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Miss Jessica Lee

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Miss Jessica Lee

  1. it's because you're a "GENERAL MEMBER" when you ask to become a "SERVICE PROVIDER" you are given more album space. Welcome to cerb! :)
  2. I've been told I give a pretty good massage.... but I'm going to be selfish and say I'd rather receive. I drive on tour and my back gets tight and tense ... when I was in Calgary last year I had a gent provide me with the most wonderfully relaxing, sensual massage. I'd been driving that day for about 7 hours and it was simply heavenly. Driving east in the fall. Just sayin' ;)
  3. I test drove my new handlebar mounted bluetooth speaker today. What a riot! I can now cycle and crank the tunes.. safely!! earbuds don't belong on a bike IMO ;) Now, if I can mount it on my kayak paddle I'm going to be stoked!!
  4. Just my take .... I get together with like minded ladies in the biz to network. I love some of my colleagues dearly, they have helped me infinitely in touring plans, avoiding bad dates, dodging drama, and sharing experiences. I don't get together with my colleagues to chat about parents, kids, my personal life or theirs. I don't visit their homes, and they don't visit mine. We meet for dinner and drinks... sometimes for hours... because they can relate like nobody else can. Although they all know what I do, I don't talk much about my sex work with my personal friends, so it's nice to have that connection. A date with a client is not at all the same thing, to me anyways.
  5. Looking forward to so much! first I'm looking forward to cleaning my house and doing my laundry. I actually am... call me crazy but organization makes me smile. ...camping in Superior Provincial Park next weekend and kayaking on the Big Lake...eek! ... ...northern tour after that... I love my northern gentlemen! ...heading east in the fall... I love new tours, a little apprehensive but excited too!
  6. Holy wow! You should all work for the tourism department! You all are so knowledgable. How nice to hear so much enthusiasm and pride! This is helpful beyond words I almost have more to think about lol but I'm so grateful to you all. Hugs!
  7. exactly what I hear...I've got my hotel locations all figured out thanks to great advice from my touring mentor (thanks doll you know who you are xoxo) I just need to put it all together once I've got some good tourist destinations to visit :)
  8. so I'm driving east this fall.... and as is customary I'm making a vacation out of my tour. I love to visit you guys but I'd also like to see the country and so I need the advice of some experts ;) I was raised on the coast in Wales, and the only time I've seen the east coast of Canada is from a boat while sailing past. I remember it being very similar to the Welsh coast, and I'm so excited! It's the next best thing to a vacation back home. I'd like to stop in most major centres for work, but I'm open to detours for some fascinating scenery. I'm in the early planning stages so have no idea exactly when I will be where, or how long I will stay once I arrive. However, with your help I can build a schedule that will allow me plenty of time to misbehave, with some down time to enjoy my holiday. I'm bringing my bike so keep in mind any awesome bike trails you know of. I do know that I want to drive the bridge to PEI, and take the ferry over to Newfoundland. I'm taking the short ferry cause I don't mind driving, but what route to take and what to stop and see on the way from Port aux Basques to St. John's? probably plenty! I'm open to any advice. My questions are both work related and touristy ... don't forget to tell me what province or city you're referring to..... best days to hobby ... weekends or weekdays? best times to hobby ... morning, afternoon, or evening? three things I must see in your province while I'm there? one thing I must see in your city before I leave? your favourite restaurant? your favourite scenic walking route, bike trail, or outdoor attraction. thank you kindly in advance for your assistance ladies and gentlemen! ;)
