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Everything posted by DeeperConnection

  1. Just because a lady is popular doesn't mean she books back to back! Some, like myself actually leave an hour and half between bookings. I do this to shower, clean and replace bedding, switch laundry, check messages, return a few that actually left a name and number to call them back at\with, lol. And to walk my dog, go to store, read the newspaper etc. So many guys text or call asking are you available now? I'm assuming this is possibly due to increased no shows. For what it"s worth I had a record breaking amount of no show, no cancellation appointments in past two and half weeks, including one I specifically woke up extra early to get ready for. I turned away multiple other requests for these times that someone could have enjoyed. When this happens, I still wait wondering what is happening. My assumptions are that due to many guys doing this simply to aquire an location or without understanding or appreciating that this is very rude and that our time is equally as important that some of the less organized providers may attempt to damage control these situations by taking the next spur of moment call, without considering it will run into a pre booked appointment she has made. I take the full loss of the appointment as it usually takes that long to get over the funk and wonder caused by a no show. Are you possibly calling these providers from a different number than booking from, and is it possibly a blocked number? Are you only calling once. assuming she has ditched the appointment or maybe showing up early? When your calling to confirm appointment and get location perhaps she is just saying goodbye to another visitor and her cell is on silent. When theres no answer, i would recommend sending quick text stating that you are tryn to confirm appointment. As depending on how many calls she is getting, she could get confused. Believe it or not there are a few individuals who like to send text pretending they are an appointment such as "are you ready for me now" or "hey just confirming, location?" Its very frustrating not to mention creepy, and one could see how a provider could get confused. Additional Comments: My advice would be not to avoid individual confirming an hour before sp"s, but maybe seeing if the service provider you are booking is taking your name and possibly getting a pen etc. I won"t deny I've made a few mistakes myself, especially if I attempt to sched. someone while out running errands, however most were redeemable as the hour before confirmation is also helpful in these memory lapse moments learning experiences. If the provider you are booking isn't jotting down the appointment, chances are she may forget I suppose. Last but not least, if you are negotiating her rate or restrictions after making an appointment, or pressing for location early due to previous frustrations with other sp"s wasting your time etc. chances are the girl has decided that the appointment is off. It is frustrating no matter the cause, and one can only assume, have you asked them what happened later on? that's all I got, hope something was helpful. Additional Comments: I still dont understand the reasoning of avoiding service providers who ask for a confirmation call by one hour before the appointment? I anything you would at least know before driving all the way to location if she has blown off the appointment. My guess would be that the ladies you are booking arent invested in providing you with good service and perhaps if this is true in at least a percentage of the 50%, you probably were better off not to have the encounter maybe? count your blessings your not on the other side of the fence luv. Just trying to cheer you up, not being cheeky xoxoxo
  2. Please pm me with what u said, as I've had no luck getting that site to remove my old ad they are running Posted via Mobile Device
  3. I have contacted the site about them running old ads of mine that they took from bp, they didnt do anything about my request to remove ads they are running. Posted via Mobile Device
  4. Why not just ask her this through whichever way her ad suggests to contact her ? Posted via Mobile Device
  5. Unless things have changed i believe you can pay for room with a credit card, but they prefer you tip the girl with cash. I could be mistaken but that is how they chose to do it for the many years i was employed at eb/to. Hope that helps. Posted via Mobile Device
  6. I luv the response u have given whoareyou! Wishing I was able to give rep. Points over my cell phone. xoxo Posted via Mobile Device
  7. U may want to post a new thread, you will get more responses, than requesting this on an unrelated thead hun. Not sure many providers will appreciate if guys suggest them for having a big behind so you may want to browse pictures of providers and determine this for yourself. That way you know if her backside meets your standards. Posted via Mobile Device
  8. The lady that marissa did duos with was emily who was apparently from out of town. Not to be mistaken for me, despite her also having long black hair. There is confirmation on other erb board that she is different girl than me. Just felt i should clarify this now before it gets confusing. Posted via Mobile Device
