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Miss Jessica Lee

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Miss Jessica Lee

  1. oooh three choices lol boxers your lady: taller or shorter than you?
  2. with this ass? booty shorts revealing top or seductive blouse?
  3. on a man? short hair red toenails or french pedicure?
  4. sexy personality 100% nice ass or nice breasts?
  5. well i've got several so tattoos kitty: bald or landing strip?
  6. Confidence. In high school I wore glasses and braces, I studies ballet, & was in the chess club. Ok I'm kidding about the chess club.. but the rest is true. Serious lack of confidence. Nobody even looked at me. Didn't help that I was only about 4'11". I went through a major change in my twenties, and since I've developed more self awareness, become more assertive, more care-free, less preoccupied with what others think of me, the men have been falling at my feet. Men can smell confidence & sex appeal. I love making their noses wiggle LoL Women also react very differently to another confident woman... often I get a complement on my dress, or accessories.
  7. performing DATY :p cowgirl: traditional or asian?
  8. Age is just a number ... My parents are 18 years apart in age..... my mother being the older of the two. I have absolutely no problem with that at all because them make eachother very happy. However, I don't see clients under 30 because my personal preference is for a man my own age or older. Whatever floats your boat.... :)
  9. surprise fucking lights on or off for it ?
  10. I think we're finally going around in circles ... lol Cats puuurrrrr indy or agency?
  11. I look better in white New Years Eve or Canada Day Holiday?
  12. threesome ... which leads me to... FFM or MFM for your threesome?
  13. country roads! virtual husband! cappuccino or dessert ?
  14. strip poker! fast cars or monster trucks?
  15. bikini ... topless preferred :) sexy shoes or thigh high boots?
  16. thank u sweetheart :) glad you like it.
  17. being sub I looove being undressed ... heavy makeup or au natural?
  18. mushy music :) beach or swimming pool ?
  19. well I'm assuming you mean like a rock-star bus so I'm going with that :icon_razz: thong or full panties?
  20. train has better rhythm :aol_rideit: short skirts or short shorts? ;-)
  21. I don't know you very well ... but I wanted to get something for the happy horny couple .... so I thought I'd get you a nice houseplant. congrats :D
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