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Everything posted by Taigh815

  1. Check out the ad' for Alyssa right below it. Almost identical format. Stinks to high heaven.
  2. I may be wrong, but it seems from casual perusal of the wider site that NS is relatively active when compared with other parts of the country.
  3. Talking of review culture, there's not a lot of point reviewing the leading ladies of our community. Their reputations are established. I do like to be able to review relative newcomers and the under appreciated. There are so many excellent providers who have no reviews. If they are happy for clients to post here about their experiences, I would encourage them do so,
  4. Watch out folks, she's back! 〓♡〓ℳi$$ KINKI♕QUEEN of CDA♕〓♡〓♕PROPER♕ PRESTIGE PLAY♕〓♡〓 | Halifax | Nova Scotia | Female Escorts | LeoList
  5. Couldn't agree more about Cherry. I had some hot dates last year, but her KGFE has to be experienced to be believed. Can't wait for her next visit.
  6. I understand the issue with personal websites. Expensive and time consuming to maintain. What I was alluding to is the other collective escort sites. On over half of them the ladies’ rates are somewhat out of date. Usually not substantially.
  7. Not wishing to put words into OP's mouth, but here's my take. Pretty much the only SPs who advertise on Lyla are the well established and better known ladies. All are genuine, reliable and, in my experience, excellent. A visitor may not know enough to know this. LL is just so full of scammers and fakes that, as someone said earlier in the thread, it can be a total crap shoot. Locals have a pretty good idea of which advertisers can be taken at face value and the Lyla community is fairly good at helping sort the wheat from the chaff, but again, a visitor would have a much harder time of it. The other thing that can prove troublesome is that the genuine SPs are often in quite high demand and/or low volume, so local regulars often have most of the available slots already taken and some SPs don't respond to enquiries if their dance card is already full. Finally, on most of the Escort websites the ad's are somewhat or extremely out of date, so SPs are often no longer available or their details/rates have changed significantly. Having said all that we have a goodly number and variety of established local SPs, as several posters have noted. You just need to do your research. Hope this helps.
  8. Indeed they did 😊 May even be more to come. Who knows?
  9. No names, no packdrill, but I was up pretty close and personal with a very fine pair of bosoms yesterday, all the while getting the crap beaten out of me. Thank you lovely lady for the delightful stripes!
  10. This thread could turn into something epic. Kind of already has 😍🤣
  11. Those aren't just SOME boobies! 😋
  12. Photos are from Twitter of a girl called Ashley.
  13. Correct. There are two Alexis advertising at the moment. I have been in contact with the lady in Truro who may well be visiting Halifax again in the near future. If she does, I'll be at the front of the queue!
  14. Oh? Where did you park? I assume you're talking about your car 😆
  15. This lady? The girl you've been waiting for.. ALEXIS* INorOUT | Halifax | Nova Scotia | Female Escorts | LeoList
  16. Can you imagine how much that card would fetch at auction?
  17. Photo's are of an OF model called Lauren Alexis.
  18. Also the restaurant episode where Elaine gets the wrong idea about why all the waitresses are stacked 🤣
  19. You can`t go far wrong with Hailey Doll. There are others amongst the better known SPs, but she is the one I`ve had the pleasure of meeting.
  20. Yandex throws up a whole load of similar pictures of a Russian model.
  21. I understand she only does same day bookings and probably doesn't reply if she's not working that day.
  22. Bang on! Sure, there's a lot of scammers and fakes on LL, but the established providers can provide pretty much anything you could want, and not at big city prices.
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