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50 Shades Raven

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by 50 Shades Raven

  1. Pretty new crystal stemware to add to my growing collection
  2. Respect truly is a two way street. Being respectful of what we offer is greatly appreciated, in more ways than one ;-) I give of myself for this 'hobby' and I do truly love what I do; who I meet through it and the opportunity to grow within myself. What I find disrespectful is: -negotiators (enough said on that one) -hygiene not up to par (I am fresh, please be the same way when you visit me) -endless messaging with no end in sight of even a potential booking (I don't mean 15 or 20 messages or texts, that is fine, it's when it reaches over a hundred I tend to pull away) -taking advantage of (or trying to) special rates that are no longer offered (from several months ago) -showing up unannounced (you now have my address if you have been here, but it doesn't give you license to just 'show up') -being rude to me just because I cannot take your call at that exact moment (perhaps I am with a gentleman or in an important meeting and I have given you the courtesy of telling you this) Respect definitely is appreciated. We work hard to give you the best experience you will ever have. Being offered a massage by a gentleman is wonderful indeed, even if it is only 5 minutes. Gentle chit chat in the beginning, a great way to break the ice. Nothing shows disrespect more to me than those who insist that I should: -lower my rate, as other girls offer for less -be available when 'you' want it (I do have other clients and book accordingly, and I actually do have a personal life) -(my favorite) the no-show with no notice, no message or explanation (even though an explanation isn't really warranted) especially when it is repeated. Please be respectful of us, we are respectful of you.
  3. .....a touch of kink. Offering to discerning gentlemen, a touch of seduction, with layers of romance, intrigue and bliss. From a cozy night in to a night on the town, let's find that fire within you. Let's pull out all the stops with a night together indulging on the edge. Candlelight, romantic music, drinks and then ....... Bookings can be placed by PM, or text me for more information. Please do read my website for information and choose your desire with me. Let the night unfold into pleasure.
  4. It was so much fun, but I want an Easter present, you! New pics available on my website, take a peek and see. Booking for this week, PM me for details. Please include the following when texting: -your name or handle -what your preference is in time and day -how long you would like for me to entertain you Rude comments will be ignored. I look forward to giving you everything you need.
  5. if the pictures are not of the person that opens the door (or the pics are 5 years ago and not what she looks like now) then you definitely have the opportunity to walk away. To me, that is false advertising. If the rate is different than agreed upon making the appointment, feel free to walk away. Rates are established when making the appointment, why would they change when you get there? Different is if the girl is reducing the rate as they may not be able to offer certain parts that were agreed upon, but they should never be raised unless you ask for longer time, more services than agreed upon, along those lines. Clients have just as much right to walk away if they feel they are being bamboozled.
  6. That is fantastic news, I am so glad to hear that.
  7. "Let me put a spring into your step. Enticing, inviting, outrageous and friendly. I'm mild to wild in every way. Whether you are seeking playful, wistful, take charge or demure, kink or fantasy, I am yours. Great fun in my private incall location, or let's step out on the town for fun and frolic. See my webpage for info, and contact me on here through PM for further information. Great rates available for longer bookings, ask for details. If you wish to text me to see my availability, please be patient if I can't get back to your right away. Please do tell me your handle/name when texting, I like to know who I am communicating with ;-)
  8. When I offered this rate, it was due to relocation. The new offer I have is due to a photoshoot that was just performed. I did it to introduce those to me that had not seen me, and give someone a chance to see me before others see my pics. I call it marketing, and in marketing, market prices vary. Usually for good reasons in this business. I don't offer 'special rates' often, maybe once or perhaps twice in a year. Now that I have invested a large sum into a professional photoshoot, and a completely separate location outside of my home in which to 'entertain', it will be a long time before I offer anything like this again. There are many ladies on this site, and other sites, that offer 'specials' at certain times in their lives. For reasons unknown to me, perhaps they just feel like giving some gentlemen a break, they feel it may promote more interest in them, who knows, it is only for their own reasons that they do this. An example is ladies that tour may have a different rate for travel destinations than they do in their home city. Are we to tell them they should have the same rate as other ladies that reside in that particular city they just happen to be visiting? Probably not. And why shouldn't we do this? Because those ladies set their rates as to what they feel they are worth in this market! A perfectly acceptable thing to do. I know my reasons for doing this, and it is for marketing myself. This is a business in which we ladies market the companionship and/or entertainment that we provide. Having intriguing ads, or things that bring attention to ourselves, is one way of marketing. How I conduct my marketing is my business and one of the reasons that I am an independent is that the only person I have to answer to is me. I set my rates, my hours, what I offer in companionship, who I choose to see and how I choose to advertise. There will always be those that want 'a deal', and there are those of us that will having a lower or higher rate than some. It is not up to the 'normal market' to dictate how I do this. Does this mean I shouldn't buy the tires for my car when they are on special at 'buy 3 get 4' rates like I just did? Or are those tires going to be viewed in a 'de-valued' way by anyone else? Or, do you personally purchase everything at the actual msrp (manufacturers suggested retail price) and refuse to accept the sale price at the cashier because your purchase at that lower rate you may seem to be setting a market trend? Probably not, you probably think you got a great deal, particularly if you traveled any distance to get said item. And I don't believe for a minute that you would tell the store how to conduct their marketing that by having some item at a reduced rate would 'de-value' that in the 'normal market'.
