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Everything posted by builder3007

  1. And no baby oil you try to wash off for days 🤣🤣
  2. They told me hours are 1030 to 7 everyday.
  3. Interesting have to check out. Any additional info would be appreciated
  4. Her lasted ad says St Vital. Also 1 of the pictures in this latest add is of Michelle. Strange??!!
  5. Oh geez. My introduction to that place. I had a work meeting at a business very close by. Meeting ended and I was having a smoke and met a lady also having a smoke. Started up conversation exchanged some info and I met up with her later. Yes place was dumpy but I did have a great time with the lady 😊
  6. This is a a new place for me that I have recently seen ok k….. Has anyone tried the place out and can give recommendations PMs are welcomed
  7. The low end of the price scale is massage only nothing more nothing less. I have seen both Michelle and Leanne and their massages are good. I could almost go for massage only but that would be defeating the purpose 😉
  8. I see the ad up sometimes and other times it is not posted. I assume she takes it down when not available or working
  9. She is a nice lady I’d say mid 30’s. Never good with age especially with masks. when you arrive she greets you and goes through an assessment Q and A like a RMT does. She does have a certification certificate but I do not believe it is recognized by Manitoba. She leaves the room and you get ready for massage. Massage is fully covered and the draping is adjusted through the massage. She will adjust pressure as you request and I would compare her to any registered RMT massages I have had. My experience was a good massage and nothing more.
  10. I have never gone to any salons in that area. There used to be someone in some townhouses near by I used to visit although they are not around anymore.
  11. Have they sorted out the technical issues yet?
  12. Sorry Captain I have no information to help. Please let us know how it goes.
  13. I posted my comments earlier on. sometimes no comment can speak volumes or that maybe no one else has gone to her for a massage. why not schedule an appointment and post a review of your experience
  14. I have not had experience with either and did not know there were 2 different people. I was just commenting from what I saw in the link. I guess my bad
  15. I have no idea either. the add says female and yet the profile picture is a dude???
  16. I hear you so much better with their public admission statement vs a speculative comment from myself 😊
  17. Well it is nice to now know you are an Owner from this public comment. For me many of the messages from the past are now understood from a different perspective.
  18. If it is the adds I am thinking of they do not interest me at this time
  19. This and the how far to undress for RMT post
  20. Have to agree. Then you add the pandemic on top of things. too bad this used to be very helpful place to come to
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