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Everything posted by foofer

  1. In a hobby based entirely on privacy, you don’t get second chances after you blackmail someone.
  2. Sunhope’s current ad says they have a man by appointment.
  3. I've been seeing her through all her name changes. Gonna have to go ahead and disagree with you there.
  4. Yep. She started as Hannah at forever, then after all the reviews and popularity (too much heat?) changed her name to Vicky for a while. Not exactly sure when she changed it to Winnie, but I think it was before she did her stint at 609.
  5. Not sure what Irishguy63’s issue is. I’ve never had a problem with Winnie/Vicky/Hannah. No overcharging or shorting on time. She’s one of the few reliable choices out there.
  6. Same as Blue. There must be a time distortion field in that area. Because I pay for the hour but the clock in my car shows 50 minutes.
  7. Joti, maybe? That would be the infamous Simi.
  8. And a new name. Now it's Lisa. Weird thing is the ad is always posted by a different user and all have been registered on kijiji for at least a week or more, sometimes years. Meanwhile 841 is advertising a new Betty. I'm guessing nobody in this biz wants repeat customers.
  9. The name switching to confuse us seems to be working - we can’t even agree who is who. When I was at the old place, sasha = rose, vicky = hannah, and susan was new (and not rose). That’s why I won’t return. Don’t want to see susan again and god knows what name she’s using this week.
  10. Because pickings are slim? One major player does bait and switch. The other creates a fake review site deceiving customers. That's 80% of the market. Pick which one disgusts you less.
  11. And preferably not with an ad in the transsexual category. https://www.leolist.cc/personals/shemale-escorts/winnipeg/winnipeg_extremley_addictive_beauty_bombshell-4374490
  12. She used to do massage in her bedroom at her grandparents apartment off north main. That is, when she decided to open the door when you arrived. Six months ago she was just starting out and didn’t have a clue. Now she’s an RMT which takes what? two to four years of training? Not sure why she started a new kijiji account and has a different writing style than before. The pic is correct. There should be a review here and on the other site.
  13. Yep. And was Sandra at Ruby before that.
  14. That's strange. Street view shows Body Matrix was already there over a year ago. The new ads have the forever phone number but no staff names. I wonder if it's the same girls or they cleaned house.
  15. They stopped using the name in their ads a long time ago. Probably too much heat from talk on here. Same reason the girl's names keep changing. When I last saw Susan in the spring she said they were closing the location in September. Hmm. Guess she was right.
  16. The problem is businesses need customers to survive. At any place that has more than one person working, I've never had to wait for an appointment. Independents, maybe an hour or so. Supply in this city far exceeds demand. I think there is an over-estimation of the amount of participants in this 'hobby' and an under-estimation of clients looking for a straight non-rmt massage. Hell, even in this forum dedicated to it, it seems half the people here don't partake. Look at 621 portage, who spams Kijiji, and Ness. Both are doing just fine on the legit side.
  17. Right. Because LE would never setup an account here and fish for info via PM, or visit a known place to see if they were offered anything. 🙄 I’m sure leaving out their fake name when there are only three people working there is going to derail their investigation. Here you have a place with a 90% success rate that they could shut down with little effort, yet they are supposedly questioning random customers on leaving about one specific fake name that just switched companies. Same BS happened last winter about another place. Like other companies wouldn’t spread disinformation to hurt the competition. How many Nancys do we have? We talk about Forever, now the place on portage has an ad that says “best massage forever” to confuse people. As long as any communication is anonymous, the info is sketchy at best. If you can find a place/person based on censored info, so can LE. Don’t like these facts? Don’t participate.
  18. All the info you need is in the "xx2 corydon" thread.
  19. She had an ad up a week ago. Same address but different phone number. Googling it brought up and old escort ad of hers with pictures. Usually when she posts, there's another girl with a similar ad. Things that make you go hmmmmm.
  20. Same wiping down tables thing she calls a massage, mediocre finish and handing out her number. Left the room three times and did some one handed rubbing while checking messages.
  21. And just like McDonalds, once you get to the table you find they gave you the wrong order.
  22. I've seen her more than a few times. Exactly as MonorZ says. She's good, but forget about extras if you don't like being thrown out on your ass.
  23. Saw her a couple of weeks ago. Took no less than three calls while I was there. Very repetitive massage. Starts good but ends up being mindless one-handed rubbing to kill time. Very nice person, but I didn't like walking past her family outside working in the front yard.
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