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Everything posted by zoneman

  1. Oh dear, the world really is coming to an end!!! 😂🤣🤣
  2. Well I didn’t visit her but I did contact her the other day to find out for sure. I asked her straight up what she meant by that in her ad and yes she offers all bb services, bbbj, bbfs and bb anal. So stay away folks, far away...
  3. To be honest I’ve never understood why men do it, I’ve never personally witnessed this happen and I’ve never done it myself so I guess I just understand why you do such a thing. As for me, no woman has ever honked at me or cat called to me. I have however been complimented in public by women, either cashiers or servers at restaurants. I usually get comments on my eyes as I have long eye lashes and women seem to like them. It hasn’t happened in a bit but it used to happen a lot in my 20’s much to my wife’s chagrin.
  4. I'm sorry, did you not look at this topic literally on the same page? I think the consensus is don't go, but to each their own.
  5. Jeff, glad you’re feeling a bit better. Don’t worry about being bald too much, it sucks but I’m sure it will grow back when you’ve beat cancer. Now if only women would fight over me!! 😂😂 Good Luck dude!!
  6. New experiences you say... hmmmmm 😂😂😂
  7. I always thought the word therapist was weird ;)
  8. Since I assume you got it on this tour and you live in Ontario, for between 10 and 20 over what is the ticket? Less than $100? I’d say pay it unless you’re worried about a huge insurance hike.
  9. You're preaching to the choir here. Driving through the Beausejour Marsh at the NB/NS border I find to be bad at times especially with mosquitoes, sounds like rain at times hitting the windshield. Enjoy your trip.
  10. Oh dear, where in Ontario, Cannonball or Million Dollar saloon both in Mississauga. Or any in London Ontario? In around 2000??
  11. 20 years ago you say.. ohh dear, where? We may have met already.. 😂😂😂
  12. Maybe in Stone Mountain Georgia. Here it would be 9.97 😉
  13. Still $20 / song?? That’s what it used to be when I was in university nearly 20 years ago..
  14. You’re right and I apologize Greenteal. Guess I’m just frustrated..
  15. I get that but it just seemed negative to complain about it, that’s all. And yes most threads are any info threads, and I get that most info can be found by searching. If the user doesn’t understand this that’s their issue. Complaining about it isn’t very constructive imho. Maybe if you have nothing nice to say, keep ya mouth shut...
  16. Why does it frustrate you Greenteal? You would think it would be less effort to possibly just answer the question than to complain that he didn’t do his own research? Just my 2 cents
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