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Everything posted by foofer

  1. If I'm remembering right, Sandra went to Oui and changed her name to Princess Sara. Not sure where she is now. She was famous for her one handed massage like she was wiping down tables while checking her phone with the other.
  2. For sale: 1995 Buick Century. Runs good, very little rust. Not safetied. Best offer. Oh, this isn't where ads go?
  3. There's nothing in the wording that specifically mentions massage, but I would imagine they would fall under the "non-regulated health services". Only issue I see is the "requirement to collect information for contact tracing purposes". I can see a lot of J. Doe or M. Mouse, 123 Any St. on the list with a phone number of 555-1212. Home based businesses are still going to be watched by the neighbors, as only 2 "designated" people are allowed to visit most households. Legal, but could still get a visit from enforcement just to see what's going on.
  4. They can't all be RMT's and no professional massage involves her being naked, so they're ignoring the rules. When both kijiji and LL have next to no ads and all the regulars have gone into hiding, it's probably not the best time to be a plague rat.
  5. It's like quitting smoking. "just one puff and I'll be good..." lol. A co-worker's mother is in the ICU. Doesn't look like she's coming out. I think I can do without for another month.
  6. Crap. She was one of my favs. Convenient, too. Guess I'm looking for someone new when code red is lifted.
  7. Did Winnie leave sunhope on main or is this a new Winnie copying her name? Need to know who to put on my no-fly list.
  8. Well said. We worried about it six months ago. Now it's 10x more risky and the death count keeps rising. Christmas is done, there's no saving it in only five weeks. I feel for the ladies, but 80% of workers in my industry are laid off with the projections being 5 years until it possibly returns to normal. We all have to do our part. But as Blue says, it's an addiction. Maybe if we weren't enabling each other with "hey! you've got to see the new honkers on xxxxxxx!" kind of posts, it could help? Just a thought.
  9. Story time. Three times over a period of about two weeks, I've been talking to or working with a different co-worker, then the very next day they were off to get tested for covid due to someone in their family being exposed. Three times they came back negative. This week I'm off work. Someone I didn't know about went for a test last week and got the results monday. Positive. Different departments, but we all use the same bathroom, etc.. So now I need to get tested. Problem is, if I was positive and asymptomatic, who else outside work would have been exposed? In my case, nobody, because I haven't done shit for the last week or so. But if I was more sociable...? That's how easy this gets passed around. By the time you find out, you could have infected many others. Sure, some MP's are wearing masks. Some have a bottle of hand sanitizer by the door. But it's still close, intimate contact for an extended time. They washed their hands. What about their elbows or other appendages they might use? Are you 100% sure you don't have it? Really? I know I can't be sure anymore. Are you 100% sure the mp doesn't have it? Are you 100% sure the last guy didn't? Nobody sneezed on the hoop, coat rack, or into their elbow and their shirt was rubbing on the wall where yours is now? You might find out in a week, as long as you aren't an asymptomatic carrier. I might be going out on a limb here, but I'd say a R&T is a little more dangerous than a trip to the store for groceries, which we're supposed to be limiting. Just some things to think about while you're guy #6 for the day with your face in the hoop. Y'know, instead of reminiscing about which place was criticized for not washing the towels a while back.
  10. Nope. Nobody in the city does nuru. You’d think there would be at least one post come up when you put “nuru” in the search box, or even check the posts on the first page. But as I’m sure you’ve already done that, you’ll see there is nobody and no recommendations. /s
  11. How’s the quality compared to Linda?
  12. Lots on kijiji that advertise receipts. Not usually worth the paper they’re printed on, as most are not real rmt’s and the insurance companies are aware of the fakes.
  13. That is/was Sam. I've been a few times, she's not bad. I stopped going because I think your hour starts as soon as you turn onto St. Mary's. Probably worth it just to check it out.
  14. Considering she was advertising as an RMT within six months after she gave her very first massage, I’d say you’re right.
  15. The second visit, I showed up on time only to have her friend answer the door with an obvious party going on, telling me that she was too sick to come to the door. She couldn't even be bothered to cancel or explain later.
  16. I don't think they would go after clients. They were there for a massage and massage is listed in phase 1. They'd have to prove you knew the difference between therapeutic, relaxation, or whatever kind of massage. The wording doesn't mention RMT's or anything. Isn't EB a city licensed body rub? That's maybe how they got nailed. Crystal and the like have massage in the name. Semantics is a bitch. All I know is I don't want to be on the table when they barge in and ask "Is that a therapeutic handy j or an amateur rub?".
