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Everything posted by zoneman

  1. Not much to choose from in Moncton much anymore.. I have yet to see Katie though so maybe..
  2. I miss Catherine. i saw Stacy early this year, unenthusiastic and just seemed not to be into it imo.
  3. Let us know after you see her. Post a reco if it goes well. That will help the rest of us.
  4. Taking a break then eh? Your wallet will thank you... hehe
  5. Hey all, has anyone seen Catherina in Moncton and let me know how it went? http://newbrunswick.backpage.ca/FemaleEscorts/it-s-catherina-bbw-mouth-watering-skills-dripping-juicy-p-ssy-queen-of-satisfaction/2764352 Thanks
  6. I'd love to visit with Cleo but never see an ad up but have heard good things. Catherine would be my go to but she's in Halifax at the moment, and I haven't heard great things about Kesh.
  7. Hey all, has anyone seen this woman? Any info you have would be great.. http://moncton.backpage.ca/FemaleEscorts/sexy-bbw-low-rates/2714468
  8. Hey, does anyone know any providers who provide CIM and possibly swallow? Thanks,
  9. Has anyone seen Summer? http://newbrunswick.backpage.ca/FemaleEscorts/summers-here-to-please-call-506-871-2205/2644048 Thanks,
  10. All the great reviews I've read of Sophia, I may need to give her a try. :D
  11. While I'm sure Kelly might be a lovely woman I do appreciate Sophia giving me a heads up, she wasn't trying to tell me not to see her or to go see her but just giving information I didn't come across on my owne. It is my decision not to see her based on this information. Don't beat up on Sophia cause she only wanted us to be more informed. Thanks
  12. Hi, has anyone seen these two at all and is it legit? http://newbrunswick.backpage.ca/FemaleEscorts/c-u-m-_-play_with_-us/2560383 Thanks
  13. Ohh I see. Thanks Sophia, might have dodged a bullet there..
  14. Hi, has anyone seen this sp? I think I recall seeing a post where someone mentioned they thought about it but didn't go see her.. http://newbrunswick.backpage.ca/FemaleEscorts/best-fu-king-b1owj0b-in-moncton-70/2511778
  15. I would love to visit her but I have read she is in St. John and I just can't get down there. If she ever comes to Moncton though. ;)
  16. Has anyone seen jessyjay? If so, drop me a line and let me know. Thanks http://newbrunswick.backpage.ca/FemaleEscorts/jessyjay/2443068
  17. I'd love some info too. Girls who advertise as 19 I sometimes worry if they might be underage..
  18. Link not working Plus I'd love to know too. I've seen Catherine twice and I may just go see her again. Hmmm, but i too am looking for a large breasted woman who gives great head..
  19. Maybe but I worry about the 18 year Olds that they may not actually be 18
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