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peacectryguy last won the day on July 12 2024

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About peacectryguy

  • Rank
    Senior Member (100+ Posts)

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  • Profile Welcome Message
    I think it's about time for a profile update and upgrade. My name is Ernie but obviously, on forums like this, I get called Peace. Fwiw, I've been given the nickname "Peachy" by a couple of lovely ladies in this industry. That always garners a smile from me. I am now almost 64 years young and been around the block a bit in my life. I'm just a poor, working stiff (pun intended). I'm not rich or highly educated and I'm very much imperfect. But I do feel I am honest, kind hearted and Intelligent.
    I've been enjoying the pleasure of the companionship of escorts for about 8 years now and kicking myself for not discovering this sooner. I could have avoided marriage and a whole lot of misery but c'est la vie. Onward I go in life. I can honestly say without hyperbole or exaggeration that escorts have proven to be the most honest and genuine people I have met over the years. I appreciate you all. I also appreciate and respect the gents on here who are intelligent and articulate and have helped educate me in all of this. Although I haven't met most of you, I do consider many of you friends. Thank you for this refuge lyla.ch.
  • Gender
  • Location
    Moncton NB
  • Biography
    average, hard- working, fun guy

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  1. Yeah, appears to have lowered her rates a little but she still seems to have the same restrictions and service. I saw her over a year ago and would not waste my money again.
  2. I'm not even sure there is a mod on here anymore, tbh. The site has basically become a dying wasteland. Most of these escort forums and review boards are dying a slow death though. I guess we've ran out of new discussion to bring to the table. I don't know. As for deleting posts, I have no idea. Probably need an Admin to do it.
  3. Lol, some of them don't even try or are extremely stupid. Just saw one on the Moncton LL section that when you open her ad it says"visitin Regina for short stay". Guess the scammers forgot to check the copy and paste.
  4. Canada Adult Fun but to search for it, you have to go caf reviews. It's nationwide but primarily based in Alberta as Calgary and Edmonton are it's biggest subscription areas.
  5. I'm noticing some escorts taking to "kinda/sorta" advertising on Adult Friend Finder's community boards. The old "DM for details" so the site doesn't kick them off. Of course, those are pretty much all in the U.S. and Europe and probably a scam. Most of the dating sites are nothing but scams now anyway. So many obvious ones but some a little more clever. I go on there and just play with it for a distraction and a laugh. Had one message me last week telling me she did porn content and invited me to do a daddy/ daughter fantasy shoot. Told me she lived alone in an apartment building and gave me the address. I laughed my ass off because the building is literally only about 3 blocks away. Newer building but in a sketchy neighborhood and I knew she was fake anyway. I play along for fun anyway and then. of course came the hook. "You will need to contact my international management team and get verified and approved. Only a $250 one time fee that after we meet gets completely refunded and you will be approved from then on and come fuck me anytime you want." I laughed so hard, my coffee spit all over the keyboard.
  6. Tryst is just a pain in the ass to sign up for and Twitter is a cesspool of social media nonsense. Frankly, being online these days is just a pain. Nobody wants to have honest discussions about any topic, let alone sexuality. All there is out there is bitching and bullshit and scammers. Merb and Caf continue to be somewhat sane because of decent moderation but most escort forums have gone downhill in recent times. And, of course, out here in the maritimes, it is getting worse all the time. Still a few around but hard to navigate through all the minutiae.
  7. Yeah, agreed. Almost guaranteed bait and switch as their ads and pics are posted everywhere under hundreds of names. Having said that, as @just_a_mcton_guy-4usaid. you can always walk away. Fwiw, I just assume it will be someone else and sometimes go because A) the price is right and B) they are convenient and I'm just looking to get laid and a nice massage. So I often just stay. If their service is good, I'm okay with it. They do usually give a really good, thorough massage. I do wish their managers or madams would just advertise them a little more accurately as well but it has become the norm for them to do this and it will never change.
  8. I guess one option is one ad in the regular section with the normal GFE or whatever and a seperate ad in the dom and fetish section for that. I don't know if there's an easy answer but as for guys being too timid or whatever, I doubt anything changes that as that is in their DNA. Personally, I'm okay playing with toys, being pegged and maybe some other light stuff but I'm just not into the dom/sub dynamic on any level. And I would never be tied up or something of that nature. Just not my thing but I'm not one to be put off by an ad that offers these fetishes. If I wanted to see the woman and the budget allows, I would go see her, plain and simple. I'm not shy at all. I doubt that I've been much help here, sorry. But hope things are going well for you and maybe some day we'll be in the same place, same time and we can explore the theory further, lol. Take care Jessy.
  9. I think this site is on life support and we are just waiting for the inevitable demise. There is virtually nothing happening and if you can't even post an ad, that shows that the site is going down for the count (to use a boxing analogy).
  10. I'm with you @NotchJohnson I figure if they are too lazy to fill out their stats and just copy and paste some lame, stupid ad with minimal info, they are probably just a scammer or at least, not worth persuing further
  11. I see she posted a new ad with a new name already. That is usually a red flag for me but just looking at her pics and ad, I'm turned off so I won't be able to give any first hand info.
  12. I see there's a new ad up with different names for both her and her duo partner. Fwiw.
  13. Definitely over the top and not dropping behind. My OCD kicks in if someone does it otherwise and I change it, lol.
  14. Breast augmentation. For the ladies that have had it, was it worth it as far as helping your business model? For those that haven't, would you ever consider it?
  15. Also, as for the e-transfer, it obviously is not for everybody as some guys are nervous about it. I get that but for me, it is by far the safest and easiest transaction. But then gain, I'm single and don't have to answer to anybody but myself.
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