  9. so I'm driving east this fall.... and as is customary I'm making a vacation out of my tour. I love to visit you guys but I'd also like to see the country and so I need the advice of some experts ;) I was raised on the coast in Wales, and the only time I've seen the east coast of Canada is from a boat while sailing past. I remember it being very similar to the Welsh coast, and I'm so excited! It's the next best thing to a vacation back home. I'd like to stop in most major centres for work, but I'm open to detours for some fascinating scenery. I'm in the early planning stages so have no idea exactly when I will be where, or how long I will stay once I arrive. However, with your help I can build a schedule that will allow me plenty of time to misbehave, with some down time to enjoy my holiday. I'm bringing my bike so keep in mind any awesome bike trails you know of. I do know that I want to drive the bridge to PEI, and take the ferry over to Newfoundland. I'm taking the short ferry cause I don't mind driving, but what route to take and what to stop and see on the way from Port aux Basques to St. John's? probably plenty! I'm open to any advice. My questions are both work related and touristy ... don't forget to tell me what province or city you're referring to..... best days to hobby ... weekends or weekdays? best times to hobby ... morning, afternoon, or evening? three things I must see in your province while I'm there? one thing I must see in your city before I leave? your favourite restaurant? your favourite scenic walking route, bike trail, or outdoor attraction. thank you kindly in advance for your assistance ladies and gentlemen! ;)
  10. so I'm driving east this fall.... and as is customary I'm making a vacation out of my tour. I love to visit you guys but I'd also like to see the country and so I need the advice of some experts ;) I was raised on the coast in Wales, and the only time I've seen the east coast of Canada is from a boat while sailing past. I remember it being very similar to the Welsh coast, and I'm so excited! It's the next best thing to a vacation back home. I'd like to stop in most major centres for work, but I'm open to detours for some fascinating scenery. I'm in the early planning stages so have no idea exactly when I will be where, or how long I will stay once I arrive. However, with your help I can build a schedule that will allow me plenty of time to misbehave, with some down time to enjoy my holiday. I'm bringing my bike so keep in mind any awesome bike trails you know of. I do know that I want to drive the bridge to PEI, and take the ferry over to Newfoundland. I'm taking the short ferry cause I don't mind driving, but what route to take and what to stop and see on the way from Port aux Basques to St. John's? probably plenty! I'm open to any advice. My questions are both work related and touristy ... don't forget to tell me what province or city you're referring to..... best days to hobby ... weekends or weekdays? best times to hobby ... morning, afternoon, or evening? three things I must see in your province while I'm there? one thing I must see in your city before I leave? your favourite restaurant? your favourite scenic walking route, bike trail, or outdoor attraction. thank you kindly in advance for your assistance ladies and gentlemen! ;)
  11. While safety is of great importance to me, it's certainly not the only thing that makes me happy. Freedom, independence, financial security, etc combine to make me happy. Feel free to express your personal feelings on safety and happiness in your letters or comments to the HHC site or directly to your MP :) Strength in numbers!! I have received sufficient support in posts, thanks, nominations, private messages and letters to assure me that the few ladies left complaining are a very small minority. What a completely counterproductive activity this has become, so I'm going to stop participating in the thread now :)
  12. what a blast ... here's a link to the podcast for those that missed it.... I'm introduced at about 53:30 ... but don't say much til 55:20 finished at 1:26:00 ish ... http://www.humbleandfredradio.com/ http://humbleandfred.podcastaccelerator.com/july-22-2014.mp3
  13. speaking only for myself of course, as everyone had their own experiences, I've rarely felt unsafe. On those few occasions that I have, I was far from happy. I've made changes to my screening to try to ensure that feelings of fear don't happen, and I've remained safe and happy because of it. Hope that helps. edit: Mod pointed out to me that my first response to Kathryn Bardot set a negative tone for the thread, and I agree. I could have done better. Please accept my apologies for that. Remember that everyone has an opinion ... that's what makes us unique. If mine is different from yours, that doesn't make it wrong, it makes it different. All of the posts here are opinion... just like mine. I often disagree with yours, but I don't object to your right to express it. Please respect my right to express mine.
  14. hmm there doesn't seem to be much activity in the Windsor recommendations ... but there are plenty of lovely providers posting here in the Windsor advertising forum: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=135 might I suggest you revive the section and post a recommendation of the lady you choose ;)
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