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katie last won the day on July 4 2020

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About katie

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    Elite Member

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  1. Hello Everyone, πŸ‘‹ It's been a long time. I'm just sending a message to everyone that has reached out, and continue to reach out, checking in on me. I'm doing great. I'm still living in France, πŸ‡«πŸ‡· and have been since the 1st Border Lockdown. I am working in France now, and continue to study the language, French. However, I do go to New Brunswick, Canada a few times a year for Vacation, and to visit family. I do receive your emails, and PM's. You hold a special place in my heart, I did enjoy Hosting. You gentlemen were my way of dating. I stayed single for a long time while I hosted, at my choice. Thinking of you at times, and thank you for spending the time you did with me. Someone captured my heart, and I took the leap. My France Love ❀️ I learned to never say "Never", so I won't say it. I'm still here, just not hosting. I hope you all are staying safe and happy! Thinking of you.. Katie xoxo's 😘
  2. Monctonrunner, I'm quite sure this Lady likes Gentlemen 😏
  3. Hello Everyone,😘 I have been MIA for about 8 months on Social Media, I'm sorry! I'm doing great, staying Virus Free, Happy, Healthly here in France. Thank you for everyone that has reached out over the months.❀️I think about everyone often! I do miss you all. I will be making an update soon. In the mean time, will be on Lyla and Twitter more. Need to catch up and clean the rust off. I am backed up on my PM's & DM's(Twitter) but I will respond back to all of you. Hope Everyone is staying happy & safe. Katie xoxo's πŸ’‹
  4. Hello Friends, 😘 I'm giving you all a bit of update. As some of you know already, I've been spending a lot of time in France over the past year. During my most recent visit to "France,early March",things changed within a few days of arriving in France. Boarders were closing inside and Outside Canada,due to Covid 19 Outbreak. My intention was a 1 month long visit in France. However, things changed quickly with the pandemic. With all Boarders Closing, Flights Stopping, Amount of Positive Covid Cases, For My Safety and Others, I decided to Stay in France, during the Outbreak. We are all living in "A New Normal" with the Pandemic still affecting many and many more to come! I don't feel the Safety is there for Myself or my Clients, with providing my services at this time. I have decided to Stay in France for the Summer", learning the French Language and Culture. My Services will be put on hold, until Further Notice. I am missing the Relationships,Connections, and Companionship we have. Looking forward to re-uniting again soon, and spending time with each other. I hope you all are staying Safe,Healthy, and Virus Free! If you'd like to touch base.. You can 🌟Private Message- Lyla 🌟Twitter - countrygirlkat3 🌟Email- [email protected] Until Then 😘 Katie xoxo's❀️ PS: I am a bit behind responding back to my messages.. I will respond back.. My Loves😘
  5. Hello, yes you will hear different opinions on this. You decide what you feel comfortable doing..yourself.😊 Myself, I don't send any kind of pics, never really did. My Discretion is one reason. Pictures are on profiles and online,that's all they need in my opinion. There are too many Pic Collectors, Time Wasters out there. Some will always ask for pics, with no intention to ever book. They will come up with any excuss in the book for wanting more pics. Myself, I don't send pics..No matter who or why. Most times they end up Blacklisted, DNR'ed. Pic Collectors are 1 of the "Time Wasters". Good Luck, Stay Safe & Sanitized Katie xoxo'sπŸ’‹
  6. Hello Jeff,😘 Happy to hear you won your Battle with Cancer. Takes a Special kind of person to have the will power to continue fighting. Yay!!!! Katie xoxo's ❀
  7. Welcome to Lyla "MrDixon",😘 Hope you enjoy the Lyla Community. Stay Safe & Sanitized πŸ˜‰
  8. Get back to Hosting!😘And back to NB/Canada ❀
  9. Good for you! 😘 I'm not saying violence is right, but think in some situations..yes. In the Throat too... πŸ˜‰that would be my aim .. 😏
  10. What? Omg, only if I was there! She wouldnt of gotten that far.😬 There is no need of that! Grrrr.. Hope your okay Beautiful 😘
  11. Seems to be common.. Its getting Shilly in here. πŸ˜’
  12. Hey Hey, "Back Off" lostsoul 😘 And yes, this Thread going to Explode
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