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Miss S. Lane

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Miss S. Lane

  1. I start my day with warm water and half a lemon. Love it. I love coffee but am learning to drink it without cream and sugar because it doesn't agree with me. At home, I'll use almond milk and stevia. after I did my cleanse, I lost my taste for Timmy's lol. AND I have grown a fond appreciation of green tea :)
  2. Thank you for sharing this. I just corrected my iPhone :)
  3. E is for ecstasy -- not the drug but the feeling :)
  4. A box of tissues and another bottle of vitamin C capsules. SUPER exciting, right?! Lol
  5. I too enjoy your contributions to our cozy community and thank you for them, RG!! Xoxo
  6. http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2014/01/19/think_again_prostitution I didn't have to sign up!!!
  7. Peanut butter. Orange juice or apple juice?
  8. I want to eat captain crunch. I need to stick to this detox!
  9. My cat is antsy and glares at me when I won't let her out - but then I open the door and she feels the cold and turns away from the door!! Lol she is a bit hyper though because she can't get outside to run off steam! I am enjoying playing with her more :) AND cuddling more!!!
  10. I offer duos with Clarissa Delight in St. John's, as well as Emily Rushton and Nathalie Lefebvre when our schedules match up!!! :)
  11. Well how sad... I was so hoping to meet you alb49 :) xo
  12. Happy Birthday!! A lot of parents had sex at Easter!!!!! Lol
  13. Sitting on the couch, relaxing, eating Christmas cookies and snuggling with my cat. We are supposed to get another 20cms tonight and I too am glad I'm stocked up on food and booze so I don't have to go anywhere :) happy Boxing Day, all!!
  14. And too frequently you may risk some people from out of town not being able to attend :) xoxo
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