  9. The attention is necessary, otherwise many wouldn't know what to avoid and all the efforts this pedo has made at causing stress for service providers and robbing gentlemen who have contacted his ads. He likely has many more victims that haven't spoken out or dont know about cerb etc. Knowledge is power in a case like this. If we want him to dissapear, write the paper, authorities, police and so on. The only peace from this social reject lies in their hands. Till then he needs a name change from mr.jetz to mr.putz. Posted via Mobile Device
  10. Our justice system is also a joke. How is this tool not a threat to minors? I cant believe they are allowing him to mock our city and endanger and profit off our high risk children and teens! It makes me ashamed that I live in such a city. If we don't protect those who cant protect themselves, then the individuals responsible for his release are just as guilty as he is for whatever happens after this point. Disgusting! Posted via Mobile Device
  11. The girl with the millhouse tattoo currently advertising on bp recently changed her name from Harley to Alisa. This is not the travelling PSE Alisa. Hope that helps. Posted via Mobile Device
  12. I believe the reason behind abreviated text like CL and BP ad's is likely due to the them having always had a number of letter's limit that is very unreasonable. As far as I know there isn't the option to pay more to write more about yourself. Granted, this leaves those who post on these sites, very little to do but abbreviate their ad, in hopes to give more info over longer words that are often abbreviated. I'm SMH at self for responding to a thread this dated. Now reconsidering the spelling errors I more than likely made, lol. Thinking this is likely good a time as any to unglue self from my computer. Posted via Mobile Device
  13. I recently learned that bp has been reposting 2 of my old ads every 3 days, without me setting it this way. I find this amusing, as when i starting posting ads i always had check if it had expired and renew it. I assume the difference was i now use a prepaid credit card? If the mr.jetz ads are still running, this could be why. Hopefully he used prepaid card and it is nearly empty. If not that, i would suspect law enforcement, or sumone he has contacted to manage his 'girls' in an attempt for canteen funds and lawyer fees? Sorry to hear him being arrested has not solved the mr. Jetz ads. I would flag it to bp, stating that by running them they are assisting in the exploitation and sale of underage girls and send links to his news articles. You would think this would have already been brought to there attention by WPS. Posted via Mobile Device
  14. I'm fairly confident the guards will be sure to have a few slip ups in regards to the wellbeing of mr.jetz. These thing tend to occur, and i know a few guys waiting for that opportunity to present itself. Posted via Mobile Device
  15. I'm disgusted to learn that all those fake ads weren't just to scam people and bait and switch. But to hide the 'real' underage girls who fell victim to this goof!! The police better keep him in jail, or i suspect someone will make him disapear once and for all. There's gotta be a better way than sitting back and watching this guy exploit 14 year olds for several months..... I imagine his karma will be very unpleasant in jail. Posted via Mobile Device
  16. Aww, thanks luv! XOXO Posted via Mobile Device
  17. Wow guys. Let me clarify this before this thread leads to unwanted expectations. I DO NOT offer BBBJ, and find it funny not one of you considered pm'ing ME about what services I provide. Enjoy your long weekend! Posted via Mobile Device
  18. i dont think so, and I still havent heard from landlord. Thankfully I have a good neighbor kind enough to lend me a key to main door to copy. Already changed the apartment deadbolt as well.
  19. Have been stuck in apartment most the day and all evening after losing my keys somewhere in my apartment or laundry room. My landlords havent called since i left message. Have searched everywhere for my keys, and very uncomfortable not knowing where they are. My pug dog isnt impressed with the situation either. Hoping my landlord calls tomorrow and doesnt turn out to be on vacation! Posted via Mobile Device
  20. Let's say 'hypothetically' that kendra is back at nevada. If this is the case she would not be permitted to see clients outside of nevadas as this is viewed as taking cash out of eric's pocket. This is likely also why she tries to keep a low profile and doesnt advertise with pics. Perhaps it should be assumed that she requests a low profile for valid reasons. It's unlikely that a new kendra would be answering cherry's # and saying she is the old kendra, as many of you that have seen her before would get there and see that she wasn't. Posted via Mobile Device
  21. The place i had to work nights at was notre dame and portage. And sometimes they would call me when i was asleep at home, telling me to be ready in ten mins. I never did end up having a sucessful call from them, lol. Glad i decided to do indie seeing as everytime i did contact an agency they werent overly interested in seeing me or having me work for them. Am happy with that now though. Posted via Mobile Device
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