  17. Were they fined for being open before the 4th? Or is it in the interpretation? Effective May 4, and at the further direction of their respective regulatory bodies, regulated health professionals, such as dentists, dental hygienists, chiropractors, physiotherapists, optometrists and podiatrists will no longer be limited to providing urgent and emergent care. In addition, individuals who provide therapeutic massage and acupuncture services may resume providing those services. It looks like Johnny Law is calling them a bodyrub so they're not included in phase 1.
  18. The wording is there but it's still a little ambiguous. Mixing doctors and "regulated" stuff in the paragraph with "individuals" tacked on at the bottom. So you can get rubbed down by any rando who advertises, but not lie on a plexiglass bed with UV lights. And what if it's a nail salon that's only doing massage? It looks good on the surface, but I wonder if Johnny Law will have their own interpretation and be knocking on doors with all their free time.
  19. Not the OP, but to each their own. To me, this is about character, and character equals trust. If you're willing to take a big risk during a pandemic that's killing people, what other risks are you equally as flippant about? Saying "They aren’t seven sick." makes me wonder if you have the slightest clue about how this virus is transmitted. (hint: you don't have to be sick to be a carrier) In the good times, we always wondered about what was cleaned since the last guy was there. A few places were deservingly outed for not changing sheets or washing towels. Can't be bothered? Too cheap? We avoid places like that. The one's who don't give a rat's ass about being sanitary or spreading disease. In the FS world, there's a no-fly list of providers that have very loose standards. What does it say about a provider that's willing to have close contact with multiple random clients, at a time when we can't even visit our folks due to risk of killing them and businesses would rather we go somewhere else than touch our cash? How about some pandemic nuru or butt play? There's no moral high ground bs, where staying open is really for the client's good. That's the definition of "cringeworthy". So we're supposed to reward providers that disagreed with the facts during an extremely contagious health crisis? They'll change their ways and start caring after this is over? Think about that next time your face is in the hoop and you're getting wiped down with that towel.
  20. Would you be willing to wear a sign when you go to the store or anywhere you might touch something, that says “I have decided to not follow basic, legislated, health rules during a pandemic.”, for those whose tolerance may be lower? Thanks.
  21. Haven’t seen her add come up. I’m trying to keep track of who is open for business during a pandemic. If they don’t care about anyone’s health and spreading a deadly virus, they’ll be on my boycott list same as bbfs providers. I’m surprised the self professed “safety girl” Michelle is on the list. Not so surprised with Veronica or Nicole. Or how long it took 649 to pull their ad. The biggest shocker was the Forever group who shut it down pretty quick. They might bait and switch, but It seems like they’re taking this seriously. And a thumbs up for Winnie, too.
  22. Ask Winnipeg Transit how that's working out for them. When we're being asked told to avoid contact with others, going for a rubdown with someone who will be touching multiple people is selfish, reckless, and makes you pure scum. You know damn well there is no way they can or will disinfect everything that you or her could possibly touch. When we start seeing more cases of community transmission and the resulting deaths, it'll be 100% the fault of people with attitudes like yours. If you don't care about transmission during a pandemic, one can only wonder how flippant you are with other diseases you could possibly be carrying. I for one will blacklist any provider you have ever commented on.
  23. Is she still massaging like she’s wiping down tables in a restaurant? She was the only one where I wish I was shorted on time. 😂
  24. Do you actually think that ANY place talked about on here is safe? Like we're the freaking Illuminati, using code words like 'ending' and 'finish' that nobody else could understand. Most here found this site on Google, ffs. You think LE isn't here checking new posts every morning or knows who gives the 'best tease'? Or the providers themselves either shilling or giving false warnings? Or insurance company fraud inspectors? Or someone from a neighborhood digging dirt on a business? We find out about a new place opening up across town almost instantly. But somehow a neighborhood is unlikely to notice or suspect something happening under their noses, like a different car showing up at private residence every hour for a couple of years. There is always some well meaning shit disturber saying they know of a secret neighborhood webpage, but won't give a link. Or someone who says they saw a guy sitting in a brown chevy across the street. Kitty, Forever, all rumors. Let me say it again, the cops already know more about these places than we do. With the help of this site, they know which girls are doing what and who is the most popular. The way the laws are now, basically they have to witness the actual transaction or have a girl come forward, which is what happened at Notre Dame and without any warning. All spreading unsubstantiated rumors does is hurt the businesses. How can we have each other's back and rely on the information when we can't even agree on which girl is named what? Dude, if you're relying on this site to help keep your secrets hidden and safe, you're screwed. The fact that you're on here means these places are known to the public and a risk.
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