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About rperrin

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  1. Once, a long time ago (and not in Canada) I tried to insert a finger and the lady stopped me, telling me that it was for my own good, as she had an infection. :shock:
  2. Thanks all. Good point about the time for the shower(s) being included. In my case, I declined the shower when I entered (I took one immediately before coming), and when I had my release, I told her I would shower at my hotel. Then I asked her if she could massage my shoulders and neck (which I find sooo relaxing after sexy fun). She did that for a good 3 minutes, and then said "How was that? All done now?" And that brought me to the 30 minute mark. It almost seems that she was in a rush for another appointment, though I don't think she had one. She was a nice girl, and I enjoyed her company, so the timing seems out of place. Perhaps she just miscalculated. I should have made the point right then as one poster suggested, but I am a wimp about confrontation, especially when I am naked! Anyway, I have learned some useful things, and am ready for my next (positive) experience!
  3. Thanks everyone. I see now that what I received was clearly deficient, whether due to inexperience by the MA or deliberately I don't know. But it does sound like a real anomaly. On one hand I am disappointed for my bad luck, but on the other I am happy to know that the system is generally good. I suppose I could send feedback to the spa management, but other than the short time, the lady was nice and friendly, and I don't want to get her in trouble. I suppose I will chalk it up to bad luck give it another shot (pun intended :biggrin: )
  4. Hi, So last night I went to a spa and got massaged by a lovely lady leading to an explosive ending. But I have a question. How long is a one hour massage really? Although I paid for one hour, the session was clearly over after the happy ending. I was on the table to 30 minutes tops, and then the girl told me I could go for a shower if I wanted. And while I am on the subject, what is the quality of the actual massage at these spas? My MA admitted to not knowing real massage, and went straight to the erotic caresses, etc. Which is one reason why the happy ending came as quickly as it did :-) I hope that mods don't take this as a complaint post -- it was a good experience overall, and face it, we are there for the hot ladies and the orgasm. But for my future visits I would like to have more realistic expectations regarding the length of the session and the quality of the massage.
  5. Thanks everyone. That is very promising. Generally speaking, how late are these spas open? I have researched a number of the spas that advertise here and see that the hours of individual ladies vary a lot, with 10 or 11 PM seeming to be the latest. But if I tried to do a walkin at a spa at that time, would they even answer the door? thanks
  6. Hi, Brand newbie here. I am going to be in Ottawa next week for work, and would love to have an erotic massage from one of the lovely ladies in these parts. But the problem is that I don't know what my schedule will be and cannot tie myself down in advance to a fixed appointment. Are there any massage spas that accept walk-ins off the street without an appointment? My free time is likely to be after 7 PM. thanks in advance, and I love this message board!
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