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Everything posted by Greenly

  1. I was in MJ for a few days and noticed that an Asian massage place has opened up there recently. It advertises in Regina BP under "services - massage". I decided to check it out and TOFTT. If any of you MJ lads are curious I can PM the details.
  2. I'm thinking of trying out "Fabulous at Forty" on Regina BP. However, the phone number she gives is also used by one advertised as "Lonely housewife - 32", which I find a bit suspicious. Does anyone have info or experiences with either of these ladies ?
  3. I live in Regina and visit Winnipeg occasionally. I have an interesting observation. In Regina there are about 10 Asian massage parlours. Most provide a HE and some do FS. Most are staffed by 1 or 2 women in their 30's or 40's, some of them not half bad looking. They advertise in the local newspaper classified ads. Yet in Winnipeg, a much bigger city with a larger Asian population, there is only 1 Asian massage that I am aware of (at Portage and Arlington). Are there different laws or licensing that account for the difference ? Just curious.
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