceal his die" -Buddha "You're going to come across people in your life who will say all the right words at all the right times. But in the end, it's always their actions you should judge them by. It's actions, not words, that matter" -Nicholas Sparks Have a great and safe day everyone :)
  19. Hi i do not think it is any of someone else's business what you do in your personal life and as someone who tries to at least be somewhat friends with every person i meet, be it SP or co-worker, any person should never ask a question and then force there personal opinions on any one else. I do think that honesty is important in any relationship and i hope when you find someone they will be nice and understanding so that you can tell them whatever you want without fear of any backlash. Have a great day
  20. I like all of the people before me on this thread and of course the lovly lady before me is an angel. All the best everyone
  21. I just wanted to say that my thoughts go out to the people in Boston and to the family's of everyone hurt and killed where ever they are from. there were over 2000 Canadians there as well. i welcome every one to give their best wishes to everyone there and to anyone on cerb who knows anyone there as well. This should never happen anywhere or to anyone in the world.
  22. This will be my owe pov but i do not think there is any problem being in a relationship while working as long as there are no secrets or dishonesty. i work where you can not tell people anything about what happens during it so i know there is a fine line between what to keep secret and what not to. but there is always a way if the person you are with is a honest and trustworthy person to have a conversation with them, like telling them what your feelings are, talking about your day (without all the nitty gritty, or names) and just letting them know how you truly feel for the person in you life without trying to BS every word. The only thing i can say is that in this line of work you need to take things even more slowly then you would do to the fact that guys like me as someone else said do not share well, i know that only from my standpoint i would not mind having a GF who is a SP as long as we built a strong trusting friendship first and then became really close. the most important thing for me would be that we trust each other 100% meaning that i know that the things she says are true and that she knows that anything she says to me is taken with understanding and she know i will not tell it to other people. If this happens i think that any relationship will last a long time to come.
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