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About JonJonMcLean

  • Rank
    General Member

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  • Location
    Halifax NS

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  1. https://www.locanto.ca/halifax/ID_7077597781/Fiery-Redhead-Ready-to-Ignite-Your-Night-Dare-to-Indulge.html Been feeling pent up lately and decided to try the hobby again after a long break I ignored a couple red flags because I'm into redheads She arrived a my spot. Paid the donation, She needed to let her driver know everything was cool. Instead she jumped into the car and drove off! Lol back to retirement for this guy. Careful out there ladies and gents.
  2. Hi Jimmy Recommendation still current? Are you still a regular?
  3. Lower carb/sugar has worked well for me. Light keto really is where it's at.
  4. I've met her. Not that long ago. PM for details. JJ
  5. Violet Blair possibly. Last time I saw her, a while now, she was growing out. Super cool lady as well. Hope this helps. JJ
  6. Hey there Yes I've met her. A while back. Safe and fun. Hope this helps. JJ
  7. Thanks to the lyla members who reached out directly. Encouraging! Thanks again
  8. Hi all My regular esthetician/sp of 5+ years recently left the industry. We would do mutual grooming, although mostly her grooming me, and it would lead into more. Was always a fun time! Looking for a regular thing. My old provider was professional trained, but that isn't completely required. I like basic manscaping, clippers/razor. Generally no waxing. I think you get the idea. I am thanking all in advance for any advice. Cheers!
  9. I've been in touch. I'm trying to get them to join lyla. I think they may be back around soon! I'm keeping my fingers crossed
  10. I met a nice couple a few months ago. They were fun and reasonable. Only saw the ad the once tho. Maybe the virus, not sure. I saved the number. PM for more deets.
  11. Not 100% certain what you are asking but feel free to pm me. I met her once in Dartmouth. Positive experience. I felt pretty safe and secure.
  12. Ayla who used to work with Jaime Lynn a few years ago
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