  9. a makeup artists valuable service and a professional photographer for a shoot! Can't wait to see the outcome, loved what I saw already.
  10. This is something I have done. The gentleman in question asked if this was possible, and because he had the advantage of having viewed my pics, I asked him to send me a pic of him. This way I could be sure of the right person to 'slide in beside'. It was like the ultimate fantasy, slide up next to, have a drink, some casual conversation, casual closeness and then head upstairs. Now for me, it was maybe because I was staying at the hotel, but some hotel bars may see this as someone 'working the room'. Because I was a registered guest, it was no problem for me, and I was sure of sitting next to the correct gentleman, but can you just imagine the implications if I had sat next to the wrong gentleman and ended up in a situation? Embarrassment indeed. Personally, I don't see a problem with this, especially if it's a gentleman I've seen before. All you have to do is ask the lady of your choice if this is something she would be up for, and adhere to her booking procedures and screenings. If she asks for a pic to be sure that she has the correct man, by all means send one to her. I had a great time doing this role-playing, and I am sure you will have fun with it too ;-)
  11. Most of us that offer they type of services that you are looking for advertise it on our websites. Check the websites of the ladies/agencies that you are interested in, and don't be afraid to ask questions of what you are looking for. If you are seeking a lady that likes to be in charge, by all means ask if this is something that can be accommodated. There is never anything wrong with asking, and it doesn't matter if that lady is independent or with an agency, once you find the right fit, you will be a happy hobbiest.
  12. I'm wearing pink handcuffs in my new photo shoot ;-) had lots of fun with them on
  13. Tonight only, Tuesday March 31st. Available from 9pm till 6am. My photoshoot is today, be the first to see me before my pics hit my album! Just for the gentlemen of Lyla, I am offering a superb Lyla only special, two for one. Book with me tonight only for this fabulous special. This a one time offering and you will be pleasured to within your wildest dreams. Whether you are looking for fantasy, fetish, wicked or playfulness, I will be here for you. Two hours for the price of one. What more can one ask for in fun. Please review my website, then call me to make arrangements for this incredible package. You will not be disappointed. When you call (I will be taking calls but from unblocked/unrestricted numbers only please), please tell me your Lyla name, which service you would like, and when you would like to be here.
  14. I have been on this wonderful site for just over a year, and I have to say that I find it incredible. There are so many supportive people, great information, wit and candor that it makes my day just reading some of the posts. We are a community that helps each other, is supportive of one another in every way. What have I learned from Cerb/Lyla? I have learned: - to be less self critical - to listen intently to others - to encourage others - that I am not to everyone's taste nor they to mine (but politely said, lol) - that there is absolutely nothing wrong with what I choose to do as a hobby - is that there are wonderful people in which I can be friends with for a few hours and have lots of fun with, no strings attached - to give advice to someone of something they ask that I may have great knowledge of - to be welcoming and more passionate in my personal life - to celebrate all the little flaws that make me who I am I found out about this site from a friend, and I am so glad that it was shown to me. It is the best decision I ever made to be a part of this wonderful community. I give thanks to all of those that have helped me, and I hope for continued reading and learning on here.
  15. it seems pretty obvious from the lack of SPs that have availed themselves of this have not brought it to fruition that it is indeed a dead issue. I personally don't want to 'rate' clients. If a lady asks me about a client that has used me as a reference, I will tell if I have or have not seen the person. I don't go into precise details about the tryst, I may say enjoyable, punctual, courteous, etc. But, only if a lady has asked me. Like Tempted Monk states, I wouldn't want to put clients on the edge by 'rating' them, as it seems. Best to leave the recommendations to the clients themselves.
  16. if there is such a place that is out in the valley that would be recommended as a good place to stay in order to entertain, I would definitely consider going. As Maraena said, a cabin that ads to the ambiance would be just perfect. If anyone has a suggestion as to where to stay in the valley that would not cause the issues that are being discussed here, please PM me privately with them. I've never been out there but I hear it is a beautiful spot.
  17. oooohhhhh, handcuffs can be ssssoooooo much fun! I have both, the regulation ones, and the pink fuzzy play ones. But I do agree, they are definitely not for a 'first date' scenario, but rather when you have worked a trust between the two. I can't decide which is better though, handcuffing someone, or being handcuffed, hhhmmmm, something to think about, lol
  18. I wouldn't mind it so much, but when its been a few times that the same person has done this, it makes me wonder if they are just waiting until the 'deals' come and then they wait until after its over to ask for it.
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